‘It pains me to have to admit this but anti-Semitism isn’t just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it’s routine and commonplace. Any Muslims reading this article – if they are honest with themselves – will know instantly what I am referring to. It’s our dirty little secret. You could call it the banality of Muslim anti-Semitism.’ Mehdi Hasan

When Muslims murdered 52 people and injured over 700 in London in 2007 one of the BBC’s main priorities was to attempt to find a motivation for the bombings other than the truth.
The BBC rushed to ask ‘What drove these young British Muslims to do this act?’ The BBC’s answer was of course that it was our own fault…these poor Muslims were probably jobless, disenfranchised, disadvantaged and discriminated against…therefore the BBC concluded…the bombings could be ‘understandable’….when Democracy fails you you have to adopt other means as the BBC once told us in relation to the terrorist group ‘The Weathermen’ in America. The BBC soon backtracked on that approach when complaints flooded in…however they continue it sotto voce.
A murderous spree excused by the BBC on the grounds that the killers were upset becasue they were jobless and unrepresented in the political discourse. And yet the BBC can’t understand why Israel, under constant attack for 70 years and threat of annihilation, should wish to destroy Hamas and its ilk.
The BBC’s John Simpson, the Liberator of Kabul, rustled up a similar excuse when he claimed that riots in France by the Muslim immigrants were due to Muslim’s fury and resentment, bitter grievances, ignored and demeaned, kept in poverty by a system which cares very little about them
The BBC are staying very quiet about the recent bouts of Muslim ‘fury and resentment’ as attackers prowl the streets of Europe hunting down Jews….the same BBC that handed over the airwaves to Muslim activists raging about ‘Islamophobia’ and acted as cheerleader for the orchestrated Establishment witch hunt against the EDL.
The BBC’s almost complete silence on anti-Semitism is striking.
The Sunday Times headlines the new Europe that is developing, and has been, ignored by the BBC, for years…Gaza is just a cover for anti-Semites to carry out their pogroms….after all where are the same ‘protests’ about ISIS, Syria, Pakistan, Nigeria and all those other countires where Christians are becoming an endangered species….not just Christians but Muslims declared not to be ‘Muslim’…and that includes Britain where the Ahmadi are declared blasphemers…and hence are in danger.
The Times states:
‘Anti-Semitic attacks scar British cities.’
Many of the attacks are carried out by young Muslim men it tells us…as do reports from across Europe.
We are told Europe is abandoning its basic values such as freedom and tolerance and is capitulating before those who place hatred and extremism above all else.
Funny how the BBC turns a blind eye.
Oh the BBC nods in the direction of events occuring:
But you know what’s missing? Any mention of Muslim attackers.
However the BBC isn’t so coy when they can pin the blame on the ‘Far Right’ :
Are white supremacists in the US given too much freedom to make hateful speeches? As a shooting spree in Kansas shines a spotlight on extremist ideology and its virulent nature, Tara McKelvey goes back to the scene of the crime, in the city where she grew up, to find out.
Note that the cause of that anti-Semitism is ‘hate..a virulent, extremist ideology ‘.
Surely the man was just neglected, disenfranchised, ignored and demeaned?
The BBC thinks such peole shouldn’t be allowed to voice their opinions.
Of course the BBC wouldn’t like to examine the root causes of rising anti-Semitism as its own reporting is one of the major contributors to that phenomenon.
Its reporting from the Middle East, not just about Israel and Palestine, but about the Iraq war and Afghanistan, has fed into the Islamist narrative that ‘Western foreign policy’ is to blame for all the ills there…serving as a justification for the violence and a recruiting tool for the Jihadists.
Even as we speak the BBC continues to feed the beast….Its reporter Paul Adams in Gaza feeds us Hamas/Islamist propaganda (H/T Is the BBC biased?):
Generations [of Gazans] has experienced nothing but occupation, embargo, blockade, war and death. It’s had a slow brutalising effect. Perhaps that’s why some of them are seized by such a furious desire to tunnel out and seek revenge. For Gaza is a giant prison, surrounding by a wall, watchtowers and the most sophisticated military in the Middle East.
But when so many of those dismembered and burned by Israeli rockets and shells are not the fighters but women, old people and, especially, children, then it’s really, really hard not to conclude that the Palestinians are being collectively punished.
But the BBC has a more subtle approach…encouraging people to criticise Israel, because the default position is that, as we know, Israel’s actions are unjustified and probably war crimes (H/T Jeremy Bowen)…but you know what…do try not to be anti-Semitic there’s a good chap…….
“How to criticise Israel without being anti-Semitic” – that’s the title of a blog post that’s being widely shared as the death toll in Gaza rises.
The blog begins like this: “If you’ve spent any time discussing or reading about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I guarantee you’ve heard some variation of this statement: OMG, Jews think any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic!”
It includes 19 “tips” for anyone who wants to criticise Israel – mainly advice on what to avoid.
The blog also includes a counterpoint post, “How to Support Israel Without Being Racist“, with a similar list of points to avoid. “Don’t call Palestinians ‘animals’ or ‘savages’,” and “Don’t say ‘Arab’ when you mean Palestinian,” for example. It concludes: “If you expect Palestinians and their allies not to be anti-Semitic, you’d better extend the same courtesy and not be racist.”
In this report from Germany the BBC suggests the Jews play the Holocaust card, saying Germans would be far more critical of Israel if only they hadn’t killed 6 million Jews….you must not think the Germans actually support the Israelis just because they say they do or stay quiet!
The BBC of course is once again settling for the default position that Israel is the guilty party in Gaza.

If it weren’t for the Holocaust they’s all be Hamas!!!
The difficulty for many Germans is to know which side to support: Holocaust guilt has made supporting Israel a doctrine of faith for the German government. And anything that calls Israel’s existence into question is beyond the pale.
At the same time many Germans are disturbed by the death toll in Gaza and don’t agree with Israel’s actions.

In this report from BBC Trending, which studiuously ignored Palestinian propaganda that faked a civilian being shot by ‘an Israeli sniper’, the BBC has a subtle dig at Israelis…..

A Facebook campaign has been launched which encourages women to submit sexy selfies to boost the morale of Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers.
The “Standing with IDF” page was launched on Wednesday and now has more than 12,000 likes. It includes dozens of photos of skimpily-dressed women, with “I love IDF” scrawled across their bodies.
Note the obviously pointed juxtapositon of the campaign to support the troops with the death toll from Gaza…..The BBC’s pious, self-righteous, snearing condemnation of Israeli women who give the troops a morale boost as they fight Palestinian terorists….
The slogan expresses support for the IDF currently engaged in a major offensive against Palestinian militants in Gaza. The conflict has so far cost more than 800 lives, the vast majority Palestinian, and mainly civilians, according to the UN.
Perhaps the BBC should have a word with Vera Lynn:

or the Sun:

The BBC happily relays the messages of disgust about the Israeli women’s behaviour….
….many have expressed disgust on social media towards the site. “Facebook insanity! Israeli women posting nude to support IDF so disgusting!” tweeted one woman. Others have described the pictures as “war porn” and “patriotic smut“. Some are calling for the Facebook site to be taken down.
No such disgust about women dressing up in support of terrorism……

No mention by the BBC curiously of this comment on the site either:
Moslem PakravanToday at 10:25
fuck all of you mother fuckers…some bitches support your’e fuckin country….. son of bitches kill women and kids then you come here for support a military that every seconds killing people’s it’s my support to all of Israel. FUCK ALL OF YOU MURDERED FUCK ALL OF MOTHER FUCKERS
Is this also ‘smut or war porn’?

A final word….

Oh yes…let’s not forget the BBC’s boys out there……one for them too….