A Biased BBC reader brings this to our attention;

“Charlie Bloom, the man who ranted at Nigel Farage ‘as a nazi’ on BBC Question Time on 9th May, is not a member of the public as required by BBCQT rules, but has been outed as a planted LibDem activist from Eastleigh.

1. Blooms former partner is Louse Bloom (LibDem councillor Eastleigh); her new Partner is also a LibDem Councillor Keith House
Bloom’s two daughters are Libdems;
Daughter Caitlin Bloom is former LibDem councillor for Eastleigh Grange Park East. Now Deputy President at De Montfort Students Union

2. Bloom’s ‘attack’ on Nigel Farage was pre planned with the collusion the BBC at least 24 hours in advance.

a) It was clear he had no question to ask. Statements are not permitted as the audience is supposed to as a question to the whole panel; it was clear Dimbleby knew this from his introduction.

b) Blooms rant was too polished to be off the cuff, and had clearly been professionally rehearsed with production staff.

c) Both Bloom’s daughters were tweeting about it, 24 hours before recording of QT

Caitlin Bloom @CaitlinBloomDMU · May 8

So tonight dad will be on #bbcqt to grill @Nigel_Farage let’s see what he has to say…

d) Eastleigh LibDems face losing their MPs seat to UKIP’s Diane James in 2015; who us now ahead in the polls; and mist of their council seats

The BBC/Dimbleby clearly knew Bloom was not going to ask a question; but go off on a ‘UKIP are Nazis’ rant. It was clearly pre planned with producers to try and damage Farage,. As Both Blooms daughters were tweeting he was going to ‘get farage’ the day before.

Dimbleby clearly didn’t pick him by accident!

Yet another clear example of a breach of BBCs obligation to be unbiased!.

Not the first time either. This is a rerun of the Amy Rutland incident of 2013, a previous attempt at BBC/ Leftist Party collusion.

Once is careless, twice is deliberate!”


Wel then, the BBC have gotten hold of another story that will be used to demonise OUR soldiers as they face the most savage enemy imaginable;

Photographs which appear to show at least one UK serviceman posing with a dead Taliban fighter are being treated “extremely seriously”, the RAF says. The pictures were taken after a 2012 attack on Camp Bastion, UK troops’ main base in Afghanistan. They first appeared on the website Live Leak. Two RAF Regiment members have been withdrawn from front-line duties.

The taking of so-called trophy photographs is strictly forbidden and military police are investigating The images show some of the damage caused in the attack, but two appear to show at least one member of the RAF Regiment giving a thumbs-up sign while kneeling next to the bloodied body of a dead insurgent. It is not clear whether the same serviceman is in both pictures.

You just KNOW that this one will run in the same way and hold the same legacy as the instance when US soldiers urinated on the bodies of dead Taliban or when Alexander Blackman killed a wounded Jihadist.  The media seem to believe that in warfare one plays by the Queensbury rules. The Taliban don’t, they just kill in the most savage way possible. But when one of OURS steps slightly over an idealistic line – BANG – the inquisition starts.


I am reminded by a Biased BBC read that there is a Select committee gathering evidence on the future of the BBC.

“I don’t believe that this has been covered before, but the select committee is currently gathering evidence which it will put before the government in a report sometime in September. The remit is wide and includes issues of Bias, monitoring, who should oversee the complaints, the licence fee, and many many other areas of concern to us.

People can submit their thoughts at the Culture Media & Sport web page on a section named ‘Future of the BBC’
The more we are able to represent our position, especially in well written cogent form then the more chance we will have to influence the outcome positively.”


The BBC drool over Michelle Obama when they are not still doing all they can for her husband. Her recent engagement on the issue of the kidnapped Nigerian girls by Boko Haram has gotten the BBC all excited and now comes the news that ..

US First Lady Michelle Obama is to deliver her husband’s weekly presidential address to condemn last month’s abduction of Nigerian girls. First ladies normally refrain from outspoken foreign policy remarks, but Mrs Obama has been a vocal campaigner for the release of more than 200 girls.

How very noble of her. I suppose the BBC might take a minute to enquire as to why it is that Michelle’s husband went along with Hillary Clinton’s view that these Islamic savages were NOT a terrorist group? I suppose the BBC might take a further minute to ask where has Michelle been over the past few years as Boko Haram have been slaughtering men women and children? Some might see this entire #bringbackourgirls twitter campaign as little more than ego-indulgence from leftist sirens and ciphers. But not the BBC! By the way, has the BBC asked what the African Union has been doing to help vanquish Boko Haram?



Trojan Sheep


A week ago Paul Weston, chairman of the party Liberty GB, was arrested for quoting Churchill on Islam.

The BBC reported this but didn’t seem to think it significant and the issues, suh as freedom of speech or indeed the issues raised by Weston himself, worthy of exploration…how different the benevolent coverage for the Muslim suicide bomber, or someone encarcerated in Guantanamo Bay, or a ‘community leader’ claiming Muslims are alienated and victimised,  radicalised by British foreign policy.


Wonder what the reaction would have been if Paul Weston had quoted Churchill’s statements from his ‘History of The English Speaking People’s’:

On dealing with quislings and appeasers….

‘It is the primary right of men to die and kill for the land they live in, and to punish with exceptional severity all members of their own race who have warmed their hands at the invader’s hearth.’


Or on the foolishness of those who adopt the customs and beliefs of the invaders:

‘Step by step they were led to practices which disposed to vice – the lounge, the bath, the elegant banquet.  All this in their ignorance they called civilisation, when it was but part of their servitude.’


From that we take a leap to Halal meat, its unannounced introduction into non-Muslim’s diets and the BBC’s reporting of the issues.

The BBC stuck pretty rigidly to the technical issues surrounding Halal slaughter and concluded that there was little difference between the way animals slaughtered for Halal meat and non-Halal meat are treated…if stunned.

This of course dodges the question of religion and the fact that Muslims will object loudly and aggressively if given non-Halal meat but non-Muslims, because they don’t complain so aggressively, are fed Halal meat without any regard for their beliefs or concerns.

As far as slaughtering is concerned there is no reason why animals for Halal slaughter shouldn’t be stunned as long as they are not killed by that ‘stunning’.

According to this study animals not stunned feel the pain of having their throat cut, as you might expect:

Animals feel the pain of religious slaughter


Blood must drain completely from an animal to comply with religious requirements but some claim this doesn’t happen in stunned animals.  However a study shows that there should be no objections to stunning as blood drains just as fast from a stunned, and unconscious,  animal as from an unstunned one, and as long as the animal is only stunned and not dead this is permissible:

Halal-standard slaughtering doesn’t need animals awake



On the technical side the BBC is correct but the issues are deeper than purely ones of animal welfare and are symbolic of the way that Muslim culture, practices and belief have been forced upon the rest of the population by either commercial enterprises looking to cut corners and make a profit (selling Halal to all but not able to sell non-Halal to all) or Establishment organisations looking to appease Muslims whilst dismissing the concerns of the non-Muslims…often as the BBC’s ex-DG Mark Thompson said they don’t pack an AK47 at the end of the day:

“Without question, ‘I complain in the strongest possible terms’, is different from, ‘I complain in the strongest possible terms and I am loading my AK47 as I write’,” he said. “This definitely raises the stakes.”


Imagine the uproar if it was deemed that only non-Halal meat was to be served or sold in the UK….but no one was told….Instead we have the opposite, the ‘Trojan Sheep’ fed to us by commercial enterprises all too willing to ride roughshod over sensibilties in the search for a quick buck (as they do also with cheap immigrant labour) and an Establishment all to ready to appease an aggressive minority many of whom make veiled threats if they don’t get their way…‘the youth will be angry and we can’t guarantee to control them.’

Essentially people are being forced to adopt Muslim culture either because it is easier and cheaper to make everyone conform to the minority rather than make separate arrangements for that minority…or, heaven forbid, make the minority conform to the norm.

Going to be a bit of a nightmare when the Sikhs, Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Pagans, Jedi Warriors all want equal billing and their own brand of belief catered for…literally or otherwise.

The BBC has long been famous for its grovelling approach to Islam….whether Room 101’s approach, or Nicky Campbell’s craven prostration and self-abasement when talking of Islam and of his great respect for it, or Thompson’s admission that Islam gets special treatment due to the unique nature of any likely complaints.



With that in mind this article from the New Statesman might make interesting reading:


The challenge of Islam

The author, David Selbourne, was asked by John Kerry to write a briefing paper on the Islamist threat. He explains here what he told the US secretary of state and why he feels progressives have allowed themselves to be silenced by frightened self-censorship and the stifling of debate.

A beheading in Woolwich, a suicide bomb in Beijing, a blown-up marathon in Boston, a shooting in the head of a young Pakistani girl seeking education, a destroyed shopping mall in Nairobi – and so it continues, in the name of Islam, from south London to Timbuktu. It is time to take stock, especially on the left, since these things are part of the world’s daily round.

There is an objective historical need, and duty, to record radical Islam’s many-sided and determined advance upon the “infidel” world. Most still do not know what manner of force – the millions of peaceful Muslims notwithstanding – has struck it. And, with its own arms and ethics, it will continue to do so, perhaps till kingdom come.

The left continues covertly to celebrate US foreign policy blunders and defeats, while the naive see jihadists as a minority of “fanatics”. It is not so simple. To add to the confusion, President Obama’s stances, however well intentioned, have made their own contribution to the Islamic renaissance. Or as he expressed it in a speech in Cairo in June 2009, America and Islam “share common principles . . . of justice and progress, tolerance” – tolerance? – “and the dignity of all human beings”.

The non-Muslim world is too unaware of what is afoot, hobbled by its wishful thinking and lack of knowledge, and whistling in the dark. In a position paper I wrote for him [John Kerry], I set out a list of the failures that the west, and especially the US, has on its hands. Among them are the failure to recognise the ambition of radical Islam; the failure to condemn the silence of most Muslims at the crimes committed in their names; the failure to respond adequately to the persecution of Christians in many Muslim lands; the failure to grasp the nature of the non-military skills that are being deployed against the non-Muslim world – skills of manoeuvre, skills in deceiving the gullible, skills in making temporary truces in order to gain time (as in Iran); and, perhaps above all, the failure to realise the scale and speed of Islam’s advance.

“If things continue like this,” I told friend Kerry, “the history of our age may one day be written under a caliphate’s supervision.” I added brashly: “Get your aides to read the Quran. Keep political correctors at bay,” and “stop looking for the emergence of Jeffersonian democracies in Muslim lands”. “It has gotten me thinking,” he replied; and after further exchanges, “I agree with a great deal of what you’ve said.”

Islamists make no bones about their aspiration for “mastership of the world”, as Mohamed Badie, the Muslim Brotherhood leader, put it in December 2011. Muslim (and not merely Islamist) disdain for “the west” is also growing; in July 2012, the speaker of the Iranian parliament des­cribed it as a “dark spot in the present era”.

Such confidence, or arrogance, is easily understood. For these are times in which conversions to Islam in western countries are accelerating.

To the aid of Islam has also come the betrayal by much of today’s left of its notionally humane principles, as Christians are assaulted and murdered (shades of what was done to the Jews in the 1930s) and their churches desecrated and destroyed from Egypt to the Central African Republic, from Iran to Indonesia, and from Pakistan to Nigeria. Islam can kill its own apostates, too; in many Muslim countries denies reciprocity to other faiths in rights of worship; and seeks to prevent reasoned discussion about its beliefs by attempted resort to blasphemy laws.

So where is the old left’s centuries-long espousal of free speech and free thought? Where is the spirit of Tom Paine? The answer is simple. It has been curbed by frightened self-censorship and by the stifling of debate, in a betrayal of the principles for which “progressives” were once prepared to go to the stake.

And just as some Jews are too quick to call anti-Zionists “anti-Semites”, so some leftists are too quick to tar critics of Islam as “Islamophobes”.

To add to such falsehoods come the illusionists of every stripe, with their unknowing, simplistic or false descriptions of Islam as a “religion of peace”. Even today’s Pope – as the Christian faithful were being harried, persecuted or put to the sword in Nigeria, Syria, Iraq and beyond – told the world in November 2013 that “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Quran are opposed to every form of violence”. But read the text yourself, and you will see that jihadists can find plenty justification for the acts they commit, even if most Muslims are pacific.

The present renaissance of Islam, additionally provoked, as ever, by western aggressions against its lands, is an old story of swift movement and conquest, as in the 7th century. Is something like it stirring again? Perhaps; you decide. In 50 years’ time the world will know for sure.

Karl Marx was wiser than the Pope. In March 1854, he wrote that for “Islamism” – the word was already in use – “the Infidel is the enemy” and that the Quran “treats all foreigners as foes”.



The BBC, and many others, some all too well connected to the Saudi Royal family or Qataris, are in denial about what the Koran says…or all too willing to adopt the practices for themselves and others…that ‘servitude’ Churchill spoke of.

Even today as Boko Haram marauds around Nigeria slaughtering hundreds in the name of Islam the BBC insists that it is poverty and inequality that drives them…never mind the name, the beliefs or that half of Nigeria has been Islamised and Christians made to submit or be chased from the north of the country.

What will it take to make the likes of the BBC admit that the Koran inspires this radicalism, that the Koran urges conquest and colonisation, that the Koran entraps its adherents and is designed so that the Religon will always expand, grow and eventually dominate any society it infiltrates?

Until the BBC et al does admit that, and they recognise the problem for what it is and what it means for the future, there will never be any resolution.





Climate Insurance Fraud?



Today let loose a climate change advocate…Trevor Maynard(08:47)… but they didn’t tell us his links to the climate lobby.   Today didn’t question his claims…..that hurricanes are getting stronger,  that we’re heading for a 4 degrees temperature rise (a horrible scenario!), that we have to decarbonise…they did suggest there might be a pause in warming but were told that there has  definitely been no pause in global warming…’that’s completely wrong’…an answer they were happy to accept, as they were with his claim that the ‘excess’ heat is going into the ocean….not being a ‘climate scientist’ he’s obviously learnt his script well….spoon fed to him by the likes of Bob Ward no doubt.

Climate activist Bob Ward (paid for by Big Oil) who has worked closely with Maynard….a relationshp that the BBC didn’t bother to reveal either.


Trevor Maynard works for Lloyds Insurance and is keen to tell us that the risks from climate change are immense and that the damage done by extreme weather are increasing….no vested interests there?

In 2008 we had Maynard and Ward working together….

Coastal flooded high-risk property insurance losses could double by 2030- Lloyds

“The research shows that, with an effective adaptation strategy, future losses could be reduced to below present-day levels with losses for high-risk properties reduced by as much … must be location-specific and risk informed. They must also begin today.”  Co-authored by Trevor Maynard, Manager of Emerging Risks at Lloyd’s and Bob Ward and Nicola Patmore ..


And again here:

Finally, Robert Ward, Trevor Maynard, Emmanuel Leblanc, Erwann Michel-Kerjan and Frederic Morlaye present the main concerns and recommended strategies of private sector stakeholders involved in risk management, to deal with the new challenges and opportunities associated with climate change adaptation and mitigation.



The insurance companies have a huge vested interest in hyping climate change and they fund climate lobbyists:

As well as funding by the ESCR the CCCEP is also funded by a large insurance company, who might obviously have a vested interest in creating some alarm about climate change:

‘Generous support for the Centre’s work is also provided by Munich Re’

The Munich Re programme
Evaluating the economics of climate risks and opportunities in the insurance sector
This research programme is funded by Munich Re and benefits from research collaborations across the industry and public sectors. It is a comprehensive research programme that focuses on the assessment of the risks from climate change, and on the appropriate responses, to inform decision making in the private and public sectors.

Now surely just a coincidence but Bob Ward used to work in the insurance industry:

He was: Director of Global Science Networks at global risk insurance firm RMS.
While Ward’s employment is ostensibly with the Grantham, he also doubles up as PR man for the CCCEP. The CCCEP is funded jointly by the UK’s research councils and risk insurance giants Munich Re.
The close association between climate alarmists and the insurance industry is no less natural than that between ‘sceptics’ and Exxon. Just as Exxon might be expected to play down the threat of climate change when it suits them, Munich Re can be relied upon to overstate the dangers. Fear of risk is to the insurance industry what oil is to Exxon.

The difference is that Bob Ward doesn’t write letters of complaint to Munich Re insurers or articles for the Guardian when Munich Re disseminates ‘misleading and inaccurate information about climate change’ – which they surely do.’


And Ward writes papers about climate and insurance risk:

Herweijer, C., Ranger, N., and Ward, R.E.T. July 2009. Adaptation to climate change: threats and opportunities for the insurance industry. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: issues and practice, v.34 pp.360-380.

Ward, R.E.T., Herweijer, C., Patmore, N., and Muir-Wood, R. January 2008. The role of insurers in promoting adaptation to the impacts of climate change. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice, v.33, pp.133-139.

Ward, R.E.T., Muir-Wood, R., and Grossi, P. 2007. Flood risk in New Orleans: implications for future management. Geophysical Research Abstracts, v.9, 04542.



A very small world, one that hasn’t been getting warmer for at least 16 years.







Tony Blair…Next Chairman Of The BBC Trust?


Patten has fled the scene of the crime and space is being booked in the Guardian’s jobs vacant section.

But who might be the best candidate for the job as Chairman of the BBC Trust?

The Telegraph has a stab at defining the necessary characteristics:

The debate about the BBC is one of the most important we will have in this country in the next few years. Unless you believe the best thing that could happen to the corporation is for it to be smashed up and sold off, then it makes sense to put its oversight in the hands of a convincing, heavyweight figure who can take on the politicians, the media and all the others who claim a right to decide its future. BBC chairman is one of the biggest small-p political jobs in Britain. To put it in the hands of someone who can’t play that game would be to cause it irreparable harm.


What’s noticeable about the article is that it illustrates just how much it is the responsibility of the BBC Trust to defend the BBC…..and yet it is also the final arbiter for complainants.

The two opposing responsibilities mean that there is a significant conflict of interest making the BBC Trust’s job ultimately impossible to carry out without compromises that undermine its credibility.

Separation of the two roles must surely be a priority to safeguard the BBC and the audience’s trust and respect for it.