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Just a reminder of the fickle world of politics……


David Cameron has declared that “Britain is a Christian country and we should not be afraid to say so”, in a speech to mark the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible.

“The King James Bible is a book that has not just shaped our own country, but shaped the world,”


When did he declare that?  In 2011.


Cameron told Church of England clergy gathered in Oxford that a return to Christian values could counter the country’s “moral collapse” and blamed a “passive tolerance” of immoral behaviour for this summer’s riots, Islamic extremism, City excess and Westminster scandals.



Where were the 50 Humanists then?

The BBC doesn’t quote his previous statement but merely refers obliquely to it here:

Downing Street spokeswoman referred to a speech made three years ago by the prime minister where he said the UK was a Christian country and should not be afraid to say so.

“He has said on many occasions that he is incredibly proud that Britain is home to many different faith communities, who do so much to make the UK a stronger country.”


The BBC then slips in the suggestion that it might all just be a political ploy……

BBC political correspondent Chris Mason said Mr Cameron’s comments could be politically “useful”, coming as the UK Independence Party (UKIP) has been “emphasising traditional values”


Wonder if Chris Mason has been nobbled in the BBC canteen by the BBC’s nemesis turned best mate, Alastair Campbell….

David Cameron faking Christian convictions, suggests Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair’s spin doctor, doubts sincerity of the Prime Minister’s Christian faith








Weak Start



This week’s Start the Week had ‘Anne McElvoy looking back at the life of the maverick scientist James Lovelock who pioneered the theory of Gaia, of a self-regulating Earth.’

Like that ‘maverick’ label.

Lovelock also looks to the future and the next evolution of Gaia which could lead to the extinction of human life, and a rise of Artificial Intelligence, but the writer and ecologist George Monbiot prefers his future world with wolves, wild boars and beavers living alongside humans.

And physicist Joanna Haigh explains how scientists from all disciplines are working together to measure the impact of solar activity on the Earth’s climate.


Lovelock has been having quite a bit of media attention for his change of heart about climate change, even getting an interview with Paxo on Newsnight.

Lovelock is famous, a scientist, and has a high credibility rating which can’t be easily dismissed.

Therefore when he criticises the climate change lobby people will take note….

‘Take this climate matter everybody is thinking about. They all talk, they pass laws, they do things, as if they knew what was happening. I don’t think anybody really knows what’s happening. They just guess. And a whole group of them meet together and encourage each other’s guesses.’

“The problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books—mine included—because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn’t happened.”


I imagine the likes of Roger Harrabin have been tearing their hair out at this unwarranted intrusion by a renowned scientist into their carefully crafted world….and shaking it to the foundations.

Undoubtedly someone, possibly Harrabin, decided to undermine Lovelock…..Harrabin does have form after all when he organised the BBC party line to downplay a court decision that judged Al Gore’s scaremongering video to be just that.

Start the Week notably failed to either quote or get Lovelock to reprise his recent views….the closest they got to mentioning them was saying Lovelock has been a ‘bit dismissive’ of some of the IPCC’s conclusions….and asked ‘Is he wrong?’

And that was that.

We then had much of the rest of the programme not really talking about Lovelock, despite it ostensibly being about him, instead, naturally we got pro-AGW hype and George Monbiot peddling his free range zoo idea.

It was in essence a ploy to downplay Lovelock and big up climate change.

There were some of the usual claims but also some things of note that perhaps they wish they hadn’t said.


The first thing to come out was that we the Public are too ignorant to understand the science, the computer models, or the theories behind them.  We also can’t understand the risks associated with climate change…and that’s a problem for scientists who have to communicate that to us dummies.

Joanna Haigh says that…..

Scientific research produces results that are within a breadth of certainty…certain odds that the climate will do this or do the other and people don’t understand that.

As a scientist you’re not able to do any better than that.

The climate system is so wonderfully complex and complicated and interactive that actually predicting what it will do in a particular place and a particular time is pretty much impossible.


Er…hold on….predicting the climate is pretty much impossible!!!!


James Lovelock does get to slip in that we have been led up the creek by scientists and environmentalists by their use of ice core data…..there is no linear relationship between CO2 and temperature.…in the lab yes, in real life no…but a narrative still pushed by the BBC and the ‘Lobby’:

They tell us that it is a linear relationship…..the BBC’s Matt McGrath  pushing the point backed up by the Met. Office’s Peter Stott: ‘….and it is a clear linear relationship, so that the more you pump into the atmosphere, the more the temperature goes up, its… in a very complex system it is as simple as that?’

Stott: ‘There is this very clear linear relationship between the overall emissions of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, carbon dioxide, and the global temperature rise, so the more we emit, the more the temperature increases.’


Except it’s not..…if CO2 has risen a massive 40% why is it that temperatures have risen a mere 0.85° C since 1880 and have now stalled even as CO2 increases ever faster?

Joanna Haigh then pipes up and says that the sun is the driver of climate and CO2 is a result of that….surely some mistake!

Monbiot jumps in later to say that we shouldn’t allow doubts and uncertainties about climate to stop us making decisions…don’t be passive and defeatist he says….as opposed to acting on uncertain information in a way that would definitely radically alter your life for the worse which would be the result of following his advise.

Monbiot goes onto claim Lovelock has a ‘profound and irrational prejudice against people who try to turn science into public policy.’

Guess he’s not happy about criticism of the consensus then.

He then says Lovelock suggested that politicians, as they are not scientists, should just shut up…Monbiot said that was ‘terribly unfair’.

Can we take it then that he thinks the BBC’s ‘medieval and ignorant’ approach to dealing with climate sceptics is also ‘terribly unfair’?

Haigh then clambers back on board the consensus and claims that we know the physics of CO2 and that CO2 levels are higher than ever….the resultant heat generated is ‘entirely due to human activity’.

Er…where’s the proof of that….and where’s the evidence about CO2?….all the evidence points the other way…she herself earlier in the programme admitted as much.


Haigh then says that we can’t rely on the ocean to suck up all the heat…it may go into the surface but, if it does mix into the depths, that will only happen over the very long term.

Er….didn’t Harrabin insist that the deep oceans were already sucking up all that excess heat and that was why we were having the ‘slowdown’ as he puts it?

‘We’ve been dumping our problems into the oceans’ and ‘global warming has paused on land but the oceans have continued to warm and we’re not going to get away with it forever.’

I’ll have to go with the scientist here…not the English graduate.


Monbiot ended with a plea that we must trust the scientists…..the subject is so complex that we can’t possibly begin to understand the science…therefore we must take on trust what the researchers tell us….despite him quoting the Royal Society motto…‘Take nothing on trust’.

He also said, in relation to the release of bears and wolves and other dangerous beasts to roam the UK freely in his grand plan for a free range zoo, that people have a strange idea about risk…they overestimate the risk when really there is no danger.

Do I need to fisk that?  Not really, I suspect you’re there already.


All in all an interesting programme…shame it wan’t really about Lovelock at all…. having on two climate change lobbyists regurgitating the propaganda is exceedingly boring….probably I just didn’t understand it.  Examing the life, thoughts and changing perspectives of ‘One of the world’s top public intellectuals, a titan of post-war science working outside mainstream scientific institutions coming up with some of the most original ideas of our time‘ without the interruption of two stooges might have been more interesting.





















Just listened to the whole of the Today programme interview with Jack Straw and an MCB rep (Talha Ahmed?)

The question raised by John Humphrys asked that as many schools now have Muslim pupils in the majority ‘How should schools cope with that?’…..also asking‘Do you see this as a problem?’


Ahmed naturally said no, no fact all the diversity (?) adds value to the wider society.

He said we couldn’t have a proper debate because it was taking place in a charged atmosphere about Muslims taking control.

Humphrys stepped in there and corrected him…it was surely ‘extremists’ taking control.

Ahmed changed ‘Muslims’ to militants and Humphrys gave a satisfied ‘yep’….nothing to see here about Islamic values and their possible ‘extremism’….couldn’t possibly be ‘real Muslims’ wanting to impose Islam upon schools!

Then Ahmed said something of note that Humphrys didn’t press despite his last intervention….there is no concrete definition of what is an extremist or an Islamist.

That’s very true but it suits the apologists for Islam and the likes of the MCB……if you define an extremist as someone who merely has strong religious beliefs then all devout Muslims are extremist and Islam itself is an extreme ideology.

Therefore dodging that question is essential for anyone who wants to protray Islam as ‘moderate’ and the Religion of Peace.

Humphrys did suggested that the debate is switching from talk of extremists to talk of Islamification of schools.

Straw came in and said yes, in the context that many schools have majority Muslim populations we have to understand that there are many tensions within the Muslim communities themselves…it is a power struggle.

Is there battle between ‘extremists’ and ‘moderates’…or just between different groups of Muslims, all similarly devout?  The BBC always says there is a battle….the Islamists are always ‘extreme’.

However Ahmed said that there is not a battle between extremists and moderate Muslims….so perhaps he is suggesting that there is no such thing as extreme and moderate Islam…there is just Islam?  Heard that before from the MCB.

If there is no battle between extremist and moderate Muslims why does the BBC portray the Islamification of schools as the imposition of the beliefs of Muslims with strongly held views upon Moderate Muslims?  That is…the majority of Muslims don’t really want to follow ‘Islam’….they want Islam Lite….and as such pose no ‘threat’ to a secular democratic state.

Once again the BBC tries to downplay the true values that Islam teaches…and how many people follow them…religiously.



Straw then states that we must accept that we live in the UK and alongside religious values there has to be a clear understanding that there are a set of values which permeate our sense of citizenship.

Ahmed says that Muslims accept that…he knows of no Muslims who disagree with that…however….people should respect the space that Muslims need to practice their religion.

That last of course is where the problems begin…just how much slack do you give a religion to go its own way in society?

As said before such claims from Muslims about accepting ‘one law for all’ overriding Islamic law and culture are questionable….when Tariq Ramadan (who has a large following among Muslim youth in the UK..says the BBC) states that there is no such thing as a Western culture you have to recognise what he means and the threat such language poses to that ‘non-existent’ Western culture:

“But we have to also ask our fellow citizens [to remove the ghettos] by recognising European society has changed. We have to get rid of this idea that there is this homogenous European culture that Islam threatens.”


Throughout the BBC interview Ahmed, from the MCB, repeatedly suggested he went along with everything….no extremists, one law for all, segregation is bad….but on the MCB Twitter feed we get the real views:





So essentially we get the message from the MCB…we listen to your views with interest and agree with them all….except…..


Why the BBC continues to give the MCB credibility and airtime without challenging its real views is a mystery.










Have to laugh at the way in which the BBC instantly turns on one of its more usual favourites, the pro EU CBI, the nano-second it take a view they oppose. In Scotland, the CBI has chosen to oppose Scotland leaving the UK and this has caused those quangos who belong to the Scottish Government and who are also members of the CBI, to resign from the BBC. Listen to the hard time the CBI D-G is given by Evan Davies at at 1.14mins into the programme today.


Wonder what you reckon to the interview that took place just after 7.34am on Today programme this morning? It relates into the investigation into those schools in Birmingham and the rampant Islamification that took place within them. The BBC, being fair and impartial, sought the views of Labour MP Khalid Mahmoud. And only Khalid Mahmoud. Guess what – Khalid thinks the investigation is confused. I wonder why Khalid never thought to raise the issue during those years it was happening – he was oblivious of it all this time but now he is suddenly an expert. Listen to John Humphyrs seek to excuse the proselytising of Wahhabism and do all he can to mock the notion of any plot.



God forbid a British Prime Minister should assert that this country has a clear CHRISTIAN heritage. The BBC were always going to jump all over this as Alan has already referenced. I caught Peter Tatchell being given free rein to attack Cameron and more importantly attack the idea that Britain is still at least nominally ‘Christian’. Isn’t this the same Peter Tatchell who is on record for urging that the age of consent be lowered to 14? Yes, I can see why the Comrades at the BBC turned to this fine upstanding person to diss over the Christians, esp at Easter. Of course, when ISLAM gets a hold, Tatchell, Dame Tuscany and the other secular zealots that write to the DT may find their options rather more limited. Christianity is an easy target and the BBC never miss a chance to rubbish it. I’m not saying any religion is above media critique but when I look at Islam, and how the BBC treat if with SUCH simpering reverence, it surely shows a massive double standard.

Religious Appeasement



Islam has long been appeased, and now for different reasons, the Christians are having their turn as Cameron tries to smooth things over with the troublesome Bishops.

Cameron has decided to ‘Do God’….and Miliband, not a Christian, nor religious, also recently jumped on the band wagon with a trip to Israel and a sudden discovery that he is Jewish….making sure he got in the headlines at Easter when otherwise he had nothing to say.

But it is Cameron’s statement that Britain is a ‘Christian country’ that has stirred things up…so much so that 55 of our greatest and brightest have written to the Telegraph to tell him to shut up about religion in politics….

David Cameron fosters division by calling Britain a ‘Christian country’


All the more interesting because the lead signatory is the BBC’s Jim Al-Khalili who sounds Islamic but ‘doesn’t have a religious bone in his body’……..and good to see Prof. Steve Jones in there…considering he is a ‘believer’ in the new religion of climate change perhaps a bit of a cheek….though no surprise that he should seek to silence anybody he disagrees with.


SIR – We respect the Prime Minister’s right to his religious beliefs and the fact that they necessarily affect his own life as a politician. However, we object to his characterisation of Britain as a “Christian country” and the negative consequences for politics and society that this engenders.

Apart from in the narrow constitutional sense that we continue to have an established Church, Britain is not a “Christian country”. Repeated surveys, polls and studies show that most of us as individuals are not Christian in our beliefs or our religious identities.

At a social level, Britain has been shaped for the better by many pre-Christian, non-Christian, and post-Christian forces. We are a plural society with citizens with a range of perspectives, and we are a largely non-religious society.

Constantly to claim otherwise fosters alienation and division in our society. Although it is right to recognise the contribution made by many Christians to social action, it is wrong to try to exceptionalise their contribution when it is equalled by British people of different beliefs. This needlessly fuels enervating sectarian debates that are by and large absent from the lives of most British people, who do not want religions or religious identities to be actively prioritised by their elected government.

Professor Jim Al-Khalili, President of the BHA
Phillip Pullman, author
Dan Snow, historian and broadcaster
Tim Minchin, musician and writer
Dr Simon Singh, science writer
Ken Follett, novelist
Dr Adam Rutherford, broadcaster and science writer
Sir John Sulston FRS, Nobel Prize-winning scientist
Sir David Smith FRS FRSE, eminent botanist
Professor Jonathan Glover, philosopher
Professor Anthony Grayling, philosopher
Nick Ross, broadcaster
CJ De Mooi, actor and professional quizzer
Virginia Ironside, writer
Professor Steven Rose, scientist and writer
Natalie Haynes, comedian and writer
Peter Tatchell, human rights campaigner
Professor Raymond Tallis FMedSci, physician, philosopher and author
Dr Iolo ap Gwynn FRMS, scientist and mountaineer
Stephen Volk, screenwriter and author
Professor Steve Jones, Professor of Genetics, science writer and broadcaster
Sir Terry Pratchett OBE, fantasy fiction author, satirist
Dr Evan Harris, former Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament and Vice President of the BHA
Dr Richard Bartle, Professor of Computer Game Design
Sian Berry, Green campaigner, politician and author
Professor John A Lee, consultant histopathologist and Professor of Pathology
Professor Richard Norman, philosopher
Zoe Margolis, author
Joan Smith, journalist and author
Michael Gore, CVO CBE
Derek McAuley, General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
Lorraine Barratt, former member of the Welsh Assembly
Dr Susan Blackmore, writer and broadcaster
Dr Harry Stopes-Roe, Vice President of the BHA
Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC (Hon), human rights lawyer
Adele Anderson, actor and singer
Dr Helena Cronin, co-director, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science
Professor Alice Roberts, Professor of Public Engagement in Science, anatomist, author and broadcaster
Professor Chris French, Professor of Psychology, editor of The Skeptic
Sir Tom Blundell, scientist
Maureen Duffy, poet, playwright and novelist
Baroness Whitaker, Labour peer
Lord Avebury, Liberal Democrat peer
Richard Herring, writer and comedian
Martin Rowson, writer and cartoonist
Tony Hawks, comedian, writer, musician and philanthropist
Peter Cave, philosopher and author
Diane Munday, campaigner
Professor Norman MacLean, Emeritus Professor of Genetics, biologist
Sir Harold Kroto FRS, Nobel Prize winner, Professor of Chemistry
Sir Richard Dalton, former diplomat
Sir David Blatherwick, KCMG, OBE, diplomat and writer
Michael Rubenstein, writer and legal expert
Polly Toynbee, columnist and broadcaster
Lord O’Neill, Labour peer
Warren Lakin, entertainment producer and writer



I just caught the end of a Today programme interview (08:32) on this, quick off the mark when they want to be as the letter was only published last night. Jack Straw and a member from the MCB were the talking heads.

Straw told us that of course it was only a small minority (ala the BBC’s Phil Mackie) who held strong beliefs about Islam and wanted to practice them [!?]….he claimed that those who said non-Muslims were ‘infidels’ or didn’t think women were the equal of men were extremists and unacceptable…the MCB guy agreed wholeheartedly.

Problem…such beliefs are at the heart of Islam, and indeed many religions.  To have the MCB representative nod along and be allowed to get away with that was ridiculouos…the MCB is at the centre of the ‘Trojan Horse’ plot…..they may not have written that letter but the values expressed in it are the values that the MCB wants to impose upon schools and society.

As shown before the MCB introduced its ‘guidance’ to schools in 2007:

Meeting the needs of Muslim pupils in state schools
Towards Greater Understanding

Essentially pleading that Muslims will only be able to integrate if they don’t actually have to integrate and are allowed to live by their own laws and practices.

It was readily taken up by local authorities….in other words the Islamic principles criticised by Straw and now creating such a furore in Birmingham were openly recommended by the MCB and taken up by the Establishment and recommended as ‘best practice’.

A weak establishment is letting Islamists threaten British freedoms

All Islamist schools of thought are hostile to democracy


It is odd that the BBC brings in the MCB, well known as ‘extremist’ in its views, as representative of the community…….which we heard was so ‘diverse’.

A contradiction there…..if extremists (those who actually follow their religion apparently)  are only a ‘small minority’ how is it that the ‘extremist’ MCB represents the whole Muslim community on the BBC?

Surely the ‘extremist’ MCB only represents ‘a small minority’ then... with er… ‘strongly held religious beliefs‘ and not any other Muslim.



As for the Humanist letter writers…Humanism is just an ideology the same as any religion….democracy, freedom of thought, expression and speech, tolerance and human rights……they want to impose those upon all……and yet deny others the right to differ.

In other words it’s OK to impose that for the common good but not Christianity…..depending on what you think the common good is…and they have decided their version of life is the best and should be triumphant.

In other words their claim that ‘We are a plural society with citizens with a range of perspectives, and we are a largely non-religious society.‘ is bunk….they pay lip service to that then impose their ‘one law for all’.

One law for all is their message regardless what others think…does that ‘ foster alienation and division in our society.‘?  Muslims constantly claim it does….insisting they can only ‘integrate’, ironically, by not integrating and living by their own rules.

Bit of a muddle from all……the letter writers are in fact expressing the BBC world view….and being equally confused….don’t impose one ideology in order to not alienate the ‘other’ but do impose the ‘others’ religion upon everyone else turning them into ‘virtual Muslims’ by default.


The letter says: ‘Although it is right to recognise the contribution made by many Christians to social action, it is wrong to try to exceptionalise their contribution when it is equalled by British people of different beliefs.’

So your own culture and values are worth no more than any other and therefore anyone coming into the country can live by their own rules?

That is the line taken by Islamists like Tariq Ramadan, a BBC favourite:

“But we have to also ask our fellow citizens [to remove the ghettos] by recognising European society has changed. We have to get rid of this idea that there is this homogenous European culture that Islam threatens.”


In other words there’s no such thing as ‘Western Society and culture’ that needs ‘defending’….

‘Ramadan does not see Muslim identity and European identity as mutually exclusive. He claims that today Muslims are already Europeans and calls indigenous people “just older immigrants,”


This from the man who utters prayers such as this:
“Allah we ask you because you are Allah, strengthen the faith of our brothers and sisters in Palestine, Allah strengthen their faith in Palestine and make them triumphant over the enemy, Your enemy, the enemy of the religion (Islam) with your mercy, oh, Generous one. Allah strengthen their faith in Palestine, in Chechnya, Afghanistan, in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, in Egypt, Sudan, Kashmir and in every land and on every battlefield. Allah, strike our enemies, Your enemies, the enemies of the religion (Islam). “



This is from the MCB …’In 2008, Mr Alam publicly argued “against advocating that desegregation [in schools] should be actively pursued” and stressed the “obligatory nature” of the hijab for Muslim women and girls.…written by Tahir Alam…one of the people  at the centre of the Trojan Horse allegations…..note his statements about the obligatory nature of Islamic practices….

Tahir Alam    Muslim Council of Britain   
Recommendation VI Para 1.
On desegregation strategies:  I would caution against advocating that desegregation should be  “actively pursued”. This in the main may not be possible nor desirable by minority communities or by indigenous majorities communities. Segregation in schools in the main results from segregational residential housing rather schooling choices. Such advocacy would therefore be not relevant in too many cases where it is impossible to relocate and or compel tens of thousands of people to move or be bussed to different schools!!!!

Recommendation VI  para 4.

Rephrase this as follows:

“In relation to the right to manifest religion in schools or educational institutions; Special instruments……between religious minorities and educational institutions that serve them with the view to better understanding  and accommodating their religious needs within schools.”

(The word “secular” should not be used as a category as this is inaccurate and incorrect for education systems in many country)

The word religious “preferences”  seems to diminish the obligatory nature of many religious practices such as wearing of head headscarfs, praying the five daily prayers or Modesty -values of covering ones body (dress code), fasting during Ramadan etc.

“Religious symbols”   Again wearing headscarf for example is not a symbolic act but a matter of  modesty, dignity, religious obligation and duty to God. Reducing it to “religious symbol” is to negate the obligatory nature of its importance to those that decide to wear it.



The ‘Cost of Living Peacefully’ Crisis



Chickens coming home to roost…thanks to George R:

The Frightened Arts

In the new edition of Standpoint, out this week, NCF director Peter Whittle writes that far from being cutting-edge, the British cultural establishment ignores the biggest threat to artistic freedom: radical Islam


It is indeed the increasing presence of Islam, and a fear of Islamism, which more than anything else has exposed the claims of the arts apologists to be seriously at the forefront of anything.

Over the past decade people in the arts have caved in and censored themselves at the prospect of Islamist reaction, sometimes out of fear of violence, other times a politically correct desire not to give offence, or because in some skewed way they feel their job is to stand up for those their dogma tells them are “victims”.

Grayson Perry should perhaps get the last word. In 2007 he declared in a statement which some admired for its honesty but others might have seen as depressing evidence of how meek our arts had become, that when it came to his own work, he had “not gone all out attacking Islamism because I feel the real fear that someone will slit my throat”.



All that time spent praising the Islamic ‘Golden Age’ and the ‘Religion of Peace’ and this is how they repay you….living in fear that uttering a wrong word will get your throat slit.


















That ‘Settled Science’…BBC’s Approach ‘Ignorant and Medieval’ To Debate


The long pause in global warming is known to be caused by…..what?  No one knows.

The recent floods….caused by a global warming that hasn’t happened for over 16 years?  No  one knows.

Extreme weather is increasing…due to global warming?  Actually it’s not increasing.

CO2 is driving global warming?  There’s absolutely no proof of that…the ‘proof’ in fact says any warming causes the release of CO2 rather than the other way round.

Global warming is man-made?  There’s no proof of that….no direct link at all.

Global warming is catastrophic?  Not so far…quite the opposite.

Islands sinking under rising seas?  Kiribati?  Maldives?  No.

Arctic ice loss will be disastrous?  Greenland is called Greenland because it wasn’t always covered in ice…and that wasn’t  so long ago.

The Medieval Warm Period was just as warm as today’s temperatures……did the world end?  No.

The Roman warm period ditto.

In 100 years time we know exactly what the climate will be?  Do me a favour.




So the ‘science’ is settled.

No, it is.  How do I know?  The BBC says conclusively that the debate is over...via Bishop Hill:

The BBC’s Feedback programme decided that environmentalist dismay at Lord Lawson’s appearance on the Today programme needed a bit of an airing. Alex Cull has prepared a transcript here.

Jamie Angus: The BBC’s reviewed its coverage of climate change and climate science, and it’s set out some admirably clear guidelines for us to follow. We are able to put on air people who take a differing view from the majority view of climate science. However, that coverage should be proportional, and I think that any reasonable listener who listened to Today’s coverage of climate change, across the past three months, would probably find that Lord Lawson was the only climate sceptic, if you like, who’d appeared in that period. And I think, you know, when Justin and I and the programme team discussed that interview, we thought we’d allowed it to drift too much into a straight yes-no argument about the science. And of course the settled view of the expert scientists is just that – settled, and I believe that our coverage reflects that, over the long term.



So the BBC has only had one climate sceptic on in 3 months?  The BBC has clearly decided that journalism is no longer required of it and will solely be providing hype, propaganda and free publicity for the climate lobbyists regardless of the science, or lack of.


Rather at odds with this:

The BBC’s great confidence trick

The Australian Attorney General George Brandis, a confirmed upholder of the climate change consensus, has lashed out at the large numbers of his fellow-travellers who seek to silence dissenters.

He said one of the main motivators for his passionate defence of free speech has been the “deplorable” way climate change has been debated and he was “really shocked by the sheer authoritarianism of those who would have excluded from the debate the point of view of people who were climate-change deniers”.

“One side [has] the orthodoxy on its side and delegitimises the views of those who disagree, rather than engaging with them intellectually and showing them why they are wrong,” he said.

He referred to [Opposition leader Penny Wong] as standing up in the Senate and saying the science is settled as an example of climate change believers trying to shut down the debate.

“In other words, ‘I am not even going to engage in a debate with you.’ It was ignorant, it was medieval, the approach of these true believers in climate change,” he said.