Today had on Sir David Higgins urging us to buy into the HS2 lunatic express scheme…the quicker the better….time, as he said, is money!
Jim Naughtie didn’t press Higgins hard at all….and seemed to accept the basic premise that HS2 is the best way of spending £80 billion that the nation doesn’t have….never mind flood defences, road maintenance, broadband, improving the existing rail network and so on…all of which would be less controversial, far easier to accomplish and far more beneficial to far more people than spending £80 billion on ‘elite’ business executive’s own private train…which is what HS2 is in reality….just another version of the ‘Royal Train’.

Perhaps not bias but bad reporting or journalism not to challenge Higgin’s assertions….however the default position of not testing the claims results in the same effect of being favourable to HS2.
His claim that we must crack on with the project, which he is in charge of, otherwise costs will rise is an obvious political trick….not so obvious that Naughtie tackled him on it.
Higgins tells us that HS2 is “vital for the future of the country” and said it could be “a catalyst for fundamental change”.
No objections to that from Naughtie.
Higgins knows the project is in trouble, massively expensive and benefiting a select few and so his answer is the same answer that hucksters all over the world use…‘Buy now whilst stocks last’…..’Buy now as these fantastic bargain prices can’t last much longer!‘
Never mind consultation or the approval process…never mind what Parliament or the people think….drive it through, time is money.
The reality is Higgins doesn’t really care about the costs just with getting his pet project going and his well paid job, and his legacy, secured for years to come.
The real way to save money and not waste it..is not to do HS2….and what should really damn HS2 is that the backstabbing Vince Cable supports it….
Business Secretary Vince Cable said in an interview with the Observer on Sunday that there was a “compelling case” to speed up the extension of the HS2 rail link northwards.
The man who thinks a mansion tax is a workable, sensible idea.
The BBC’s web report pads Higgin’s claims out with more pro voices:
A Department for Transport spokesman said Sir David’s report “confirms that HS2 is the right project at the right price” but added that the report challenges the government to deliver the project more quickly and more effectively.
The Transport Secretary is due to respond to the report in Parliament later.
Shadow transport secretary Mary Creagh said: “David Higgins has made it clear that there are significant savings to be made if David Cameron gets a grip of this project and stops all these delays.
“The government must now act so this scheme can be delivered under budget.”
So everyone is in favour then…such a brilliant project.
The report does mention some opposition:
‘Waste of money’
Opponents of the scheme question how easy it will be to speed up the construction of HS2.
Richard Houghton, spokesman for HS2 Action Alliance said: “Bringing forward work will not be as simple as it sounds.
“Unless there are plans to circumnavigate the statute book, then a separate Hybrid Bill will have to be introduced.”
HS2 Action Alliance, which represents a coalition of groups opposed to the new rail link, says the project will be a “huge waste of money” and claims it will cause severe environmental damage, with the first phase alone having an impact on 130 protected wildlife sites.
That’s it then for the opposition….no real analysis….just ‘Not as simple as it sounds…and a few badgers might be inconvenienced’…….But then the BBC ducks back to the pro-side again….
Robbie Owen of Pinsent Masons solicitors, whose clients broadly support HS2, told the BBC that Sir David’s report was “incisive and powerful”.
“I think, in all, this [report] will hopefully help forge a much stronger cross-party consensus for the project,” said Mr Owen, the head of infrastructure planning and government affairs at the law firm.
“It’s crucially important to transform the economic shape of the UK and to try to rebalance the country away from all the emphasis on the South East,” he said. “We just can’t carry on as a country eking things out in terms of our infrastructure.”
The BBC’s report isn’t exactly dealing with the issues and is giving the pro-HS2 side a readymade platform to push their agenda unchallenged.