Tommy for you the war is over….
Or is it?
Mohammed Shafiq from the Ramadan Foundation, talking on the BBC seemed to think so, claiming the forces of conservative Islam had won a great victory and had closed down the EDL.
In May a new approach was suggested for the EDL…
It would be interesting to see the BBC’s reaction if the EDL adopted the ‘Sinn Fein/IRA’ approach and separated the ‘direct action’ protest group from the political…and got themselves some media savvy spokesman with some gravitas and stature….perhaps even a Muslim.
The BBC were always ready to talk to Gerry Adams…going so far as to evade a government ban on broadcasting interviews with the IRA…despite his links to the murderous IRA who tortured, bombed and killed so many.
Today Tommy Robinson and many of the leaders of the EDL left the organisation to take a more sophisticated political approach to combating extremism….and have joined forces, at least initially, with….a Muslim group, Quilliam:
‘Mr Robinson said it was still his aim to “counter Islamist ideology”, although “not with violence but with better, democratic ideas”.’
This move puts Robinson on the road to ‘respectability’…at least as much as he could expect….some will never accept him and his views….whilst of course still leaving the ‘direct action’ of the EDL to keep the issues from disappearing off the radar….and the TV screens.
The academic specialising in extremist groups and Islamophobia, Matthew Goodwin, says (in 2011) supporters of the far right are generally neither irrational nor isolated, and that a far right party without extremist baggage could be electable in Britain
And the EDL outlook has far more support than the BBC will ever admit:
Matthew Goodwin, a leftwing academic has made it his job to study the ‘far Right’ and the ‘Counter Jihad movement’……from his work we can see that 50% of his poll agree that there will be a ‘clash of civilisations’ between white Britons and Muslims…36% disagree. Further more 52% of Conservatives, 33% of Labour, 18% of UKIP and 24% ‘other’, and only 5% of the BNP agree with the EDL.
So there is a large ground swell of opinion that does think the EDL have something worth saying…Goodwin himself admitting:
‘Their beliefs about the threatening nature of Islam have wider public support.’
When the BBC claim your group and its ideas ‘pollute the rest of the population’ as Sarah Montague claimed and it does hatchet jobs on you as Andrew Neil did in his ‘interview’ with Robinson, questions kindly provided by Islamist Mehdi Hasan, and there is little to no chance of a comparably fair hearing as the BBC gave to far more extremist groups such as the IRA and Muslim groups, you know that a change of approach is vital if the message is to be heard, and not just heard but listened to.
I haven’t had time to look at a widescale sweep of BBC coverage but what I have heard is mostly to be expected from them.
Victoria Derbyshire must be tearing her hair out having missed the big story…thankfully we had the more level headed Tony Livesey standing in for her who from what I heard was pretty fair….though as per normal for the BBC a single EDL representative was outnumbered by 3 other anti-EDL guests.
One of those guests was the above mentioned Mohammed Shafiq from the Ramadan Foundation.
The Ramadan Foundation might well itself be considered extremist….and yet the BBC frequently seeks out their opinion. Harry’s Place can shed a little light on their activities.
It is bizarre, if looking for sensible comment, for the BBC to bring on extremist Muslims to talk about a group that is opposed to them…just what exactly does the BBC think they will say? Unlikely to be fair and balanced.
But then I guess the BBC know that…..and Shafiq has been doing the rounds of BBC studios all day giving us the benefit of his understanding of events, their meaning and consequences.
One common comment on programmes was that Robinson doesn’t represent the ‘working class’….and does professional media commentator, ‘professional Muslim’, Shafiq, ‘represent’ Muslims…does Ed Miliband represent the working class?
The BBC, along with the Establishment et al, created the EDL. They denied any commentator a voice if they were critical of Islam…. the only solution left was to take to the streets if they wanted to get their voices heard.
‘We’re English, we’re working class, millions of us out there, we’re not being listened to.’
Then the BBC et al decided to ‘kill the monster’ they had created and set about demonising the EDL….no angels for sure but it was often the UAF who started the violence on EDL marches, and they along with other extremist groups such as the MCB all get a free pass on the BBC and are often invited in for comment….. today we had the UAF on 5Live …no comment on its violence.
It is one of the paradoxes of our time…a group that opposes the extremist ideology that incites homophobia, mysogyny, anti-Semitism, violence against ‘the other’, apartheid and as historian Tom Holland told us, was a no more than divine sanction to plunder and kill the Unbeliever, is demonised and attacked whilst those who endorse and practice this ideology are protected by a government sponsored industry along with copious amounts of Danegeld to keep them quiet and pliant, political appointments based purely on religious convictions, their cultural needs forced upon the rest of the population, and a compliant media that far from being independent of government, as it so often boasts, is working hand in hand with it to spread the message about the Religion of Peace.
Just yesterday we had the BBC broadcasting a major new programme The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors.
I haven’t watched it…but I could easily have guessed precisely how it would unfold…and luckily for me Craig at ‘Is the BBC biased?‘ has done the footwork….and surprise surprise it is essentially a pro-Muslim propaganda piece:
The programme evidently aimed to fill its viewers with admiration for the dramatic achievements of the ascendant Ottomans and, as might have been expected, gave them a largely positive spin. Pretty much every potential criticism was excused by either Rageh or one of his experts.
The BBC broadcast an excellent programme on Sunday, Sunday Morning Live, that did raise exactly the same questions that the EDL are asking….unfortunately that seems to be a one off for the BBC…and the conclusions reached will no doubt be rapidly buried and forgotten.
It will be interesting to see how the BBC commentary develops regarding Tommy Robinson….I somehow doubt that anything he has to say on Islam will get a fair hearing…the BBC seem keen to mention the new narrative that he is going to also talk about the danger of ‘Far Right’ extremists as well.
“We [Quilliam] have been able to show that Britain stands together against extremism regardless of political views and hope to continue supporting Tommy and Kevin in their journey to counter Islamism and neo-Nazi extremism.”
If he’s interested in a career in Telly and radio that would be the way to go, a guaranteed platform and pay check from the BBC….just cobble together some ‘Warning from History’ mentioning the Far Right, Golden Dawn and UKIP in the same sentence and you’re away…..the Tristrams will love it.