Global Warming On Ice?


Reference…Woman’s Hour (10:11)   Woman’s Hour discusses how scientists overblow their research with dramatic claims and how science  journalists often don’t understand the science they are reporting on.


The Great Global Warming Swindle continues…broadcast every week on the BBC at varying times on every channel and medium.

The BBC are picking up the pace in pushing the man made global warming angle.

We are getting puff pieces that continue the alarmist scare mongering as well as subtly trying to undermine the sceptics and the perception, the very real perception, that global warming has stopped.


Matt McGrath is stepping successfully into Richard Black’s rather dodgy shoes with this attack on sceptics:

Climate sceptics claim warming pause backs their view


With quotes like these given prominence you know exactly what McGrath’s intentions are:

Some of what the sceptics are saying is either wishful thinking or totally dishonest”   Prof Jean-Pascal van Ypersele IPCC


Bart Verheggen is an atmospheric scientist and blogger who supports the mainstream view of global warming. He said that sceptics have discouraged an open scientific debate.

“When scientists start to notice that their science is being distorted in public by these people who say they are the champions of the scientific method, that could make mainstream researchers more defensive.

“Scientists probably think twice now about writing things down. They probably think twice about how this could be twisted by contrarians.”


McGrath tells us that ‘There are many different shades of opinion in the sceptical orbit.’

But he doesn’t give any of them any credence….and he doesn’t ask similar questions of the supporters of AGW….for instance those who don’t care about the science but see it purely as an opportunity to push for more Socialism and State control….as well as handing out billions to third world countries.  McGrath isn’t interested in the vested interests of those, including the scientists and politicians, who have a great deal at stake in having AGW ‘confirmed’.



David Shukman follows on faithfully on the same path… this morning on the Today programme (08:41) when a sleight of hand was played with the evidence…or lack of evidence for global warming and the causes of the ‘pause’.

We hear that in the last 100 years the temperature of the oceans has been increasing….according to the Clams as scientists have recently discovered.

Helpful coincidence…the IPCC is trying to explain away the ‘pause’ in global warming..and can’t…but they have come up with a guess that they have all agreed to agree on…to present a common front, a consensus….that the oceans are absorbing the heat and causing a ‘slowdown’ in temperature rises…..and in a timely intervention, miraculously the Clams ‘prove’ it.


Great how Shukman feeds questions to his scientist stooge, knowing the answers already….

Do scientists exaggerate?  No! Climate scientists don’t exaggerate…they are just very, very concerned about the climate….and that concern is for the future…you may be cold now…but…you’re going to fry in 50 years time….act now!

Is there a pause in global warming?  No! You may be cold but someone somewhere is warm and getting warmer…oh yes you may get records that buck the trend for a few years but that doesn’t mean that the globe as a whole is not warming.

Really?  Didn’t the great IPCC itself admit that warming had stalled?




The IPCC has itself released a tricky bit of alarmist propaganda…designed not only to frighten us but to try to undermine any scepticism based on cooler temperatures.

IPCC report: Britain could cool if Gulf Stream slows

Britain’s climate could get cooler over the next 80 years, a major UN report on global warming is to suggest.


It’s a fantastic con trick….if temperatures go up they’ll say we were wrong on the time scale maybe…but we were right about global warming…

and if temperatures go down…they say…look, it’s caused by global warming.


It’s a win win for the IPCC what ever the temperature is.





Well, as the  IPCC Summary for Policymakers is prepared for release tomorrow to trumpeting from the hype merchants, the BBC can be relied upon to once again try to convince an increasingly cynical population that mankind IS driving global warming …sorry..I  mean climate change. By way of balance, may I commend this essay? Brace yourself for what lies in store tomorrow.

Follow The Masters of Money




Stephanie Flanders is off.  She leaves the BBC in November to work for….J.P Morgan Asset Management…..toxic bankers.

Shocked Labour’s hierarchy support each other and try to forget

Ed Miliband is already reaching for his Socialist’s Play Kit, digging out the airbrush so that apostate Flanders can be airbrushed from his history and from those photos of past indiscretions as any good Socialist would do…Ed Balls will no doubt be lugging his photo album over to Ed’s £1.5 million mansion for the same treatment.


What was rather worrying was that Flanders, working for the BBC with all the time in the world and huge resources behind her said this:

She said her new job, as chief market strategist for the UK and Europe, would afford her more time for research and developing a deeper understanding of the markets.


Hmmm….wasn’t that her job anyway at the BBC? 

But then again Gordon Brown, economic genius and guru admitted he hadn’t understood just how complicated the world is….which is why……we are where we are.


An emetic…

…courtesy of BBC World Service journalist Stephanie Hegarty:

The leader of a terrorist-exporting theocracy is one thing, but Fox News is something else entirely:

BBC newsroom mindset.

Trust High In Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists and Jews


Trust High in Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists and Jews.

What…you didn’t get that impression listening to the BBC all day?


No nor did I.  In fact I didn’t hear those groups mentioned once….which is strange because you would think that the BBC would ‘celebrate’ that.

 Instead we had an entirely negative story…and a unique interpetation of it, an interpretation which absolved the guilty and passed the judgement instead on those who had critical views of the ‘guilty’s’ behaviour, views which the BBC found unacceptable…rather than condemning those who behaved in a way that the Public find unacceptable.

What we had was the BBC pandering to the usual Muslim grievance industry carpet baggers….the pan handlers who come up with a figure for ‘Islamophobia’ and stretch out a hand for government money to help ‘further research’.

What I heard was the BBC telling us that in its poll of 18 to 24 year olds they found out that Muslims were perceived in a negative fashion by 60% of the poll…this the BBC obviously thought was as a result not of Muslim actions, but due to ignorance and prejudice on the part of the British Public.

However the BBC could have told us that only 29% believed Asians as a group were viewed negatively……. what wasn’t emphasised was that 43% of those polled trusted Muslims, 55% trusted Asians and 62% trusted Christians.

Hold the frontpage! 

What else didn’t the BBC dwell on?

Who else is viewed negatively…almost to the same extent as Muslims at 53%….Roma/travellers and East Europeans…and teenagers at 56%….again no mention from the BBC on 5live.

Strange that all the BBC wanted to talk about  was Muslims.

 The poll was commissioned by Radio One and its webpage provides a fuller explanation of the findings…but still concentrates on the obvious:

Quarter of young British people ‘do not trust Muslims’

Listening to 5Live you would never have found out about the wider aspects of the poll.


What was the question asked that the BBC concentrated on?

‘Generally speaking do you think that each of the following groups of people have a positive or negative image among the British population at present.’

It should be noted that this poll was taken a couple of weeks after the death of Lee Rigby…something not mentioned on the radio….something which could well have had an effect on the outcome of the poll.


What’s wrong with that question?

The problem is that it means nothing on its own…so you find out that 60% of those polled think Muslims have a negative image in Britain….but then what? There’s no attempt to find out why that negative image is so prevalent….and bear in mind that the negative image might not be held by those is merely asking what they think other people think….odd when you think about that.

You could conclude that was the BBC’s thinking…not to investigate those reasons allows the BBC to speculate and interpret the data in its own way and to impose its own narrative on why Muslims are distrusted or ‘hated’.

The BBC brings in the usual ‘Muslim expert’ who spouts the usual drivel…racism, discrimination, the Media demonising Muslims, lack of understanding and failure of the majority to integrate and interact with Muslims.


We had one on Victoria Derbyshire’s show today discussing this…his solution….Muslims must interact with the population….er…by living their faith amongst us, bringing the knowledge to the unbeliever…showing us how wonderful Islam is.

In other words what we need is more Islam….once we get to know it we will love it.

Unfortunately most people know it all too well…and don’t like what they see.


What about racism or the Media, are they the cause of negative  views of Islam?

43% trust Muslims, 27% don’t.

40% don’t trust Roma/Travellers.

55% trust Asians, 16% don’t.

62% trust Christians, 12% don’t.


So Christians and Asians get almost the same trust rating….In other words…it can’t be race that drives the negative perceptions of Muslims.   What about the Media? 

Clearly the evidence points to the fact that how people are perceived, how much they are trusted, depends entirely on how they act.

The poll shows that Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists and Jews all have a very similar image and trust rating despite being as ‘foreign’ as Muslims….they all have around 16% negative ratings…far below the 60% for Muslims…and there is a reason for that.

Blow up things, terrorize people, cause untold trouble and you will appear in the newspapers and on the TV.

It is your own fault, nothing to do with skin colour.


For the BBC to adopt the narrative that critics of Islam are merely ignorant, prejudiced and full of hate is a complete reversal of the facts……just who is it that is prejudiced, ignorant and full of hate for ‘the other’?

The BBC tells us that A report submitted to the Leveson inquiry into press standards last year concluded there was “a serious and systemic problem of racist, anti-Muslim reporting within sections of the British media”.

But it was a Muslim group that supplied that ‘report’.  If you don’t want to be in the Media or on the front page don’t behave in a way that will get you there.


What Muslims seem to want is a complete blackout of any reporting of any Muslim behaviour that could be viewed negatively…perhaps Miliband will cap media coverage….and the BBC seem to be pushing that narrative.


What is really needed is new thinking…instead of tackling ‘Islamophobia’ the Great and the Good should be tackling Muslim attitudes, beliefs and values, closing down the Faith schools and madrassas that promote separation and hatred and investigating the Mosques that continue to allow the preaching of fundamentalist beliefs.

58% believed terrorism was the biggest threat to the UK.


At the end of the poll there was a section on immigration, the results were as you might suspect..and again ignored by the BBC.

66% believed immigration increased community tensions.

47% believed that such tension would lead to race riots.

57% wanted less immigration.

53% believed it led to higher unemployment.

47% says immigration leads to higher crime.










A Race Which Sets Itself Apart?


Nicky Cambpell asks…..The Kenyan massacre….Why would British people be involved?

…and…he asks…What can we do to stop them getting involved in Islamic radicalism?


The problem is that the BBC doesn’t recognise the problem… immediate one being these fundamentalists probably don’t consider themselves ‘British’…until they come to claim benefits or housing of course.

For example this morning we had this from Peter Taylor, the BBC’s expert on Islamic terror…sorry militancy…says that the Islamic ‘duty to fight Jihad’ is a ‘false interpretation of the Quran.’


Until  the truth of that ‘duty to fight Jihad’ is accepted and recognised there will never be a solution to the problem.


Campbell has on ‘expert’ and ex-radical Usama Hasan from the Quilliam Foundation who blames radicalisation on racism, alienation and exclusion from society….he was radicalised himself as a student….very excluded then.  Campbell takes every word that Hasan has to say as ‘gospel’, the definitive version of things. 

Campbell says of course Hasan may have been radicalised by verses in the Quran urging killing of the unbeliever when he was younger…but naturally he now knows the proper context for those verses.

Campbell himself knowing a lot about Islam…calling Wahabis … Wasabis.


Hasan unfortunately gives us the ‘old lie’ that Muslims trot out to defend their religion against charges of being the Religion of the Sword claiming Islam says that:

That anyone who kills another it will be as if they kill all mankind.


Except the verse that supposedly comes  from (5:32) doesn’t say that….at least in relation to Muslims.  It says it as a command for the ‘Children of Israel’:

‘We ordain unto the children of Israel that if anyone slays a human being – unless it be [in punishment] for murder or for spreading corruption on earth – it shall be as though he had slain all mankind…’


So immediately any Muslim who uses that mis-quote can be dismissed as a dissembler….someone not to be trusted…Mehdi Hasan likes to use the quote…so there you go…another BBC favourite ‘expert’ on Islam.



Perhaps the BBC should have asked Manzoor Moghal rather than the usual suspects for guidance:

Veils, segregated schools and why we risk sowing the seeds of Islamic terror in Britain

We should not pretend that the loud-voiced grievances of the jihadists throughout the world have a shred of justification. The focus of their supposed victimhood varies — they blame anything from American foreign policy to the plight of the Palestinians — but their real aim is the same. 

They want to establish a Muslim caliphate across the world, where Islam and sharia law reign supreme. In this religious empire, there is no room for dissent or democracy, no space for compromise or conciliation.

My great worry is that, if the British authorities continue to allow the Islamic hardliners to have their way in the name of choice when it comes to segregating boys from girls in schools, or sharia courts, or insisting that women should be allowed to wear veils in all circumstances, then those hardliners will feel they are pushing at an open door. 

We must, sadly, accept that there are people in our midst who want to see a hardline Islamist caliphate in Britain. And while the security and intelligence services are nothing less than heroic in their fight against Islamic extremists, continuing to foil terror plots on a regular basis, our civic institutions have in contrast been far too cowardly in their reluctance to challenge fundamentalism.

The shocking slaughter in Nairobi is the true face of Islamic fundamentalism. And we in Britain should never appease such a mentality.




Unfortunately the likes of Nicky Campbell are all too ready to appease and explain away radicalisation, fundamentalism and terror as a result of racism or foreign policy or a misinterpretation of the Quran.

 Time to see the light before we go back to the Dark Ages.



List sent to terror chief aligns peaceful Muslim groups with terrorist ideology

• Quilliam Foundation’s list ‘not for public disclosure’
• File for counter-terror boss branded ‘McCarthyite’

 A secret list prepared for a top British security official accuses peaceful Muslim groups, politicians, a television channel and a Scotland Yard unit of sharing the ideology of terrorists. The list was drawn up for Charles Farr, the director general of the Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism (OSCT), a directorate of the Home Office. Farr is a former senior intelligence officer.