Listening to 5Live today I heard a report about an attack on a school by a Syrian aircraft using some sort of incendiary bomb. Now I’m fairly hardened to images of war and the resultant carnage that results but I have to admit when I heard one man making his plea to the UN (10:14:30) it kind of stopped me dead in my tracks.
Dear UN
What kind of peace are you calling for?
Don’t you see this….
Don’t you see this…
What do you need to see?
We are human beings.
We want to live.
You have to listen to it to get the full emotional impact, coming suddenly out of the radio in the middle of the day is very effecting….here is the BBC video report of the same thing with graphic images of the injuries….the ‘walking dead’.
Parliament, that body of fine upstanding men and women has voted….to look the other way.
Paddy Ashdown responded to that vote:
“In 50 years trying to serve my country I have never felt so depressed/ashamed. Britain’s answer to the Syrian horrors? none of our business!”
He’s not wrong is he?
If the vote in Parliament had been one to merely delay military action brought about by the use of chemical weapons that may have been excusable….to ensure the culprit was correctly identified.
However that wasn’t what the vote ended up saying.
The vote has apparently put any possibility of military action off the table, for ever….regardless of any future events that may occur, however terrible, however many people get killed, whatever the means used to kill them.
Assad can murder as many people as he likes, in whatever manner he likes and the worst that will happen to him is a diplomatic flurry of indignation and condemnation.
He must be shaking in his blood filled boots.
But Ed Miliband is happy with that, in fact he’s trying to make as much political hay as he can out of events.
He piously grandstands demanding ‘compelling evidence’ of chemical attacks…..and yet already over 100,000 Syrians have been killed and more die daily from ‘conventional weapons’…such as napalm bombs…..just how many have to die before he feels so ‘compelled’ to help them out, how many more millions have to be displaced, how many towns and cities destroyed?
What is Miliband’s ‘red line’? I forgot…of course….he doesn’t have one….he’s already decided…there will be no military action at all.
Miliband states that we should learn the lessons of Iraq and that political and diplomatic pressure will persuade Assad to come to terms.
So what is the lesson of Iraq? The lesson of Iraq is that after 12 years of UN sanctions and huge diplomatic efforts Saddam was still in power and totally unwilling to negotiate and happily murdering and gassing his own people.
Still it’s good that Miliband and his family can be reassured that his own kids will be safe…and how ironic that he wears a poppy, the man who won’t stand up for those who suffer and die:
Shame about the Syrian kids that he has abandoned to their fate:
Miliband says that what is important is that the war is brought to an end.
His plan? To talk softly to Assad but not to wave a big stick just in case he gets angry.
Why would Assad negotiate? He’s winning and getting arms shipped in from Russia and Iran.
What would make him come to the negotiating table?
A military strike that so reduced his own military capability that he couldn’t beat the Rebels…not only that but make it likely that the Rebels may win.
Because Assad would then have to think….what next if the Rebels win? Does he end up swinging from a lamp post or at the very least in the dock for war crimes. Either way he loses.
The only thing that will do that and force him to end his attacks is a massive strike against his airforce and main weaponry.
Miliband has ensured that Assad remains in power and that the war goes on, killing countless more people, until that victory is assured.
Shame the BBC have yet to seriously challenge Miliband on his stance.
They know he is on dodgy ground , they asked Cameron if Miliband had behaved ‘dishonourably’, and yet I have heard no building of any momentum on that line of questioning yet.
‘Unarmed civilians being killed….I don’t think we can touch this…UN’s jurisdiction, we can’t intervene…return to base’
If you’ve seen the film ‘Blackhawk Down’ you might think no lessons have been learnt since then…or indeed from Bosnia and the Srebrenica Massacre when Dutch troops had to stand by and watch 8000 Bosnians being murdered….in a UN protected ‘safe area’.