The BBC has been hailing the efforts of John Kerry in the past few days as he cobbles together another doomed set of “peace talks” in the middle east between Israel and Palestinians.  The BBC have been pontificating about the tough choices that BOTH sides have had to make to even get this far. On examination (mine!) this reduces down to Israel releasing 100 Palestinian criminals (bad call, btw) and Abbas agreeing to talk!! Hardly a concession from the Palestinians and yet portrayed as momentous. Throughout this new charade, the BBC will do everything possible to posture for the Palestinians “Judenfrei” solution and if Netanyahu thinks he will win media approval in the likes of the BBC by releasing Palestinian thugs he is in for a nasty surprise in my view.


When it comes to the ongoing friction between Spain and Gibraltar, and in particular the current bully boy tactics used by the Spanish Government to inconvenience Gibraltarians  crossing the border, it will be interesting to see the BBC approach. I thought this was a pretty fair commentary on it but am aware that Today are covering it later this morning and one can’t help but feel rather in the Argentina/Falklands situation, BBC sympathies must lie with the Spanish bullies.


BBC Sunday Morning Live was particularly appalling this morning. The lead debate asked whether whether Muslims were being demonised. We had Mehdi Hasan asking the question and talking over everybody else. We had Anne Atkinson who agreed Muslims were being demonised and Douglas Murray who opined that they weren’t. We had Fiyaz Mughal, from Tell Mama, lined up to back the meme but when the poll result came in, once again viewers rejected the notion  by some 4:1.  Naturally Mehdi was allowed the last word on this and claimed this proved just how demonised muslims were!!!

Separating Fact From Fiction



The BBC reports that Biased BBC has another ally in the war against misinformation and media manipulation:

So many faked images are circulating in Egypt that Facebook sites have been set up with the goal of separating fact from fiction, writes BBC Monitoring’s Dina Aboughazala.

The sheer volume of disinformation has led to the creation of verification pages on Facebook, such as Da Begad? – or Is This Real? – which tries to verify posts, images and videos, regardless of their origin. Despite the confusion, social media remains an important source of information in Egypt, with authorities and ordinary citizens alike using it as their main channel of communication. Facebook is said to have 13 million users in the country.


Shame the BBC doesn’t do the same for its reports from Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

World’s media lament decline in freedom


From the BBC:

World’s media lament decline in freedom


….but not a single mention of Leveson and the huge opposition to his conclusions and the attempts to railroad the Press into being ‘regulated’ by those honest custodians of our freedom…the politicians….and the BBC and its cohort of drug and booze addled, sexually liberated celebrities who wish to remain anonymous.

“bigger than phone hacking”



This is a look at what the papers say…from the BBC’s ‘Editor’s choice’:

The Independent also claims to have gained access to confidential information.

It says it has seen a secret list – passed to a parliamentary committee – on the activities of big corporations like banks and pharmaceutical firms.

The paper alleges that companies from two of the country’s biggest industries have hired private investigators to unlawfully obtain a range of personal data about individuals.

The Serious Organised Crime Agency knew about the illegal practice for years, it reports, but did nothing in what amounts to a potential scandal that could be “bigger than phone hacking”.



So that is what a BBC editor considers highly newsworthy…and yet, and yet….where is the story on the pages of the BBC website? There is only this one…from the same day of the ‘Editor’s choice’….and so is hardly a proactive bit of journalism actively seeking out the truth…they are merely reporting what the Independent says.

Where is the BBC investigation?

And why has the BBC ignored this story?

Why did the BBC editor pick the Independent for the source of the story when the Daily Mail has been bashing away at the story for some time now?  The Independent claims it is an ‘Exclusive’ scoop for them…..and yet not really.


The Sunday Times reports that the police are ‘probing’ 300 organisations and individuals who may have been involved in hacking…and as the Independent says this could ‘amount to a potential scandal that could be “bigger than phone hacking”.’


And yet….the BBC essentially ignore it.

Surprising really when they immediately reported and spent a whole day excitedly relating what Rupert Murdoch said about the phone hacking scandal and the police recently.


Funny to think about exactly what the BBC’s priorities are when deciding on what is news and what isn’t.

World Turned Upside Down



What is the world coming to?  My prejudices have been well and truly challenged and appropriately adjusted this weekend.

Forced to listen to the BBC’s ‘News Quiz’ in a diversity training package I came to ‘see’ the other side, to appreciate the world from a different perspective other than my right wing narrow minded and bigoted little Englander viewpoint.


Well, actually that’s a load of bull….but what did surprise me was the News Quiz was actually funny, verging on very funny at times….Fred MacAulay on Ikea cushions is a YouTube classic in the making.

The reason might be that it didn’t seek to preach a message this time, it stayed fairly well clear of ‘political’ politics, or any signs of partisanship and stuck to comedy….even suggesting Miliband will never be PM.

Could be a lesson in there somewhere for the BBC….stop the preaching and stick to ‘funny’….

…or to ‘News’ or ‘Drama’ or ‘History’ or ‘children’s’ programmes without inserting a partisan interpretation of everything into, well, everything.


In the Sunday Times Adrian Wooldridge (paywalled unfortunately) examines how the BBC is doing in the ‘excellence’ stakes…his conclusion is that it is failing in its remit…the licence fee method of funding should enable it to take risks to produce high quality programming but it seems to settle for the middle ground producing mush that is supposed to give value for money to the largest number of licence fee payers…not what the BBC was designed for.

Wooldridge says:

‘The BBC is failing to produce great television precisely because it is hampered by the public service model, and HBO and its various rivals are producing a new golden age of American televison precisely because they are catering for the market.’


Perhaps if the BBC stopped looking at audience ratings, stopped thinking viewers want only ‘accessible’ TV made to match their ‘short attention’ spans and went for a bit of ‘elitism’ things might improve…..invest in quality not quantity?

True Lies


I see that our resident contrarians spent the best part of a day trying to persuade readers that the BBC is entirely innocent of any anti-Israeli spin in its preferred choice of questions for a Gallup poll.

I think a more informed, impartial and rational look at the information tells the true story.


The excellent BBC Watch has come to the same conclusion that Biased BBC did when it looked at David Cowling’s, the BBC’s Head of Political Research, comments about which question was his favourite in the Gallup world poll….that he was , of course, referring to Israel….


DC: “Yes, I think it would be “Which country do you believe to be the greatest threat to world peace today?”. I suspect that – working with journalists – I know colleagues who would be quite excited by what might be coming out of…”

Humphrys interrupts:

“That’s certainly true, but isn’t it a bit narrow? Because there aren’t many…although you could say of course the United States because it’s the most powerful, or you could say China because it’s whatever, or you could say North Korea because it’s bonkers, or you know….

DC: “What I’d be interested in, John, is the variations. So for example there are going to be questions asked in Lebanon, in the West Bank and Gaza. I suspect different answers there if it was asked..”

So, with Cowling having already done his bit as far as trying to influence BBC audiences into selecting a specific question is concerned, all that remains is to place bets on the phrasing of upcoming BBC headlines to be written by those “quite excited” journalists – and it might not be outlandish to assume that there is a fairly strong possibility that the words “Israel” and “threat” will be in there somewhere.’



Nothing clearer than that…no doubt that Cowling was referring to Israel. 


The real question that the BBC might like to ask is why is it that people view Israel in such a negative light?

Could it possibly be that it is inherent in the thinking of the BBC staff such as Cowling who ably illustrated the problem in that interview…his first thought was of Israel as a ‘threat to world peace‘….could it be that years of BBC negative reporting, amongst other’s, on Israel has led to….

Brainwashing and the demonising of Israel

In 2003 the EU conducted a similar poll and guess what the result was….

Senior Israeli figures have voiced anger at a European survey labelling their country the greatest threat to world peace.

“We are not only said but outraged. Not at European citizens but at those who are responsible for forming public opinion,” Israel’s mission to the EU said in a statement.

The Israeli Minister for the Diaspora affairs, Natan Sharansky, said the results showed the EU engaged in “rampant brainwashing”.

European Commission President Romano Prodi expressed his concern about the findings, saying that they “point to the continued existence of a bias that must be condemned out of hand”.

“To the extent that this may indicate a deeper, more general prejudice against the Jewish world, our repugnance is even more radical,” Mr Prodi said in a statement.

“The European Union, which shows sensitivity on human rights issues, would do well to stop the… demonising of Israel before Europe deteriorates once again to dark sections of its past,” Mr Sharansky said.


Could such polls have an effect on how the EU conducts its policies?

Earlier, an EU spokesman played down the importance of the survey.

The spokesman, Gerassimos Thomas, said the poll results would not affect European policy-making in the short term……But the BBC’s Tim Franks in Brussels says the findings may reduce European diplomats’ effectiveness in dealing with the Israel-Palestinian conflict by heightening Israeli distrust of the EU.’

 Despite the EU’s half hearted denial it is obvious these polls are used to influence policy as Gallup tells us:

‘Giving you the power to act on what the world is thinking’




In 2007 the BBC conducted its own poll…..Thanks to George R for providing this link to the article about that BBC poll which managed to finger Israel as the world’s most dangerous nation.

It seems that the BBC has learnt nothing.

This is what the 2007 survey asked:

According to the BBC, the survey “gave respondents a list of 12 countries and asked whether they had a mostly positive or mostly negative influence in the world. “The country with the highest number of mostly negative responses overall is Israel (56% negative, 17% positive).

This is the reason for the negative outlook:

“It appears that people around the world tend to look negatively on countries whose profile is marked by the use or pursuit of military power,” said pollster Steven Kull, who directed the survey.


So Israel is a dangerous country because of the use of military power?

No questions as to why it might be forced to use that military power?

What do Hamas and Hezbollah use then? Of course, as the BBC’s Mishal Husain says they are only ‘home made contraptions‘.

The evil Israelis defending themselves against the peace loving Palestinians…..appalling warmongers those Joows.






Honestly, you would need a heart of stone not to laugh at the overt bias this item exudes at 8.10am (prime time listening)  on the Today programme exudes! It is the latest attempt by the BBC to thrown as much gloom and doom over any nascent economic recovery as is possible! In an attempt to point out that “the squeezed middle” is not becoming “the eased middle”, the BBC pick two inner city public sector types who they last interviewed in 2012.  Guess what? Yup, life is not really that much better. I think one admits to being a Labour Party member. I laughed at the headline “trickle down not working”. My but Ed Balls must be pleased at the efforts of the comrades.