A Biased-BBC reader points out that the BBC seems to have missed this story about one of Morsi’s Ministers being filmed beating an 11 year old boy.  Considering all the coverage which  the BBC gave to a story (used to demonise Israel) about a young Palestinian boy detained for throwing rocks at Jews, one would at least expect this story of authentic child abuse to be reported by the BBC’s vigilant journalists.


I was listening to the Today programme around 6.45am and caught a remarkably sneering piece by the BBC on how the Conservatives cannot be trusted on tax. The comment that really made my ears prick up was “It takes independent bodies like the Resolution Fundation to tell us how things really are” before going on to play a clip of Osborne saying NO tax increases before the 2010 election and then announcing an increase in VAT shortly thereafter. Mention was made of Brown doing something similar in 2000, but sadly no clip was available.  My beef with this is that a/The Resolution Foundation is a body with an activist left wing pro Labour agenda and so cannot possibly be seen as impartial and b/Perhaps the utter mess of the public finances created by labour which Osborne inherited may have contributed to hid decision to raise our VAT to EU average???


Ah, how touching of the BBC to publish this obituary for “pioneering” US journalist Helen Thomas dies at 92. Thomas was a profound anti-Semite so even the BBC felt obliged to make passing reference to some of her vile comments but hey, she “regretted’ those slurs against Jews so no big deal. Right? Straight to hell, Helen. Naturally the BBC admire her.

Spoof or Troof



All too real

via Guido and Cityunslicker:

Ed Miliband set on reform, but not on break with the BBC

Ed Miliband has explicitly ruled out breaking Labour‘s historic links with the BBC, saying he wants to “mend not end” the relationship while giving individual watching people more of a role in choosing what’s on TV.


After a week in which allegations of policy-rigging by Labour’s largest backer, The BBC, Miliband says the millions of hard watching people viewing Strictly Come Dancing are the party’s “biggest asset”…… it all.



As  one of the comments said:

formertory said…

Masterpiece! Spooky, how naturally it all “fits”


I was no fan of the 2012 London Olympics but can appreciate that it may have done some good in a roundabout way. The point is that when our Capital city won the right to host the games under LABOUR, the BBC were to the fore in cheerleading for the the occasion.  But under a Conservative led Coalition, well, things are a tad different. The Today programme this morning was long sneer at the alleged economic benefits of the Games. Even St Vince Cable was put through the mangle! It left me wondering if the games were such an epic fail, what does that make of the BBC coverage and the £££ millions spend on producing it?