Hi everybody! I know it’s been a while! I trust you are all well. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your continued support for this site. In PARTICULAR, I wanted to thank Fedup2 for doing all the hard work of setting up the Open Threads and it is very much appreciated. Good debate about the endless toxic BBC bias is welcome here, ad hominem is not. I want to make it clear that anyone engaging in such will be banned. It spoils the site, reduces the quality of discourse and is not accepable. I hope you all agree with me and will ensure that comments stay fair, balanced and reasonable (unlike the BBC!)

Weekend Open Thread 31 August 2019

The Biased Bubble returns from its unearned holidays to pour out rabid anti brexit anti democratic propaganda on an electorate bored to tears with their delaying tactics and lies – so we will be busy reporting it .

And as time passes How will the BBC deal with the 80th anniversary of the start of World War 2 be dealt with ? Plenty of opportunity for even more pro EU bias .

Project Fear summary
Apart from the Queen authorising the closure of the Remainer Parliament a bit early ~ Project Fear has chugged on mainly with repeats of medicine shortages .
Thursday was ‘flu vaccine shortage ‘ and the Ghost of Gina Miller using Soros cash for another go at using the courts to undermine the vote of 17.4 million people who she thinks are thick .
Wednesday was ‘getting the queen involved in brexit ‘it’s a coup – it’s the end of democracy hysterics .
Other than that just the usual biased BBC singing the Remainers song as loud as it can .