The biased BBC claims it cost £745 million to fund the TV licences of the over 75s – over 3 million people . We could have a game of which so called ‘services ‘ to stop in order to fund this need . Or we could just privatise the BBC .
Over to you …
The biased BBC claims it cost £745 million to fund the TV licences of the over 75s – over 3 million people . We could have a game of which so called ‘services ‘ to stop in order to fund this need . Or we could just privatise the BBC .
Over to you …
Here’s a happy and positive letter from unjustly-imprisoned Tommy Robinson. A short time ago he was finally given his mail after it was withheld from him out of spite by the employees of the police state. He’ll be out in three weeks.
I doubt that BBC corridors will then be strewn with empty champagne bottles. I cannot find the audio of Jane Garvey’s inadvertent admission of BBC lefty bias, but here’s the transcript:
Ah, well – I had been up for most of the night but I was doing this Five Live breakfast programme with our colleague at the time – it was a bloke called Peter Allen so – I had to get a bit of sleep, and I do remember I walked back into – we were broadcasting then from Broadcasting House in the centre of London – all very upmarket in those days – and the corridors of Broadcasting House were strewn with empty champagne bottles – I will always remember that (Allen laughs) – er – not that the BBC were celebrating in any way shape or form (Allen, laughing – ‘no, no, no, not at all’) – and actually – I think it’s fair to say that in the intervening years the BBC, if it was ever in love with Labour has probably fallen out of love with Labour, or learned to fall back in, or basically just learned to be in the middle somewhere which is how it should be – um – but there was always this suggestion that the BBC was full of pinkoes who couldn’t wait for Labour to get back into power – that may have been the case, who knows ? but as I say I think there’ve been a few problems along the way – wish I hadn’t started this now…
The most-trusted broadcaster is surely gloating over Tommy’s troubles, in common with so many on the worldwide left. Re the latter, just when you think they can’t sink any lower they prove they can by not only denying Miss Nevada State her rightful place in the 2019 Miss America pageant over her support for Trump, but by stripping her of the Nevada title.
The beautiful Katie Williams, ex-combat vet, explains what happened in this video.
Googling Katie Williams Nevada State title stripped BBC produces no BBC results on the first few pages and by then the results are already irrelevant.
But I learned that another contestant, Kathy Zhu, was stripped of her Miss Michigan title for refusing to try on a hijab last year at the University of Michigan. And, shock, horror, she is also a Trump supporter and a committed opponent of the hypocritical idiocy of the left.
So to sum up, political prisoner and journalist Tommy Robinson still has the boot of the police state on his neck – though the pressure has been eased, most probably because of worldwide public shaming of the police state by Ezra Levant and several other Tommy supporters.
And the BBC, rather than campaigning on behalf of this courageous, maltreated fellow journalist, campaigned against him and then slunk away in silence when its propaganda, bigotry and cowardice were brilliantly exposed by the very same journalist.
And the BBC, though filled to the brim with outspoken, campaigning feminists, apparently has no interest in the injustice meted out to US beauty pageant winners stripped of their titles because of their political beliefs.
The left used to be regarded as liberal, but not anymore, at least among people who can think for themselves. Here the eminent Dennis Prager talks about the stark differences between liberal and left.
The lefty BBC likes to think of itself as liberal. That would have a funny side to it were it not for the tremendous harm that the BBC has done and continues to do with its worldwide propagandist reach.
I often wonder what to write in this bit but it struck me that it’s a good place to summarise the weekly misdeeds of the Lefty pro EU Biased BBC
So this week we’ve seen
An official finding of bias in the EU election campaign by distorting results in favour of Remain
Humph and RTHon David Davies on the naughty step for ‘ trivialising domestic violence ‘
The Head of State funded C4 coming out as a Lefty admitting to applying Bias to C4 news
The CEO of C4 saying kidults prefer Netflix’s and Porn to her biased station .
You’re welcome to add any I missed ( they’ll be plenty ).
I’d like to add a ‘ project Fear ‘ summary which has been – trash -meds’- no Aldi/lidl- ports – the non end of free movement ..
Over to fellow Far Left Pro EU Biased BBC sufferers .
If weekend press reports are correct Government Ministers are to be advised not to go onto the Flagship/Wreck“Today Programme “ because it is a waste of time . Anyone who consumes the biased output of the BBC might understand why such a direction has been given and wonder why it hasn’t happened before . The question is – How will the Far Left , Pro EU , biased BBC react ?
The anti democratic – biased pro EU BBC continues to run daily episodes of Project Fear in the run up the the UK leaving the EU. Desperate amateur repeats after Three Years of Pro EU Propaganda . Luckily the British People are far more intelligent than the BBC thinks . Let’s hope it pays the price for deceit and lies in time .
Over to all sufferers of Biased BBC output
The snowflake children have been left in charge of the Far Left EU loving BBC . So we ll expect less sophisticated anti British propaganda and more ‘ silly season ‘ nonsense
All yours …
Update 1, August 10:
I stumbled upon a comment I made on another blog back on September 1st, 2012, which included Humphrys’ interview with Hague, probably at the end of August. I see I was wrong about Humphrys being upset about actual attacks by Israel on Iran; his complaint was that Israel was thinking about attacking Iran:
Humphrys ranted at William Hague like a juvenile delinquent denied his father’s car keys over Hague’s inability to commit the UK to an attack on Syria’s Assad along with his inability to denounce Israel for considering an attack on Iran.
It’s hard to believe that 7 years have since elapsed.
Original Post:
… but a coiled spring stretched to breaking point and then unleashed.
The Syrian ‘Arab Spring’ began in January 2011. So it must have been sometime between then and July 2014 that John Humphrys interviewed William Hague, Foreign Secretary at the time, on the springy question. I listened to that interview on the World Service. Humphrys was getting really hot under the collar. He was trying to push Hague to commit to Britain going in to topple Bashar al-Assad. (That would be quite a long way down since Assad is such a beanpole.)
Hague was being distinctly uncooperative, though quite polite about it. In the very same interview, Humphrys pushed Hague to condemn Israel for its attacks against Iran. I forget which ones, but I recall that Hague was having none of that either. I was amazed that Humphrys could insist on an attack by one country on another and then almost in the same breath condemn it because different countries were being discussed. In hindsight, it wasn’t that surprising since the BBC will always side with Israel’s enemies.
But Assad himself is a bitter and implacable enemy of Israel, so why would the BBC be so keen on his downfall? Here are some possible reasons:
*The BBC saw the Arab Spring through its romantic, rose-tinted lens: it emerged like a gently unfolding bud in danger of being crushed by the boot of the state. The budding revolutionaries were engaged in a noble, just struggle against overwhelming odds and it was to Britain’s eternal shame that it would not assist them.
*BBC hacks were looking forward to strutting around in Arab-Spring T-shirts. Ideally the design would be an Arafat lookalike with the typical chequered dishcloth around his head and clutching a rifle with ‘Arab Spring’ prominent in Arabic so the hacks could say, “Look, I speak the language!” This would not work as the revolution was turning into a chaotic, violence-ridden failure with various factions slaughtering one another with extraordinary brutality, with the state at the top of the heap.
*The Syrian Spring was probably started by the Muslim Brotherhood. There is a long history of strife between them and the Assad clan. They slaughtered scores of army recruits and tried to assassinate Bashar’s father, Hafez. He responded by ordering the army to surround the town of Hama, where they were based, and kill everyone in the town. The BBC is very fond of the Muslim Brotherhood, supported them against Mubarak and has nothing but love and admiration for Hamas, an offshoot of the Brotherhood.
This impartial, most-trusted broadcaster will always filter its ‘news’ and ‘interviews’ through its prejudices.