Isn’t it remarkable that despite the extensive coverage the BBC affords those who squat on the northern French coast awaiting their first berth into land of hope and welfare, there is never any proper consideration as to WHY they cross vast land masses in order to get into the UK? The BBC meme is that the United Kingdom should welcome all who decide to come here and this permeates every item it broadcasts on this topic. That’s why it hesitates to ask those at the receiving end of this multiculti tsunami how THEY feel about it. Like Climate change, the debate is over. The fact that our country has been turned into one vast fetid Welfare swamp by the current government is dismissed as not relevant to the narrative and instead all we get is a series of items sympathetic to the likes of those who infest “the jungle.” Is that too harsh? No. It’s an opinion and not one the BBC care to hear even they are mandated to reflect all views rather than the cosy liberal consensus produced day in day out.


BBC bias is a curious beast, spotted this morning lurking in “the jungle” near Calais. Listen to the report here by Andrew Hosken. It is entirely from the perspective of those illegals trying to get into the UK, by hook or crook. Where is the perspective of the local French people, how do they feel? What about the people in the UK who will be forking out benefit to these immigrants? Why is Mr Hosken only presenting one perspective, namely the one most sympathetic to the inhabitants of the jungle?


Interesting interview here this morning on the issue of the booming British population. Is it me or does Mr Humphyrs entirely miss the central issue – namely that the predominant reason for a booming UK population is due to “foreign born” mothers (Mostly Muslims) having way above replacement level birth rates whist the indigenous population birth-rate falls below replacement level. I found this a curious interview in the fine BBC tradition of ignoring the Islamic elephant in the room. Across the European Nations, the birth-rates of the indigenous people is below population replacement level, with Spain being perhaps the lowest in the world. (Perhaps the real tragedy of Andalusia awaits?)This devastating demographic is sidelined in BBC coverage of this topic and instead Humphyrs witters on about us having 2.5 children as if we were back in the 1960’s. I would like to see the BBC tackle the more substantive aspects to this topic but suggest they would run a mile from doing so lest it offend certain multiculti sensitivities.


This excellent example of bias was picked up by Will20001 on our current Open Thread and I thought it deserved much broader exposure. Get this;

A propaganda piece on BBC2 last night, an uplifting tale for the little people who are fearful of immigration.

“Grow your own” an everyday tale of allotment holders. BBC Radio Times sets the scene

An influx of refugees from Iran, China and Zimbabwe initially brings out the worst in these Little Englanders, but as they unite against a common foe – a mercenary mobile phone company wanting to erect a mast – a sort of garden-shed socialism is achieved

So there you are, unite to fight capitalism – you know it makes sense.

The programme made by “those who know what’s best for you” & financed by (who else) you – joint BBC/National Lottery production