Interesting piece here on “mending the feud” between the savages in Hamas and the crazies in Al Fatah. I was intrigued by the BBC reporters view that Hamas are “softening” their line. Oh really? Anyway, you’ll be disheartened to know that there is little chance of rapprochement between these two gangs because of, yes, that’s right, Israel. Love the line “as the bombs fall on Gaza” – just like Dresden, right. Trying to point out the bombs fall on Hamas rocket sites and weapon storage depots seems to have escaped the sophisticated BBC mind. You see whatever the Palestinian problem, it is always the fault of the pesky Jews.


Funny how the BBC keeps reporting that Gaza is “amongst the most densely populated places on Earth.” They were at it again this morning. When one considers that the population density of the Palestinian disputed territories is below that of, say The Channel Islands, the Hamas apologists preferred retort is to single out just the Gaza strip and base their argument on its population density. Well it IS indeed quite densely populated but there are over a thousand areas within West Yorkshire, for example, which have much higher levels of population density, as indeed has the little Satan’s Tel Aviv. So, in the interests of fairness, I wonder why BBC in these locations fail to preface ever report with this equally true demographic? Oh, that’s right – it’s about pushing the “Most Oppressed People in the Universe” narrative uber alles. It’s not news anymore, it is propaganda.


You just know that when Jeremy Al Bowen is invited to update us all on the situation concerning Israel and the disputed Palestinian territories, well, those pesky Jews aren’t going to come out of it too well. And so it was that Jeremy embarked on the usual cliched mantra which all boiled down one thing; the lack of peace in the region is Israel’s fault, the Palestinians are innocent, especially the doves in Al Fatah.


It’s a rare week that passes without the BBC providing a welcome bully pulpit for those who like to bash Israel. And so it was this morning that Oxfam was afforded the opportunity to attack those bad Jews for having the temerity to stop the free movement of goods (and weapons!) in and out of that land running with milk and honey which is Gaza. When it was mildly suggested to the Oxfam spokesman by the BBC interviewer that “militants”(Love that word, so much nicer than depraved Hamas terrorists) were firing off rockets into Israel (even one was launched during the interview!) the Oxfam response was to dismiss that aspect of things entirely and focus instead on the “humanitarian” plight of those who live in the moral sewer of Gaza. The BBC interviewer did not pursue this line of enquiry as it was obvious where his sympathies lay. The only opinion expressed was the venomous anti-Israel take from Oxfam – the utterly discredited Hamas-apologists. It’s a disgrace that the BBC gets away with this constant shilling for the shelling Palestinians. It appears that the BBC, along with those such as Oxfam, have their eyes firmly closed when it comes to reporting on what is actually going in in Gaza.


I caught the 8.45am item on the Today programme run by Paul Woods which involved an interview with an 18 year old Gazan homicide bomber. She was allowed to claim that her pending self-explosion was a response to those bad Jews bombing Mosques whilst the faithful are at prayer. No rebuttal of this outrageous Palestinian slur was permitted but then again since the BBC cannot bring itself to even accept that Hamas are bloodthirsty terrorists, who’s surprised?


Despite the best efforts of Hamas to reduce the number of attacks on Israel (Surreal, I know but those are the BBC’s wordss) it seems the inhabitants in Gaza are still mired in their own excrement because…YES…. those pesky Jews refuse to allow spare sewage parts into Hamastan. I read this story DRIPPING in pro-Pali bias and wondered if al-Beeb has ever managed to file one report which is critical of the Hamas Jihadists without also suggesting that their barbarism is merely a response to the bad Jews?



I see the BBC delights in telling us that Israel is concerned about the number of violent attacks happening in Judea/Samaria (or “West Bank” in BBC talk). The attacks flagged up are being carried out by Jewish settlers. The BBC helpfully shows an accompanying still from the alleged video taken by a pro-Palestinian group Yesh Din to demonstrate just how vicious the Jews living in this area can be. One could be forgiven for thinking that the Palestinians are innocent little lambs. There is never any mention of the barbarity that Palestinians show towards these “settlers. Then again, presenting these people as the aggressors is all part of the ongoing Palestinian propaganda campaign- lapped up and regurgitated by the BBC.


. I see that three Palestinians have died when a smuggling tunnel under the border between Gaza and Egypt collapsed. Five others who were inside the tunnel, near the Rafah crossing, are missing.The BBC asserts that the tunnels are used to bring fuel, weapons and other supplies into Gaza. Wonder will anyone at the BBC ask why Hamas need these weapons?


The headline conveys the point the BBC wants to make. “Ill Palestinians asked to spy”. The item then repeats the claim made by the anti-Semitic group “Physicians for Human Rights” that bad Israeli security agents are putting pressure on some poor Palestinian medical patients to become informants. If you read the article it is laced with the usual venom the BBC seems to especially reserves for Israel. Do you think ANYONE at the BBC ever stops to query the endless stream of anti-Israeli propaganda it pumps out or is the hatred of the Jewish people so great that it just gets set aside?


It’s interesting to observe that when one bunch of Palestinian thugs (Hamas) attack another bunch of Palestinian thugs (Fatah) leading the latter to leg it and beg sanctuary from the hated Jews, the BBC naturally portrays Israel as the villain of the piece when it propose to “send back” these vermin. Did I say vermin? Sorry, I meant to say partners in peace and of course world’s most oppressed people. Also isn’t it curious the way in which the BBC uses term “Clan” to describe these Fatah gangsters? Is there a long lost Scottish connection to the Middle East conflict we have not know of before now? Has Alex Salmond been told, could be SNP votes in it for him ? Even when Palestinians show their innate barbarism by butchering each other, the BBC still can’t resist blaming the Jews.