The BBC’s Mark Mardell: Obama’s “Courageous” Statement On Gay Marriage…(Vomit Alert)

Mark Mardell is so excited about Obama giving his support for gay marriage. A “courageous act” on this “hot button issue” chirps the Beeb’s man in Washington as he religiously obeys the BBC handbook on brown-nosing Barack Obama at very possible opportunity.

But many Democrats would rather their man led, than followed.
Just because the timing of this announcement was unplanned and unwanted doesn’t mean it was undebated within the White House.
They may have seen little alternative, but also recognise that President Obama gets some kudos for being the first president to support gay marriage.

You see the strategy – yet another OBL type “tough call” for the President with a spine of titanium channelled via Mardell who is clearly consolidating the BBC as the unofficial UK arm of the White House re-election campaign.

Mardell is obviously flagging this up as a gift to Obama’s base. What he conveniently forgets to mention is that the reason why it came out at all was because his “base” appears to be withering away leaving him vulnerable on his left flank. Moreover Mardell’s identification of this as a “hot button issue” is open to question. He quotes poll data but can it be really true that across America this is the number one question in factory, office or store rather than gas prices, Obamacare costs or entitlements?

Perhaps the waspish John Nolte from hit the nail on the head when he tweeted

John Nolte ‏@NolteNC
Did Obama’s cynical same-sex marriage move energize his base more than our’s? Doubt it. And by “his base” I of course mean the media.

The slavish adulation of the American media elite and their refusal to ask any questions about his background, experience or questionable Chicago acquaintances was a major factor in allowing this man to rise without trace to the highest office in the land. They remain a major bastion of his support – and, to these people in New York, Washington and Hollywood, gay issues are at the top of the agenda.

But to the rest of America, maybe not so much….with the exception, naturally, of Mark Mardell and the folk at the BBC….


BBC Home editor Mark Easton believes Downing Street must be disappointed by the small scale of today’s strikes because, apparently, it shows that the government’s attempts to create an engaged citizenry is failing:

But if there is a surprise at the action today, it is that we haven’t seen more of it. And as I shall explain, I think for some in Downing Street, that is a bit of a worry.
When the budget cuts were announced back in 2010 there was an acceptance that austerity, once it started to bite, would be greeted by widespread public anger. Government unpopularity at this point in the cycle was a given and the big question was how the British population would make their fury felt…
My guess is that they imagined the pain of the cuts would wake people up to their democratic rights. While disagreeing with those who oppose their policies, of course, I suspect they thought this period in our politics might also represent an opportunity to rouse a populace that has come to regard itself as consumer rather than citizen.

Something tells me that if today’s strikes had been much bigger Easton would not have been claiming it as proof that the Big Society is working. Heads he wins, tails they lose. If he wants to see someone who is really disappointed in the level of protest, my “guess” is that he should look in the mirror.



“Production staff in an English TV crew were dismayed when they lost the chance to work at the World Snooker Championships for the BBC.  But their disappoint turned to anger, when they realised their jobs were still available, but had been replaced under a quota scheme which favoured  employing staff from Scotland.  As a result, Scottish production crews were relocated to England and put up in a hotel – while the previous crews who had built up a specialist knowledge working on the programme were sidelined simply because they were English. “


We’ve been banging on about Operation Fast and Furious for quite a while here on Biased BBC but, understandably, some people may still be not up to speed on the topic. It’s a growing scandal in the States and has the potential to become a big issue in the US presidential campaign. The BBC has touched on the story, but only in that unenthusiastic late-to-the-party nothing-to-see-here manner it adopts whenever there’s potential embarrassment for Obama and his administration.

For those wanting a quick rundown about the whole sorry saga here’s Katie Pavlich – author of “Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal” – interviewed on today’s Dennis Miller show.


On this morning’s edition of BBC Radio Five Live’s Weekend Breakfast presenter Colin Paterson was stunned to hear that prosecutors in the Guantanamo trial of the chief 9/11 suspects are actually calling for the death penalty. What sort of bubble must one inhabit to find that surprising? (Click through for audio.) Continue reading


Biased BBC’s Alan notes that out of the mouths of babes and Guardian journalists comes this:

‘….the Mail, improbably, goes on to claim that if Labour succeeds in driving Murdoch out of business, “the public would be left with a barren media world dominated by the state-subsidised BBC and the Guardian.” I’m tempted to say: “I wish.” But I wouldn’t want that to happen either.’

No…Of course not.

The Guardian’s Michael White oozing praise for Tom Watson and revealing his deepest, innermost wish….a world in which only the Guardian and the BBC provide us with the News.

“When Gordon Brown announced his war against Murdoch he could never have dreamed he would be so successful…but when you have the world’s most powerful news organisation on your side along with a craven Tory PM ready to hand them the head of Rupert Murdoch to save his own I guess it might have always been a forgone conclusion.”


A reader send me this…

“THE Australian Financial Review and British broadcaster the BBC selected a handful of emails from a cache of almost 15,000 to paint a blatantly incorrect conspiracy theory of a global piracy scam orchestrated by News Corporation.

Forensic analysis of thousands of those emails, which the AFR describes as the “great bulk of our supporting material”, shows the 45 stories they sparked were based on incorrect assumptions, false interpretations and highly selective reporting. AFR journalist Neil Chenoweth, known for his highly critical reporting on News Corporation – the ultimate owner of The Weekend Australian – and its chairman and chief executive Rupert Murdoch, joined forces with the BBC’s investigative program Panorama to air the claims.”


Why does the BBC insist on politicising every programme…is there the slightest possibility that I could watch something without being lectured or sold some dodgy political line or social metaphor? Biased BBC’s Alan ponders…

“Their series on ‘Ancient Apocalypses’ continues with every disaster being the result of catastrophic climate change, their election broadcasts flood the airwaves with ‘overwhelming’ Labour victories….whilst leaving for the small print the fact that yes Labour got 39% but it was 39% of a voter turn out of 32%….hardly a ringing endorsement. And now we can’t even watch ‘Traffic Cops’ without some gratuitous political messaging…

Allegedly ‘All across the country the Thin Blue Line is stretched to the limit…because…..of the big cuts in the police budget that are looming.’

Not only that but, shockingly, Romanian immigrants have been forced to steal by the cruel Coalition cuts….’It’s sign of the times that people are turning to scavenging to make a living.’

Not only that but ‘It’s a sign of the times that traffic cops have to help out their colleagues cope with drunken violence in towns.’

I guess the times they are a changing as Tom Watson would quote Bob Dylan saying.

But not at the BBC…they’re still stuck in the 1960’s puffing the weed and praising Karl Marx and Yasser Arafat.

You’d laugh at the BBC’s desperate little ploys but the constant drip drip drip of anti-coalition doom and gloom probably has an effect….and as seen in Bradford a handful of votes can win a seat….combined of course with a bit of electoral chicanery in places.”