I see that thousands of BBC staff are to be balloted for strikes over pay, with unions warning of disruption to coverage of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations if action goes ahead.

Members of unions representing journalists, technicians and other employees will vote in the coming weeks, with the result due on May 21. The unions would have to give seven days’ notice of any action, but they would have time to call strikes over the June weekend of events.

I say let them all go on strike, their perfect right. Then sack them all. Our right as the people who fund them.

Question Time LiveBlog 19th April 2012

Tonight Question Time comes from Leeds.

On the panel tonight Conservative party co-chairman and beacon of promoted-beyond-their-ability tokenism Sayeeda Warsi, shadow home secretary and screechy self-righteous harpy Yvette Balls (Cooper), the Respect MP and professional cat impersonator George Galloway, president of the Liberal Democrats and odious backstabbing leadership-wannabe Tim Farron; and the Times columnist David Aaronovitch

Your Moderators line-up consists of David Vance, David Mosque, TheEye and John Ward.

It’s a 10:30pm kick off and afterwards we will suffer the maddess that is This Week. Don’t forget to look for Blue Nun Bingo updates on David Mosque’s website dedicated to the game here.

See you here later!


An arson attack on a communications mast which disrupted BBC Radio Bristol’s service last week has been claimed by the Earth Liberation Front:

We take responsibility for the attack on the communications mast on Dundry hill on 11th April, that took out five communication services and took off air BBC Radio Bristol and Jack FM for more than 16 hours, as well as disrupting Avon and Somerset Police radio communications it seems (although they are refusing to comment on this).

They did it by burning tyres, which doesn’t sound very eco-friendly.

Isn’t BBC Bristol the place where they make all those environmental films pushing the climate alarmist agenda?

Slap in the Face

Blogger Restoring Britain commented yesterday on Monday’s Open thread about the BBC’s treatment of yet another story which seizes on the Israeli retaliation while ignoring the build-up that led to it.

Here is our old friend Yolande Knell, who might have picked up some of her material from this AP report, which also contains the usual emotive anti-Israel language. For example :

“Israel has branded the activists “provocateurs” who posed a security threat to the country. Calling itself the Middle East’s only democracy, it says the protesters have their priorities wrong and should instead focus on rampant human rights violations in neighboring Arab countries.”

With the Mavi Marmara incident in mind, these activists are undoubtedly provocateurs, it’s not really necessary to use the sneering: “Israel has branded” they ARE provocateurs. End of, as they say in Eastenders. Same goes for “Calling itself”. It IS the Middle East’s only democracy. Get over it, as they say elsewhere.

“In the video, Lt. Col. Shalom Eisner is seen smashing a Danish activist in the face with his M-16 rifle.”

To me that looks distinctly over the top. “Smashing” indicates something is broken. I think the poor fellow had stitches in his lip. Painful, but not exactly smashing.

However the AP article does go into more detail, so sneering aside, we are told:

 “The officer, through his confidantes, claimed the activist had previously struck him with a stick, breaking two of his fingers, Israeli media reported. One newspaper ran a photo of him with a bandage on his hand.”

Yolande Knell has:

“After an exchange, the video shows Lt Col Eisner suddenly slamming his M-16 rifle into a demonstrator’s face in an apparently unprovoked attack.”


In her defence, the video does appear to show an unprovoked attack. Probably because that’s the bit they filmed.

This isn’t the first time the press has seized upon such a thing and presented it as though pro Palestinian activists are angels of mercy, and the IDF are brutes. It isn’t the first time Israeli governments have condemned an errant Israeli before the facts have been fully examined. Remember Mohammad Al Dura.

In conclusion, this isn’t the first time the BBC has shown little or no interest in the background to a provocative pantomime by Israel-bashers and useful idiots, but expressed indignation the moment Israel responds.

This blogger has written a series of detailed articles exploiting this incident. He seems particularly upset that several Israelis have been praising Col Eisner, but check out the tenor of the comments to see what sort of attitude they reveal.


If Col Eisner’s bad-tempered face-butt was really representative of IDF behaviour and the shy Dane who was afraid to give his name – (“don’t tell ‘em, Andreas Ias”) – was really an innocent bicycle rider and songsmith, I’ll take it all back and apologise.


For an allegedly impartial broadcaster this is an interesting insight into the thinking of the next possible D-G of the BBC;

“With the post of BBC director-general now being advertised, former Newsnight political editor Michael Crick has an intriguing insight into the personality of one of the frontrunners, George Entwistle, the Yorkshire-born director of BBC Vision. ‘Entwistle used to be my editor on Newsnight, and I vividly recall him saying that our job every day was to come in and ask ourselves: “How can we f*** the Government today?” ’ says Crick, now at Channel 4 News. ‘I thought it was a great maxim for journalists.’

Well, that’s one way of looking at it i suppose  but the problem is that it seems to me that based on the track record of the past forty years the BBC want to f*** only some governments.  Thoughts?


For a supposedly impartial  journalist BBC News interactive’s business and technology editor Tim Weber  likes to spin US news in a rather skewed direction (h/t Jeff Waters). I think it’s safe to say he’s not a fan of the Republican Party:


The BBC’s business section – spinning for Obama, along with the rest of the BBC.

Telling Tales

What is a “Massacre”?

“The wanton or savage killing of large numbers of people, as in battle. The act or an instance of killing a large number of humans indiscriminately and cruelly” says the dictionary, pedantically.

Ten years ago this month, the media, including the Guardian and the BBC, reported a fairy tale. A massacre had taken place in the Palestinian city of Jenin in the West bank.

This eventually proved to be a falsehood, but rather than retracting the accusation, the Guardian insinuated that Israel’s detailed refutations were merely part of the Zionist propaganda machine.  The Guardian had their story, and they were sticking with it; they stuck to their guns, so to speak.

An article by ‘Myrrh’ in Harry’s Place and cross-posted on CiF Watch examines this example of malicious and shoddy journalistic malpractice, perpetrated way back in April 2002 and still unacknowledged.   Evidently, ten years on they’re still unrepentant; the article was submitted to the Guardian but they declined to publish it.

For about eighteen months during the spring of 2002 there was a sustained campaign of Palestinian suicide attacks, and many Israelis were killed. Eventually a retaliatory battle took place in the Jenin refugee camp from which most of the suicide attacks had emerged. After a few days 23 Israeli solders, and 52 Palestinians, 14 of whom were allegedly civilians, had been killed.

The Guardian’s reports of hundreds of Palestinian deaths were plain wrong. They were simply regurgitating fanciful claims emanating from the depths of a maudlin Palestinian imagination.

The Guardian deliberately uses emotive  language to stir up anti-Israel passion.

“‘Jenin camp looks like the scene of a crime’; ‘Jenin smells like a crime’; ‘Jenin feels like a crime’;”

When they couldn’t find many bodies, they said hundreds were probably buried in the rubble.

“In fact, as aerial shots later showed, the pictures of ostensibly widespread destruction in Jenin and its adjacent refugee camp were all of the same tiny area within the camp which had been the scene of a tactically brilliant ambush — on the part of the Palestinians.  Thirteen Israeli soldiers were killed when a series of booby-trapped buildings collapsed on them.” says Myrrh.

Booby traps  and ambushes severely test the IDF’s resolve to limit the collateral damage associated with air power. When they send in and thus endanger troops on the ground, the BBC’s reporting neither reflects nor explores Israel’s demonstrable humanitarian concerns.

Some of the comments below the line at Harry’s Place cite the BBC as well as the Guardian:

“The BBC came out with the same stories about the “massacre”. Their reports included claims of Israeli soldiers doing things like deliberately forcing a wheelchair-bound man into his house then bulldozing it on top of him.” says one comment. Another refers to this article .

Here’s James Naughtie talking to James Reynolds about the possibility of an investigation by the UN.

While the BBC eventually reported that the UN’s findings corroborated Israel’s claims, they  concentrated instead on Palestinian victimhood.

Jeremy Cooke knows about the UN’s findings, but he won’t let go of the approved scenario. Israeli brutality and Palestinian victimhood.

And here’s Martin Asser empathising with the problems encountered by the Palestinian commuter.  And celebrity kidnapee Alan Johnston recounting assorted heresay from various Palestinians, namely allegations of torture, and being made to take some of their clothes off.

These articles resemble malicious gossip between bored pub philosophers with nothing better to do than egg each other on till they’ve whipped each other up into mutual states of incandescent indignation. Unlike the BBC, the Guardian isn’t hobbled by a charter requiring impartiality at all times, or failing that, balance over-all. The BBC is obliged to keep its prejudices under the counter in plain packaging, but it still manages to get the message across by emoting, omission and innuendo.

Ten years on and much water has passed under the bridge. The aftermath of the Arab Spring, the rise of Islamism throughout the Arab World, the overt threats against Israel from the Ayatollahs and Mr. Ahmadinejad, manifestations of increasing Muslim antisemitism here in the UK. These developments have exposed an unpalatable reality loud and clear and have offered important lessons we obstinately refuse to learn. We won’t make the simple connection leading to the obvious conclusion so we can’t confront what truly lies behind the Israel/Palestine conflict. Lies being the operative word.

And what about accountability from the media. Our trusted National broadcaster habitually passing on unverified eyewitness reports from notoriously  fanciful and unreliable sources without identifying them as such is reckless and irresponsible. Without a subsequent and prominent mea culpa it’s destructive and dangerous.

The damage has been done. The impression has been implanted, and let’s face it, without the long overdue acknowledgements, revisions and apologies the armchair experts will forever be none the wiser.


Cassie posted this in the Open Thread section and we believe it deserves a far wider audience than might see it in the comments section….a few Liberals might see the light….and come over to the Dark Side.

“Conservatives Have All the Best Stories”

Biased BBC contributor Alan adds….

“It is low key but somehow extraordinary and mouth opening stuff. The speaker being a freelance journalist who once a Liberal, now, after her eyes were opened by the appallingly unfair and almost inhumane decisions of EU ‘Green’ commissars, is now a fully fledged normal person…who loves America and capitalism and the benefits such as vastly improved living standards and modern medicine that only it brings.

She tells us that she suspects the romanticism of the Liberals for non white European ‘cultures’ leads them into making almost racist decisions…ones that deny the benefits that the developed nations have….she says Africans don’t want to live in mud huts….I suspect she is right.

However she is also right about the cultural cringe, the aversion to ‘imposing’ anything Western upon other nations or cultures.

John Humphrys illustrated this for us on his first report from Liberia on the Today programme….

….’it’s a mismatched country and it just needs somebody to get it by the scruff of the neck and shake it, but that’s a European attitude.’

He tells us of the poverty and lack of amenities like electricity and water and sanitation….sewage polluting everything….but recoils at the thought that the solution might be some organisation and energy directed at improving things…..we can’t impose a European mindset on these people.

Really? What exactly is a European mindset? I would bet my bottom dollar that they would love to have an electric grid system or piped water and a sewage system and a transport system that works in all weathers. Hardly a European aspiration.

Just how do the Japanese cope? The Japanese industrialised and prospered because a Scottish engineer went there and put there economy on the right track. I don’t hear them complaining it’s all a European Imperial plot to colonise them by subterfuge and ideas.

Of course Humphrys and co would all be up in arms about a MacDonalds or Tescos moving into Primrose Hill.  At least they’re consistent in depriving the less well off, or less highbrow, of their pleasures and life improving amenities.”


My story about Sally Osman contained a major error.  I linked her to the wrong Make Believe organisation – for which I apologise unreservedly. I accept that such sloppiness unfortunately plays into the hands of those who defend the BBC. However, she does now work for Sony Europe, an organisation which is clearly busting a gut to flaunt its green credentials. My general point is that it seems no coincidence that at a time when the corporation is churning out endless green propaganda, a variety of former senior BBC executives are linked to companies which are also mired in green crusading.  That may simply be a sign of the times – after all, support of greenie madness often brings huge financial benefits, not to mention kudos with the political parties who also support it – but I also believe its one indicator among many of the extent to which the BBC has betrayed its core charter by espousing such partisanship.    I fully accept that Ms Osman may not personally support the green creed, but there is absolutely no doubt that her employer does – with a vengeance. WWF, as Donna Laframbois has established, seems to be working systematically to undermine democracy.       

I must apologise also that I inadvertently deleted the previous post. I am not totally familiar with the new WordPress format and hit the wrong button. Ouch!  So I doubly eat humble pie.