Wilful Blindness




The BBC finally got around to reporting the ‘Muslim Patrol’…or the ‘Homophobic vigilantes’ as the BBC prefer…..a key identifier of the ‘Vigilantes’, both personally and to explain the reason for their actions is that they are Muslim…..and therefore an acknowedgement of that should have been in the report’s title.

The BBC had to admit that the vigilantes claimed to be acting in the name of Islam but as with 7/7 such claims are dismissed…..strangely, you might think, one of the voices used by the BBC to defend Islam’s  innocence in all things homophobic or otherwise was the East London Mosque…a well known centre of moderation, common sense and tolerance.

…or perhaps not.

The BBC, either from wilful blindness or laziness, do no background check on the ELM….strange when you think how keen the BBC are to reveal the political leanings of right wing think tanks.  Wouldn’t it be wise to delve into the real beliefs and policies of a Mosque which is claiming to represent the Muslim community?  After all the ELM claiming the beliefs of the ‘Muslim Patrol’ had nothing to do with Islam is a bit like Hitler claiming the Brown Shirts had absolutely nothing to do with the Nazi Party.


The ELM has a long held reputation for radicalism and support for extreme, or should that be fundamentalist Islam.  A lot has been written about it.


Look at Harry’s Place…. which gives you the primer on the ELM which it tells us has ‘a pitiful record in promoting hate preachers’.

‘It is pretty clear that promoting hatred is part of the ELM/LMC’s core mission.’

‘The ELM/LMC is lying when they say that they’ve banned hate preachers. They love hate preachers, and they hate gay people.

And then, we’re surprised when gay people are bullied and abused in the streets around their institution.’



If the BBC are genuinely eager to see the end of discrimination and harassment then perhaps they should be investigating the source, the intellectual source, which feeds the beliefs of anyone acting upon them….rather than just accepting a convenient, for both parties, press release that exonerates the real culprit here….religion….not of course just one religion in regard to homosexuality.


The BBC of course have no intention  of looking closely at Islam preferring to give us a gilded version of it and its history in an attempt to persuade us that if Islam once led to a great civilisation then surely everyone must come to realise that Islam is a force for good and anyone claiming to be acting in the name of Islam who does ‘evil’ is distorting or perverting the wonderful religion of Islam.


Well, Cameron has made his big speech on the UK’s future relationship with the EU. I have provided my one line summary here. Wonder what you make of the BBC coverage of it? I thought Today was loaded with those who either oppose the IDEA of any change with the EU (Mandelson) or those who are raining praise on Cameron’s alleged “toughness (Bernard Jenkins) Not that much space for those who hold the view that this is just contrived spin and cynical triangulation aimed at warding off UKIP.


Yes, of course we all know that the BBC is unrelentingly hostile to anyone even vaguely right of liberal in the normal run of things BUT when the likes of William Hague and those wise old (Arabist) coves at the F.O. churn out press releases supportive of the urgent need for a Palestinian State, then all of a sudden, the BBC is almost kind to them! Almost like the BBC has an agenda on this…

Potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto!

Wonder what you make of this?

The Prime Minister said the attack that killed six Britons should be “condemned utterly” after a Conservative MP expressed “surprise and disappointment” at the broadcaster’s reporting. The BBC, which has strict guidelines for reporters on the terms they should adopt, described the attackers as “militants” 12 times in one report on its website. However, in the same report, the only use of the term “terrorists” occurred in a quotation from remarks by the Algerian prime minister.

Of course the BBC, like other leftist institutions such as the UN, struggles with the word terrorism. The vile Jihad scum that terrorised those poor people at the BP gas plant in Algeria before killing them are “militants” because that is the BBC’s idea of not being “judgemental.” But by definition those  who set out to kidnap, take hostage and threaten innocents  with death ARE terrorists Here’s the definition of a terrorist;

“One that engages in acts or an act of terrorism”

Isn’t Jihad the very definition of terrorism? If it isn’t terrorism, what IS it?  What are “militants”?

“Having a combative character; aggressive, especially in the service of a cause”

What do YOU think?


FT journalist Janan Ganesh is not impressed with the fawning media coverage of Obama. The BBC’s Dominic Laurie agrees and concedes that the BBC does not escape blame.


So Prince Harry reveals that he may have killed Taliban when on active service in Afghanistan. Good. Well maybe not. This item from the BBC seems fairly neutral but the idea that our soldiers actually KILL Jihadists never sits easy with the preaceniks and dhimmis at the BBC and so I invite you to comment on any additional BBC coverage you may have heard as regards Harry’s interview..