The BBC has been making strenuous and concerted efforts in a campaign to overthrow the elected government and undermine its economic policy in this country.
It has been broadcasting repeated claims that ‘Austerity’ will lead only to the revival of Fascism and it scaremongers relentlessly with film and opinion pieces that are meant to frighten us with the spectre of jack booted storm troopers marching down the Mall.
As the Political Party Conference season began the BBC also began its political game broadcasting ‘The Nazis: A Warning From History’ …..making the link between government imposed economic misery and Fascist dictatorship. Stephanie Flanders began her ‘Masters of Money’ series that also plugged that message….Austerity will see blood on the streets and revolution.
Now we have their latest effort….’The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler ’……here the BBC warns us that having George Osborne as Chancellor will only lead to another sort of Chancellor…. Adolf Hitler arising from the ashes of the scorched earth policies of George Osborne and Frau Merkel:
‘Adolf Hitler was an unlikely leader but he still formed a connection with millions of German people, generating a level of charismatic attraction that was almost without parallel. It is a stark warning for the modern day, says historian Laurence Rees (ex BBC man).
In the good economic times, during the mid-to-late twenties in Germany, Hitler was thought charismatic by only a bunch of fanatics. So much so that in the 1928 election the Nazis polled only 2.6% of the vote.
Yet less than five years later Hitler was chancellor of Germany and leader of the most popular political party in the country.
What changed was the economic situation. In the wake of the Wall Street Crash of 1929 there was mass unemployment in Germany and banks crashed.
“The people were really hungry,” says Jutta Ruediger, who started to support the Nazis around this time. “It was very, very hard. And in that context, Hitler with his statements seemed to be the bringer of salvation.”
This history matters to us today. Not because history offers “lessons” – how can it since the past can never repeat itself exactly? But because history can contain warnings.
In an economic crisis millions of people suddenly decided to turn to an unconventional leader they thought had “charisma” because he connected with their fears, hopes and latent desire to blame others for their predicament. And the end result was disastrous for tens of millions of people.
It is in Greece itself – amid terrible economic crisis – that we see the sudden rise of a political movement like the Golden Dawn that glories in its intolerance and desire to persecute minorities.
And it is led by a man who has claimed there were no gas chambers in Auschwitz. Can there be a bigger warning than that?
Laurence Rees is a former creative director of history programmes for the BBC
Kind of a curious view…..when you consider who is provoking revolution and anarchy on the streets of Europe……..
Trade Union barons are whipping up anti government rhetoric and protest, Marxist anarchist groups occupy cathedrals and public spaces, students and left wing activists riot and threaten to bring down governments, even the BBC broadcasts calls for violent revolution on their programmes…..as on Flander’s Masters of Money…….but what does the BBC see the problem as?
Apparently the imposition of Austerity has led to the activation of Nazi sleeper cells around Europe…The Boys From Brazil are here just waiting to over turn democracy and goose step across Europe just as they did in the 30’s.
Of course, remember what the BBC won’t tell you….the Nazis, the ‘National Socialists’….were, em, Socialists.
When the BBC calls them ‘Fascists’ or ‘Far Right’ they do so in the hope you, the viewer, will make the connection to any political party on the Right….preferably the Conservatives….thereby associating all ‘that nastiness’ with them and not their true brethren on the Left.
Nazis have more in common with Labour socialists than Tories….Black Shirted Fascist Oswald Mosley was a Labour Party MP…..Communism is merely the other side of the same coin that is Fascism….just as you have Shi’ites and Sunni Muslims.
The BBC hates austerity with a vengeance and never misses a chance to damn it….Evan Davis often saying that Austerity is the ‘medicine that is killing the patient’, whilst Flanders has had a free hand to produce programme after programme supporting Labour’s economic view and ‘Plan B’.
Comments by BBC presenters have no basis in reality….Victoria Derbyshire stating that ‘people are losing their jobs left right and centre’ when unemployment is going down. The strange little programme ‘Wake Up To Money’ is always good for a laugh….yesterday claiming that the rich haven’t paid anything towards reducing the deficit…when of course they have been hit with the largest tax rises overall, and today they came up with the comment that the Governor of the Bank of England had suggested that we are heading for another triple dip recession in his ‘zig zag’ speech, when he said nothing of the sort.
Nothing like not letting the facts get in the way of a bad news story.
However even those old lefties at the Guardian have begun to wake up to reality….
‘Austerity is Here To Stay’
Welcome to 21st-century Europe.
Today’s quarterly inflation review by the Bank of England is merely the latest in a series of indicators that remind governments and peoples across Europe and beyond that the old days are simply over, done, finished.
The message is hard to miss. Times have changed. The only thing that is certain is further uncertainty. We may have come out of recession again, but the idea that Britain, let alone the countries of the eurozone, can expect to see any resumption of the kind of growth rates to which we have all been accustomed since the second world war, is increasingly fanciful. We are living through not a downturn but an epochal change, and we need to make a more consistent effort to understand what this implies.
During the next 50 years, according to a newly published OECD growth report, the world economy is expected to grow at about 3% a year. Most of that growth, however, will be in Asia and the developing nations. Growth in Europe, including the UK, will be much less robust – and will often actually decline.
Got that? Growth in Britain will often decline over the coming half-century. It will not resume. We can talk all we like about stimulus and investment, as Labour did today in its latest denunciation of George Osborne, quite rightly in its way. But, during the next 50 years, growth is going to be halting and uneven and will sometimes be negative. Just like now, in fact.
The OECD said something else, too. As the world economy grows, it reported, our European share of it will decline. Economic power is shifting to China.
For most of us, relative decline is something we read about but don’t think about until it hits us on the head. Most of us have barely started to grasp what it may mean for our living standards and our politics.
And not just in 50 years’ time, either. These large shifts are already under way. Their impact is now, as well as later.
Smart leaders should recognise that austerity in some form is the context for most of the foreseeable political options in countries like Britain.
But it does mean that political parties in economically developed countries no longer have the same breadth of spending options as they did……. the left cannot simply shout the old mantras.
This is not a defeatist but a realistic assessment.
Clearly, though, the right is more comfortable in such times.
He is right about that. Osborne’s touch may have deserted him recently, but he has the huge advantage of being alive to the context and politics of these new times in ways that the left across Europe is still struggling to match.’
Osborne is right…and ‘in touch’ with the context and politics? How refreshig to see the dawning of reality and the realisation that we have priced ourselves out of the market.
If only the BBC would, if not accept that ‘radical’ view, but at least allow the light of discussion and informed debate to illuminate the viewers and listeners instead of the BBC itself casting the dark and forebidding shadow of fascism across the airwaves.
Time for the BBC to start accepting the case for Austerity and for not briefing against it in terms designed to frighten everyone to death.