There comes a time in every successful criminal’s ‘career’ when, after evading Plod with ease for a long time, they become complacent, arrogant, cocky….careless…of course not being caught means they stay in the shadows…they get no recogniton, fame or infamy. For some this ‘fame’ is undoubtedly a draw, a factor in the game….so much so that they start to tease the police, tempting them to catch them…almost wishing to be caught.
Richard Black has reached this stage in his career….having given years of diligent service in the cause of promoting AGW to a sceptical world he gets ever more obvious and determined to push the pro-warming agenda seemingly regardless of any requirements for truth. This of course is not a crime…no hang on….it might well be….the BBC is by law required to be accurate, fair, impartial and balanced in its reporting.
This is his latest tour de force…it’s a clever piece…obvious in its bias only if you know what Black’s intentions are and the background to his comments.
It is in essence merely a vehicle to support pro-global warming scientists whilst discrediting sceptics.
The scientists..Muller and Hansen have been roundly discredited before…Muller’s BEST research even failed to get the backing of a scientist who worked on the project saying ‘that Prof Muller’s claim that he has proven global warming sceptics wrong was also a ‘huge mistake’, with no scientific basis.’…..whereas Black claims… ‘ it proves ‘sceptics’ were wrong about denying AGW’……. and the BBC later blatantly lied about Muller when he claimed he had once been a sceptic but had ‘seen the light’ and was now a fully converted believer in man made global warming….Muller was always a pro-warmer.
Black wants to talk about the role of formal scientific processes in climate science.
Muller released his ‘research’ without peer review…and so it is untested…..apparently this is the method used in String Theory science…..let’s have a look at what a scientist has to say about the inner workings of String Theory research:
‘In 2008 Physicist Lee Smolin’s book ‘The Trouble with Physics: The Rise of String Theory, The Fall of a Science and What Comes Next’ was published.
What he had to say about the way science worked and how ideas and theories were produced and then supported regardless of reality was a stinging rebuke to those people who jump on a bandwagon and base their career and funding on the ‘truth’ of that idea….if the idea is discredited so are they, and the funding dries up…..
Here is what he says about String Theory and its proponents….
‘….with a cry of joy, most of these scientists seized on string theory as the answer. But their enthusiasm was such that they came to think not that it might be the answer, but that it must be. They formed themselves into a cult. Dissenters and apostates were not just scorned, they were denied posts in universities. Einstein the thinker could not now get a job in any leading physics department. For any young physicist, it was easiest simply to suppress one‘s doubts and go with the stringies.‘
Does that remind you of any scientific environment now? Any Consensus?
Black is supposedly using Muller and Hansen’s ‘research’ as examples of how such research is transmitted to the public and how it is perceived….the reality is that Black is purely trying to push their ideas forward yet again as ‘real science’ that is trustworthy and done by ‘real scientists’….unlike the sceptics who of course are totally unqualified….or mad…or maybe even Nazis.
Here are a couple of lines from Black which are somewhat out of place in a BBC news report…..just too ‘personal’……
‘Rarely if ever have I seen a published scientific paper that states the rationale for its existence so baldly in terms of public perception.’
‘The original BEST study particularly got up the nose of meteorologist turned sceptic blogger Anthony Watts.’
Note the ‘meteorologist turned sceptic blogger’ dismissive tone.
Black goes on to tell us some scientific journals have a ‘politicised slant’ on issues….but what does he choose? A ‘sceptical’ journal and…..a ‘loony’ creationist journal…an obvious attempt to damn by association:
‘Peer review is far from perfect – especially in a politicised arena such as climate science where some journals exist with a specific, directed slant on the issue.
Energy and Environment, for example, proclaims itself “a forum for more sceptical analyses of ‘climate change'”.
Creationists have attempted to clothe themselves in scientific garb down the years by establishing publications designed to look and feel like scientific journals…..The Journal of Creation.’
Black saves the best slur, or is that BEST, till last…..
‘You can create a parallel world where it isn’t, if you really try.’
Ahhh…that’s it then…the sceptics live in a little world of their own, one they’ve made up?
The only person living in a world of their own is Black….a world that hasn’t ‘warmed’ for over a decade….as proven by ‘BEST’ itself…..
‘Like the scientists exposed then by leaked emails from East Anglia University’s Climatic Research Unit, her colleagues from the BEST project seem to be trying to ‘hide the decline’ in rates of global warming.
A report to be published today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation includes a graph of world average temperatures over the past ten years, drawn from the BEST project’s data and revealed on its website.
This graph shows that the trend of the last decade is absolutely flat, with no increase at all – though the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have carried on rising relentlessly.
‘This is nowhere near what the climate models were predicting,’ Prof Curry said. ‘Whatever it is that’s going on here, it doesn’t look like it’s being dominated by CO2.’
It is astonishing really that Black is still employed by the BBC. He is so far from the requirements of a BBC journalist that somebody somewhere in the bowels of the BBC must have noticed he isn’t up to scratch.
Black clearly has not the slightest problem or qualm about twisting the truth nor any conscience in trying to smear and blacken climate change sceptic’s characters and scientific qualifications.
He is engaged in propaganda against sceptics and for that reason he should be out on his backside looking for a job at the Guardian….or UFO’s Weekly.