At least she knows where to start

  The BBC tells us…. The head of Theresa May’s new anti-extremism commission – set up after the Manchester Arena attack – is facing calls to quit from Muslim groups. Sara Khan, who has campaigned for women’s rights in Muslim communities, has been given the task of rooting out extremism in the UK. She has promised “zero tolerance to those who promote hate”. But her support for the Home Office’s … Continue reading

Boris The Bullet Dodger

      The BBC just can’t kill off Boris try as they might…and they do try.  Hard. Every time he opens his mouth the BBC is there to attack and undermine him, Laura Kuenssberg leading the charge with her long in the tooth conspiracy that every word he utters is a machiavellian plot to take over the leadership of the Tory Party…and she’s not afraid to add in a … Continue reading

‘Widespread Outrage’

    No one has ever used sex to sell anything before in the history of mankind.  That’s why the President’s Club affair is so shocking.  What exactly is the problem?  That it was a bit of a raunchy night’s entertainment, or that some girls were groped, or that it was men only?  Just to be clear.  As far as I can see the ‘outrage’ is all directed in the … Continue reading

Mid-Week Open Thread

  Jeremy Corbyn owes Momentum big style…he is their man, bought and paid for.… Name of donor: Momentum Campaign (Services) Ltd Address of donor: Walkden House, 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EJ Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: interest free, unsecured loan of £50,000 towards my campaign for leadership of the Labour Party. This loan is for an indefinite period. Interest free, unsecured and for … Continue reading

Dispatches dispatched

Channel 4 pulls ‘cash for Brexit’ TV exposé: Investigation into former Tory Cabinet ministers accused of offering advice to Chinese companies is dropped at the eleventh hour Ooops….things haven’t gone to plan at C4 recently as Cathy Newman might admit.  Now, as we suggested earlier, Dispatches’ attempt to entrap Tory politicians in a scheme engineered by C4 to discredit and deligitimise Brexit by making it look like a Tory get-rich … Continue reading

Hisloppy Journalism

  He's 'the most sued man in British history', it says here. Time for Ian Hislop to meet @BBCNickRobinson on our Political Thinking podcast. — BBC Radio 4 (@BBCRadio4) January 12, 2018 Nick Robinson to Private Eye’s Ian Hislop….. ‘You fuel cynicism, you feed an idea that people are on the take, that they’re all the same, they’re in it for themeselves.  The brew, if you like, that … Continue reading

The BBC grooming terrorists?

  When Breivik launched his deadly attack in Norway the BBC et al launched their own attack on ‘right-wing’ commentators blaming them for the killings because they dared to criticise the BBC et al’s open borders, mass immigration experiment imposed upon the populace of Europe without any debate, in fact all debate was harshly and uncompromisingly crushed.  It was in fact the Left’s enforced lack of debate, a voice and … Continue reading

Start the Week Open Thread

  Let’s have some alternate facts from the BBC, or even just some facts.  The Clintons received millions of dollars from the Russians and the Saudis, Clinton’s top aide is a Saudi, the Democrats paid for the ‘dodgy dossier’ on Trump, the company commissioned to produce the report admits it ‘customises’ its reports for the customer’s requirements, the FBI are accused of helping or encouraging the production of that dodgy … Continue reading

Jobby goes poop poop

  Ah yes, the principled mutineer….. The thing Brextremists really can't compute is me being prepared to compromise my career for principles. I hated stepping down from Newsnight & could have stayed with simple changes to my modus operandi outside the Beeb. The decision makes me look decent so they claim I was axed. — James O'Brien (@mrjamesob) January 20, 2018   So let’s get this right….Jobby has to chuck … Continue reading

Well, fancy that!

    Fake News: BBC Describes Iraqi Migrant Terror Suspect as ‘Surrey Teenager’ ???? — Jack Montgomery ن (@JackBMontgomery) January 20, 2018   In the Sunday Times today…this is what the naive, foolish journalists like the BBC’s Mark Easton bring to Europe with their open borders and unlimited immigration of alien cultures and beliefs [and the pathetic appeasement of Muslim extremists celebrated as Churchills, Mandelas and Ghandis]…..a stupid, … Continue reading