Not the BBC News

  Some interesting nuance, balance and measured comment from the niece of MLK…..she is a Trump supporter #despitebeingblack…… "President Trump is not a racist." ~@AlvedaCKing niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Anyone that knows @POTUS @realDonaldTrump would never believe the lies being spread by Democrats & the mainstream media! ????#FakeNews #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder — GEORGIA DIRT ROAD ???? (@GeorgiaDirtRoad) January 13, 2018    

The Last Laugh?

  John Humphrys’ last laugh?     Humphrys: “Ah… Can you hear me Sopel?” Sopel: “Humphrys, I can hear you.” Humphrys: “Good, slight change of subject — first question will be how much of your salary you are prepared to hand over to Carrie Gracie to keep her, and then a few comments about your other colleagues, you know, like our Middle East editor and the other men who are … Continue reading

News Inquizition

    Oh dear, it started so well. Last week we had a proper right-wing comedian on the News Quiz, which the liberal lefty comics seem to think is their private club, and he was a bit of a star and got a few cheers from the audience and some good write-ups.  Clearly too popular and that had to stop. So who was on the BBC’s list for the job … Continue reading

Dick Dastardly

    Democratic senator Dick Durbin has claimed Trump is racist for using the term ‘chain migration’.….Breitbart has dug up a clip of Durbin himself using the full term in the Senate in 2010….. “The DREAM Act would not allow what is known as chain migration,” Durbin said. “In fact, DREAM Act students would have very limited ability to sponsor their family members for legal status.”   Remarkable that the … Continue reading

‘Why is coventry a shit hole?’

  Why is coventry a shit hole? Likely Coventry is described as such because it smells bad, is an unpleasant place to be, trashy, un-kept, or generally lacking in desirable qualities. Tags: shit hole,  coventry  Friday, February 03 2012 So not skin colour then? That’s odd because as we know the use of that phrase is predicated upon racism and skin colour….as the liberal quoted by the BBC tells us:…incredible … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread

  Millions of cheap labourers imported and the BBC wonders about the ‘productivity puzzle’ and why the NHS is ‘in crisis’ as patient use explodes.  Still, it doesn’t pay to look too hard, they might find something they don’t like. List the bias here……

Uphill job

Americanization The Commission supports effective Americanization of new immigrants, that is the cultivation of a shared commitment to the American values of liberty, democracy, and equal opportunity. The United States is one of the most successful multiethnic nations in history. It has united immigrants and their descendants from all over the world around a commitment to democratic ideals and constitutional principles. Those ideals and principles have been embraced by persons … Continue reading

Biters Bit

  You have to laugh….long and loud.  The biters have been bitten by the very culture of sanctimonious, offence taking, trigger-word fearing, safe-place craving, snowflake ‘don’t mention reality’ neurosis that they  helped create…and deep joy…Trump’s ‘beauty’, Jon Sopel, is one of the victims….and there is a tape recording to prove this one. BBC ‘deeply unimpressed’ over Carrie Gracie pay jokes The BBC is “deeply unimpressed” with an off-air chat in … Continue reading

Post-Lies Earache

Spielberg has produced a film designed to be a Liberal elitist reposte to Trump….The Post.  A film about newspapers trying to publish a secret government report about the running of the Vietnam war.  Apparently it has resonance today.  Well yes, but not in the way Spielberg likes to pretend.  Things are in fact reversed today….an Administration under attack by a corrupt and dishonest media…it is that Media which should be … Continue reading

Sh*thole hits the Fantasy

Most fascinating meeting I’ve been involved with in twenty plus years in politics. I very much appreciate @POTUS @realDonaldTrump attitude, demeanor, and desire to get something done that will make our nation more secure – while being fair to the #Dreamers. — Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 9, 2018   There is to be an inquiry into how the Media acted towards the families of victims after the Manchester bombing by … Continue reading