Start the week open thread

  The BBC were ecstatic yesterday as it thought Brexit was broken by May’s double dealing….getting a bit shriller today as the Remain joy is dashed….ironically by the BBC’s own reporting of the slippery concession May made to the IRA. Lots to talk about I’m sure…list it all here…..  

Guess the BBC headline

President Donald Trump has dramatically scaled back two public outdoor parks, or national monuments, in Utah. The policy is likely to provoke lawsuits from Native American tribes and environmental groups. But it will be welcomed by ranchers and business interests who view such monuments as federal land grabs. Now guess the headline: 1. Anger as Trump shrinks Utah Monuments 2. Trump’s shrinking of Utah Monuments is welcomed 3. Mixed reaction … Continue reading


  Who knew?  Andrew Marr told us this morning that Moscow is ‘one of the great Muslim cities of Europe’ and that Russia has a ‘very, very powerful Muslim identity’. Really?  Muslims make up 14% of Moscow’s population and just over 10% of the population nationally….88% of the population of Russia is Christian….maybe Marr thinks that cathedral in Red Square is a mosque. The BBC is outraged that Trump Retweets … Continue reading

Hispanic lives don’t matter to the BBC

  Where is the BBC outrage and claims of police brutality and racism?  Is it because the ‘victim’ is a distinct hue of white and has an Hispanic name rather than being black? Can’t see the slightest mention on the BBC website….why the lack of interest from a BBC that is usually so intent on starting a race war?  How many white police officers were killed because #blacklivesmatter and the … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread

  The Balfour Declaration….67 words that destroyed the Middle East, enslaved and ruined the Palestinians and all because Britain saw ‘Israel’ as a useful colonial outpost to control the Arabs who were not fit to rule themselves…you can always trust the BBC to  come up with the most negative, false and dangerous version of history that it can invent.  The UN created Israel and the Muslim Zion of Pakistan at … Continue reading

Business as usual

  The BBC is in a world of its own.  A liberal totalitarian one. Yesterday the BBC pro-EU, anti-Trump bots were released into the wild once again to spread the word….Brexit bad, Trump bad. Immigration good.  EU good. We had a laughable attempt to persuade us that Prince Harry is really a Muslim.  John Simpson on the Today show telling us Harry is a descendant of Muhammed…thus we should all … Continue reading

The BBC’s barefaced anti-Brexit lie about the EU’s ‘suicide squad’

  The BBC interprets an ‘anti-Brexit’ tract in the way its author intended, as anti-Brexit, but fails to reveal that the author is trying to deceive the public and that he voted Remain whereas the Sunday Times looks at the logic of his words and reports the truth behind them recognisnig this ‘resignation’ is just another part of the privileged elites’ Remain campaign to over-turn Brexit, the vote of the … Continue reading