Today’s BBC in the news on the BBC Editors Blog highlights

a leader article in the Daily Telegraph, Winds of competition: Not entirely unlike the Royal Mail farrago is the crisis that looms at the BBC. Again, a public sector organisation faces threats of strike action from its unions that could weaken the future of the entire enterprise. But in this case, the decisions of the management seem to be dictated by an irrational bureaucratic mindset. The corporation has set its … Continue reading

A quick post, an apology, and more Che love.

Sorry that I haven’t been posting for a while. Unfortunately my circumstances aren’t likely to change any time soon, so it is not a good idea to write to me with examples of BBC bias for the present. The odds of me posting your observation, however scandalous it is, are small. Best use the comments instead. That said, here I am today, home unexpectedly. And Fausta writes, “If you guys … Continue reading

BBC in the news gets worse

: Having ignored former BBC Governor Dame Pauline Neville-Jones’ devastating broadside in last week’s Mail on Sunday, this week they managed to include Jeff Randall’s article from the Sunday Telegraph, All the BBC needs is proper management, and then ignored an article from Monday’s Daily Mail, Faked footage, rigged votes and a culture of bias. No wonder we’ve lost faith in the BBC, where Melanie Phillips goes to town on … Continue reading

Watching a bit of Sneerboy’s new show on BBC News 24

there was a report about the North West Passage being free of ice for, according to Sneerboy, “the first time ever” – which of course sounds a lot more dramatic than “the first time in recorded history”, though even that is debatable. But the thing that really irked was this, in the Stupid BBC category, David Shukman (who of course just had to go to Resolute Bay in Canada to … Continue reading

Alan ‘Noddy’ Yentob is innocent according to the Grauniad.

Innocent of inserting noddy shots of himself into interviews not conducted by him, anyway. It turns out that: In all of the shows, in the four years since Imagine began, fake “noddies” were inserted into precisely none of them. Not one. So how did it happen then that such a damaging allegation was allowed to gain so much traction? “It’s all my own fault . . . it was foolish … Continue reading

Looking at the BBC’s problems from a management perspective

, the supremely qualified Jeff Randall, writing in the Telegraph, says All the BBC needs is proper management. Some excerpts: Queengate and Fincham’s departure: As Fincham walked, the BBC promised “to implement a comprehensive set of actions to address the weaknesses of communications and co-ordination with other divisions.” Do what? Hello, it’s not that complicated. This fiasco does not merit another burst of expensive training manuals. There’s no need for … Continue reading

Faked footage, rigged votes and a culture of bias. No wonder we’ve lost faith in the BBC

wrote Melanie Phillips in yesterday’s Daily Mail. Some excerpts: The departure of Peter Fincham: [F]eeling is growing that Mr Fincham has been made to carry the can for those higher up the BBC hierarchy, such as the grandly titled Director of Vision Jana Bennett, who was also criticised for showing a “lack of curiosity” once she had been told what had happened. Moreover, the manner of Mr Fincham’s departure is … Continue reading

Gordon Brown with his preferred BBC interviewer, Andrew Marr:

Gordon Brown in hiding with Andrew Marr, pt. 1 of 2 Gordon Brown in hiding with Andrew Marr, pt. 2 of 2 It wasn’t exactly a tough no-nonsense interview was it? Marr certainly went through the motions, but Brown got away with a lot of nonsense and flannel that a more rigorous interview style would have drawn out and highlighted. David Cameron, speaking on Adam Boulton’s show on Sky News, … Continue reading

Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

Please use this thread for BBC-related comments and analysis. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not (and never has been) an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or use as a chat forum. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts. Click through to read and contribute comments on this … Continue reading

So, there’s to be no election this year.

How embarrassing for Gordon Brown – having let speculation run riot, egged on by his spinners, rearranged his diary ready to make the announcment, only to pull out at the last minute, citing a laundry list of excuses (wanting to show his vision, the staleness of the electoral register, foot & mouth disease, the postal strike, lack of public demand etc.) – none of which would have mattered if it … Continue reading