Rounding-up a few press links,

we find in the Sunday Times that the BBC says it’s running out of money – apparently: Despite job cuts at the BBC, ministers have felt the corporation has not tightened its belt enough. They were particularly angered by revelations last year about the salaries paid to presenters such as Jonathan Ross, who signed an £18m three-year contract. Meanwhile, according to the Sunday Express, ‘Hard up’ BBC blows £33m on … Continue reading

#### Steal edit alert! #### Stealth edit alert! ####:

Yesterday Laban pointed out how the Marxists and fellow-travellers in BBC Southern region manufactured a row, nay, the eruption of a row, in their story, the third most important story in England in their opinion: Row erupts over Golly exhibition A row has broken out over a golly exhibition at a Hampshire museum. Turning to the same shocking story today, after Laban’s article (and articles by Iain Dale and Tim … Continue reading

Compare and contrast:

The BBC: Pair killed by Underground train Two suspected graffiti artists have been killed by a London Underground (LU) train in Barking, east London. The Sunday Times: Vandals mowed down by train TWO young men were killed after being caught spraying graffiti on a London Underground train and then running into the path of another Tube train as they tried to escape. Artists indeed! It’s almost a pity that the … Continue reading

“No Agenda Here, Move Along Please …”

(Thanks to reader Septimus Lupo for this classic.) “Row erupts over golly exhibition” – the BBC England page finds room for this major story. A row has broken out over a golly exhibition at a Hampshire museum. A row. Gosh. Gollygosh. Tell more. A collection of golly badges on display in Westbury Manor Museum in Fareham has been criticised for its perceived racist connotations. Dr John Molyneux, from the University … Continue reading

“Male Youths”

At last. The BBC give us the detailed story on the school hammer attack. She told the BBC the men attacked the boy and then another got out a hammer and starting hitting him. “He fell to the floor and asked them to stop, but they kept kicking him.” She added: “The boy tried to get up but they kept hitting him, then suddenly they all ran away.” Police have … Continue reading

My colleague Laban mentions the alleged attack on a Sikh schoolboy

in November, an allegation that was reported with much fanfare across all the BBC’s various media at the time, complete with the inference that it was somehow fall-out from Jack Straw’s comments about veiled Muslim women. Even Lothian & Borders Police were inspired to previosuly unknown efforts investigating this ‘crime’. Fortunately, the lads and lasses in blue eventually winkled out the truth, Sikh teen lied about hair attack, though strangely … Continue reading

Compare and Contrast (yet again)

If a gang of white men entered a school, grabbed and held down an Asian pupil, then beat his head with a hammer, what are the chances that: a) the BBC would hide the report away in the local county news pages? b) the report would studiously avoid mentioning that the attackers were white and the victim Asian? Call me a cynic, but I think it would, not unreasonably, be … Continue reading

Houston, the BBC have a problem.

Can they possibly understand what a news article is? Are they too concerned about the poor delicate egos of their Somali news team that they daren’t criticise the blatant one-sideness of the coverage? What kind of NEWS article is headed “Fears stalk Somalia’s capital once again” What kind of reporter states so baldly “The advice from one and all is to get Ethiopian troops to withdraw from the country and … Continue reading

Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:

Please use this thread for off-topic, but preferably BBC related, comments. Please keep comments on other threads to the topic at hand. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments – our aim is to maintain order and clarity on the topic-specific threads. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog. Please scroll down to find new topic-specific posts. Click through to read and … Continue reading

Time for another spot of comparing and contrasting.

Study these excerpts from today’s news. Excerpt 1: Britons held in Somali clash Several British terror suspects have been captured during the fighting in Somalia, it was claimed yesterday. At least seven Britons are said to have been picked up as they fled with fighters from the Islamic movement when they were forced out of the capital, Mogadishu. The men, all carrying British passports and including one said to have … Continue reading