Useless Idiot

  How can the BBC report this with a straight face?… Mr Corbyn told the Observer Mr Johnson should be sacked as foreign secretary for “undermining our country” and “putting our citizens at risk”. Jeremy Corbyn, the man who wants to dismantle NATO, who wants to scrap our nuclear deterrent and mothball the Army, the man who wants to put our intelligence service out to pasture, the man who has … Continue reading

Iran’s useful idiots…BBC journalists

  It seems that the BBC are so intent on getting rid of a Brexit supporting minister that they are prepared to spread Iranian propaganda to do so. We now hear that Boris is ‘under mounting pressure’…why?…because Corbyn has demanded he be sacked.   That’s not pressure is it?  That’s just the usual Labour politicking by a man who knows he has the BBC in his pocket and whom he can … Continue reading

Mr Khan

  The BBC is headlining with the amazing news that a ‘Labour’ politician wants Boris to resign for his comments about Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe.  Of course they don’t tell us that he is Labour…just that he is the Mayor of London….the same mayor of London that told Muslims that to cooperate with the police on anti-terror issues would  make them ‘Uncle Toms’. Maybe he should resign…..maybe the BBC should ask him … Continue reading

Making the News, up

  There is hardly a day that goes by when the BBC isn’t running an ‘NHS in crisis’ story usually as a result of ‘a BBC exclusive investigation’…so you know they have gone out looking for these stories, which aren’t hard to find of course.  The NHS is massive, over 1.5 million employees and in England alone deals with over 1 million patients every 36 hours.  Any wonder you will … Continue reading

Brexit Bingo

    In the last few weeks the Remainders have really stepped up their campaign to stop Brexit in its tracks with daily apocalyptic alarms warning us of the catastrophic consequences if we continue down the Brexit road to Hell….planes will fall out of the sky the day we leave, everyone will get cancer…and as the NHS collapses you’ll have nowhere to get treatment, criminals and terrorists will lay waste … Continue reading

Friday Open Thread

  Priti Patel resigns: What went wrong? Erm….according to The Sun an FCO official contacted the BBC and grassed on her…because?…The FCO was jealously guarding its territory, the FCO doesn’t like Jews and has always been Arabist, and the official was probably a Remainer…so why not grass up a Leave politician who is talking nicely to the Jews to the BBC which they might have grounds for considering to be … Continue reading

Get Boris….again!

  Tehran’s prosecutor general has said that a letter from David Cameron pleading for the release of a British-Iranian woman serving a five-year jail term in Iran on charges relating to national security was “confirmation that she had links with the UK government”.  Guardian Oct 2017 [why no fuss?]   Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s work for the BBC put her in danger.  The BBC doesn’t want you to know this.  It misdirects … Continue reading

The Jewish Lobby

  So the BBC is out to get Boris once again, and Priti Patel.  Guess what?  Both are high profile Leave campaigners with senior government jobs….Boris being the Leave campaign’s most influential voice.  The BBC would especially  love to take him down and discredit him and thus leave Brexit without such a motivational and inspirational figurehead. Priti Patel has made a slight gaff but hardly a sackable offence and yet … Continue reading

James and the Giant Screech

  Just what was it that made the BBC sit up and think…James O’Brien, he’s the man the BBC needs? Rabidly anti-Farage, anti-Brexit, anti-Right leaning Press, anti-Trump, anti-Tory…just the man for BBC Newsnight….a man who doesn’t have a clue what he is talking about and is so corrupt and dishonest he probably doesn’t care…..look at how he spins events in Rochdale and Rotherham  [and so many other places] in his … Continue reading

Dodgy Facts Haven…The BBC

Could this be why @jeremycorbyn raised tax avoidance at this week’s #PMQs ? Panama Papers 2 is this Sunday — Nick Robinson (@bbcnickrobinson) November 1, 2017 The BBC’s pension fund has shares in BP and Facebook….both companies deal with the Russians….Russia owns Facebook shares.  Does that ‘relationship’ mean the BBC is in hock to the Kremlin?  Has the BBC been funding Russian sponsored ‘fake news’ via Facebook?….LOL…and of course … Continue reading