Denis Boyles
has a lot to say about BBC coverage of the protests and some kind words for B-BBC. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
has a lot to say about BBC coverage of the protests and some kind words for B-BBC. Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
The Beeb showed this JFK documentary today on BBC World (satellite TV). For the most part it revisits the events of that day which many of us vividly remember. [For the record: I was in Miss Pruitt’s third grade class in Cooperative Elementary School, Spartanburg, SC, USA when the school PA system broke in with a frantic radio announcer delivering the tragic news.] I found most of this programme informative … Continue reading
on the lack of substantial British press coverage of President Bush’s visit (especially the BBC!). It was fascinating, and frustrating, to see this story from the other side. What was most striking to me was the utter lack of substance in most coverage of the visit. The focus was almost exclusively on the security precautions attending the trip, which were pretty universally frowned upon, and the demonstrations against President Bush, … Continue reading
The Oil-For-Food scheme is now under Coalition control and if you’re Judy Swallow, that is not such a happy prospect. On tonight’s broadcast of “Newshour” she hectored the poor UN official who is now out of a job (so to speak) about how bad things are going to get now that the UN is not around to look after the Iraqis who’ve been receiving aid. The official makes very clear … Continue reading
.Reading Kerry’s post on David Frum I found what I felt to be a ‘money’ quote. Here ’tis: ‘How can you do a program that purports to study why British people are so hostile to President Bush – without taking note of the state broadcaster’s role in creating and magnifying that hostility? ‘ In other words, the Beeb foregrounds the debates we have in society. Now, hear this: ‘Ms. Doucete, … Continue reading
. As a commenter in the below thread also notes, the Beeb’s journalists are logging their responses to the Bushes’ visit. It was (and still might be later on) a delightful selection of half-baked preconceived ideas disappointed, with dashes of wishful thinking thrown in. Until, that is, it was radically stealth-pruned back (these days, stealth editing isn’t enough- stealth-pruning under cover of darkness is the thing). For instance, maybe Jules … Continue reading
Bias at point blank range as reported by former Bush speechwriter David Frum. Before the three of us got to business, “Newsnight” broadcast an introductory video clip. It was that clip that was my perfect moment of news slanting. (Thanks to commenter Barry Rab.) Click through to read and contribute comments on this post.
It is now 5 [actually 6] days on and still no BBC coverage on what should be a major story alleging, as it does, a longstanding Saddam-Osama link. As for the press, the lockstep we see up ’til now is impressive. Where is the BBC on this? As Jack Shafer writes (for a non-Murdoch outlet by the way!): Everybody knows how the press loves to herd itself into a snarling … Continue reading
Earlier on this evening I was watching Channel Five’s early evening news. They were doing an item on the changes that have been made to the UK’s directory enquiry service. Time after time they said things like “…things got worse after deregulation” and “Has deregulation been a disaster?” etc. Only one problem. It wasn’t deregulated. Precisely the opposite in fact. What happened was that BT (the UK’s largest phone operator) … Continue reading
. A few days ago Andy Whittles and I were e-debating a scarifying BBConline report on an Iraqi health warning by British medical charity Medact. We decided we hadn’t got enough to go on, though I later discovered that one of Medact’s leading funders was the European Commission (ahem). A sparkling Mark Steyn’s not so shy in denouncing them, the protesters-to-be, and by association with the uncritical article noted above, … Continue reading