Meanwhile at the whine bar

  Trump has come under a torrent of criticism and abuse because he dared to defend himself, the massive relief effort and all the workers participating in it to help Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria.  He was originally savagely criticised by the mayor of San Juan, a local Democrat, who stated that Trump’s neglect in essence was going to result in a genocide.  Any wonder he responded … Continue reading

A senseless attack?

‘The alleged murderer was clearly a Muslim, but there is very little to suggest that he adhered to a hard-line interpretation of his religion or that he had political or religious motives. Still, searching for patterns and for answers is part of what it is to be human. I loathe cliche, but perhaps, for once, this is a “senseless tragedy”, devoid of deeper meaning.’   The BBC is still downplaying … Continue reading

Well I’ll Be Damned if I don’t

  The liberal do-gooders falling out with each other. Normally the BBC treats every utterance from his holyship as the word of God, Gospel, especially if he is doing a drive-by take-down of the Tories or their welfare or ‘austerity’ policies. Today not so much as the Archbish, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, lays into the BBC. The BBC’s response was immediately to source voices critical of the Churche’s own … Continue reading

The Minarets will be our bayonets

  Another stabbing outside a mosque, unlike the last one which the BBC put up in lights as a ‘racist attack’ [turns out of course that it wasn’t] and gave it massive publicity on every bulletin, this time all is quiet despite the police saying they are of course looking at all possible motives including racial and religious.  To find the story on the BBC website you have to go … Continue reading

His Master’s Voice

  Nick Robinson…peddling pro-BBC, anti-the opposition propaganda….or is he?  Who is he kidding…himself?  But does he admit the BBC nearly won it for Corbyn? The BBC always hated the so-called Right-Wing Press and attacks it relentlessly and at every opportunity never missing a chance to sneer at the Mail, The Sun or Murdoch but it has a new rival, one possibly more dangerous to the BBC dominance of ‘truth’…the Internet … Continue reading

Project Dimbleby

  Not even Jonathan Dimbleby could deny the BBC’s bias in this pro-EU puff piece. This morning in the Today show [08:50] we had a skit ostensibly about Chinese advances in DNA science.  It turned out that this was merely an excuse to guess what, promote the EU and damn Brexit. “Chemical surgery” has been performed on human embryos to remove disease for the first time, Chinese researchers have told … Continue reading

Christmas Come Early….and there’s one big Turkey

        Two speeches, two classic examples of revived 1970′ failed political dogmas masquerading as progress and nicer, kinder politics.  Anyone listening might have thought Christmas had come early as McDonnell and Corbyn spread the great tidings of joy to all men [and women, gay people and all ethnic minorities]….presents for everyone…and a massive turkey with one left wing….it goes round in ever decreasing circles with its head … Continue reading

The Voice

    After enduring a few days of turgid nonsense from what the BBC is helping to promote as the ‘Government in waiting’ here’s something to clear your head…….some stunning voices….       Who knew Drew Pritchard from ‘Salvage Hunters’ could sing…and he sounds just like Jimmy Somerville…better in fact….     And just because…have a blast…..