Zand in your eye

Really excellent and moving report on 'from our own correspondent' by @BenjaminZand. I nearly cried too, Benjamin. #thankyou — Sam Smith (@samhenleysmith) September 23, 2017   A new tactic from the BBC to tug at your heart strings? We are well used to the well modulated, middle class tones of BBC journalists sermonizing to us about immigration and the plight of ‘desperate’ migrants.  Most people recognise this for what it … Continue reading

Pienaar’s Politics?

Just what are Pienaar’s politics?  He has given a very good impression of being a Labour fanboy for many years, you’d hardly ever hear a critical word come out of his mouth about Labour and not much has changed.  Just listened to him explain Labour’s position on Brexit…he admitted it wasn’t really clear but he said…that’s their job as the Opposition.  So Labour’s job is to confuse, baffle and essentially … Continue reading

The BBC’s Brexit Blood Libel

  The BBC has run a campaign of hate and demonisation against those people in Britain who voted for Brexit and in particular the politicians who led the campaign such as Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage. The perfect example of this was their reporting on the death of a Polish man in a late night fracas in Harlow which the BBC sensationalised as a racist killing #duetoBrexit…the BBC telling us … Continue reading

Uber Über Alles

  The BBC were caught out by the Uber story as 40,000 drivers were put out of work at the stroke of a pen and a highly successful and ‘popular’ company was potentially put out of business in London at the whim of the Mayor, Sadiq Khan…TFL would never have done this without Khan signing it off, this being such a huge and consequential attack on a private company of … Continue reading

Chinese Whispers

    China had its credit rating dropped by S&P in the last couple of days….the BBC barely mentioned it despite China being the driving force behind the world economy …however Moody’s has downgraded the UK’s rating and that was big news….’#duetobrexit’ of course. The irony is that Moody’s told the BBC that it had downgraded Britain’s rating because of a ‘looser fiscal framework’ being adopted….ie we are going to … Continue reading

Craig’s List?

    One for the number crunching skills and meticulous record keeping of Craig at Is the BBC biased? Charles Moore on Any Questions got remoaner hackles up [audience heavily Remoaner, pro-BBC?  Judging by the extremely hostile response to Moore might suggest so] and Dimbleby on the defensive as he suggested the BBC coverage was biased and negative towards Brexit…the BBC more often than not adding ‘despite Brexit’ to any … Continue reading

Something Amis

    The BBC has a little trick it likes to pull….invite in one of its luvvy friends from the Arts to discuss their work, but it’s all an excuse, a ruse, concocted to fill the airwaves with their views on whatever issue of the day the BBC wants an ‘independent’ and erudite celebrity voice to rubbish.  George Bush during the Iraq War was a long term victim of this … Continue reading

Zero News Con Trick

  For months the BBC has been telling us that British consumers have been suffering a spending squeeze due to high inflation and low wages #duetobrexit.  Unfortunately for the BBC reality keeps on  mugging them as consumers defy the BBC’s ‘truth’ and keep on spending…however the BBC, whilst keen to promote the idea that Brexit has caused an alleged spending slowdown, isn’t so keen to make the reality widely known. … Continue reading

Mo or Less

Breitbart tells us that Muhammad, in all its spelling variations, is the most popular name in Britain right now, which should give pause for thought about the future. Muhammad is the top name for baby boys in the English regions of London and the West Midlands in 2016, and was the top scoring across the whole of England and Wales in the year when slight variations in spelling are taken … Continue reading

Brexit Uber Alles

    If I can put it to you, for someone like myself, it was in 1933, the year of my birth, that Hitler was democratically elected in Germany. He unleashed the most horrendous war. This country played a unique role in securing his defeat. ”So Germany lost the war. We’ve just handed them the opportunity to win the peace. I find that quite unacceptable.“   Michael Heseltine   The BBC … Continue reading