Word Perfect

  Good old Drunker, never lets us down as he always provides the proof of why we should leave the EU in our dust. Today he encapsulates perfectly the BBC narrative on Brexit…the very same narrative that the EU would love you to ‘understand’….it’s going to be very, very complex, much much too difficult…perhaps we should just call the whole thing off…. The European Commission is leading the EU’s Brexit … Continue reading

Deal or no deal

    Pro-EU Lord Hall Hall is the enemy within.  We know he was greatly upset by the Brexit result and blamed the BBC for not getting the correct message across.  He is now in the process of rectifying that by overseeing a BBC that is blatantly and relentlessly pumping out misinformation and pro-EU propaganda that is meant to damage British interests and to ensure the Brexit negotiations fail.  The … Continue reading

Russian Flags Matter

    A misleading headline and text from the anti-nationalist BBC… The flag doesn’t matter – neutral athlete Klishina Russian long jumper Darya Klishina tells BBC sports editor Dan Roan “it doesn’t matter about the flag” before competing at the World Athletics Championships in London as a ‘neutral’ athlete. That gives the idea that she isn’t bothered about being identified as from a particular nation but that is just not … Continue reading

A new racial category?

    Hadn’t realised there was such a racial category as ‘Grenfellian’…… Grenfell resident: Stop the racist abuse Lilian says she is afraid to tell people she is a Grenfell survivor, for fear of the reaction. From the clip most abuse seems to be because some people mistakenly think the Grenfell victims are milking the system not because of the race of the person. And anyway wasn’t it the Grenfell … Continue reading

Stoking racial tensions

  Had to laugh as I listened to the BBC being outraged at what they allege is anti-White propaganda in South Africa as  PR company Bell Pottinger is accused of trying to encourage the idea that South Africa’s problems are due to the menace of supposed ‘White monopoly capital’ and is thus ‘stoking racial tensions.’ You have to laugh because the BBC itself is guilty of ‘stoking racial tensions’…anti-white and … Continue reading

Triple Tripe

Corbyn won’t condemn what is happening in Venezuela. Why? Because he supports the Socialist policies that have caused the economic chaos. pic.twitter.com/38DZN9rfGY — Conservatives (@Conservatives) August 3, 2017   There are some problems in Venezuela, the extent of which you may not realise if you rely on the BBC to report on them fully.  Curiously in a report this morning on the Today show with Nick ‘let’s not report anything … Continue reading

Arrogant, contemptuous and unaccountable

    From the Telegraph…apparently evidence of BBC bias is ‘not useful’….. Eurosceptic MPs accuse BBC of ‘whitewash’ after broadcaster rejects claim of Brexit bias The BBC has insisted its Brexit coverage is not biased as Eurosceptic MPs accused the broadcaster of a “whitewash”. MPs from across the political spectrum have called for new guidelines to be introduced to ensure the BBC remains fair in the way it reports on … Continue reading

Should the Government seize the BBC as it undermines democracy and the rule of law?

  The BBC is pretty much a law unto itself, neither taking notice of government concerns about its lack of impartiality nor of the Public’s concerns, brushing them both aside with arrogant contempt whilst continuing to undermine the nation state its values, culture and stability…ironically supposedly intent on creating a diverse but cohesive society in which all faiths and races trust each other and get along famously.  The BBC’s actions … Continue reading