Search Results for: Nicky Campbell

The Big Question.

Who is to blame, Nicky Campbell or the BBC?

Is that an “either or” question? No. Neither is: “Is Israel a racist state or a country under threat?”

The latter part of the question was not addressed as who could argue with the statement that Israel is under threat?

All that was left to discuss was: can any kind of discrimination against an enemy that is hell-bent on destroying one, ever be justified?

BBC conjures up a loaded question which automatically and emotively propounds the association of racism, the ultimate taboo, with the state of Israel, the beleaguered Jewish state.

After years of misinformation when so many misconceptions have continually been allowed to go unchallenged, programmes like this devised for entertainment are bound to be completely overwhelmed by prejudice and malice.


Anyone catch the Andrew Marr show this morning? Amazingly pro-Labour with Postie Johnson and luvvie Patrick Stewart bigging up Prudence. Johnson was on to slap down the Blears mutiny, of course. Meanwhile Marr himself commented that Labour had to be given credit for what they have already done for the Gurkhas.

And as an extra treat, Nicky Campbell’s “The Big Question” is debating should we be ASHAMED of our role in Iraq? Saddamite supporters in the audience. Total contempt for the British army. Universal agreement that the war was wrong because we were “lied” to and that weapons of mass destruction did not exist. No one too bothered about Saddam’s genocide. George Carey claims we brought terrorism into Iraq.

For further multiculti fun he also has a Druid on!

The look of this site might alter, the BBC agenda is fixed in aspic.


Accidentally switched on Nicky Campbell’s “Big Question” on BBC1 and was impressed to see a Sharia Judge in the audience as the topic of “Are Men’s sins worse than women’s” was discussed. It’s remarkable how the multiculti uber alles motif runs right through the rancid BBC even on a Sunday morning. This programme is an absolute freak-show.



Just watching a pro gay fest on Nicky Campbell’s “Big Question” programme on BB1. This was a great opportunity to bash any Bible believing Christian whilst embracing the notion that gays uber alles. The panel and audience were loaded with those who believe the answer is YES to the question “Is homosexuality a cause for celebration”? Listen, I have no problem with anyone exercising their free choice to live as they wish, but as a poor Christian surely to God I have a right to hold my opinions without the BBC relentlessly ridiculing me and those that have similar views? Tell you what – maybe Nicky Campbell should have a follow on programme with an invited audience of Muslims and see how he gets on? Mocking those of us who actually believe The Bible gets cheap laughs on the BBC, an organisation that prefers to worship David Attenborough.


I see that Nicky Campbell on “The Big Question” on BBC1 this morning has been asking the question that is surely uppermost in all our minds at this time “How long before Britain gets a Black Prime Minister?” Nicky also wondered when the first “openly” gay PM would come to power. (Does Nicky know something about Gordon he’s not letting on?) How about a Black and Gay PM, Nicky? Of course this is all part of the vacuous hype leading to “Call me Abe” Obama’s coronation next week and the BBC is to the fore in cheer-leading for this. Well worth you license tax.


I tuned into Radio 5 live this morning around 6.20am and there was my old pal Nicky Campbell discussing whether William Hague or Ken Clarke would make a good successor to George Osborne. Has the Conservative Shadow Chancellor resigned overnight then? Nope – just some tactical undermining by the BBC. I then tuned into Radio 4 “Today” and there was James Naughtie discussing…whether William Hague of Ken Clarke would make a good successor to George Osborne. Why it’s deja-vu all over again! Mind you, to be fair, the BBC does suggest that whilst Ken Clarke would be popular in some quarters (I.E. Left wing media like itself) he carries echoes off those foul Thatcher years so sorry Ken, even though the Beeb might like you but they still won’t back you against their Labour pimps! After sitting back for MONTHS and watching the Pound plummet in value, the BBC now appears to believe that only Osborne carries the can for such financial devastation. Miraculously, McCavity is absolved from any culpability. Isn’t it swell to have a pro-government broadcasting corporation?


OK, it’s Friday evening here in the People’s Socialist Republic of Gordonstan and it’s time to unwind a little. So, which BBC personality winds YOU up most and why? I know it’s a target-rich environment but I have two nominations. 1. Nicky Campbell – the personification of smug and leftist. 2. Jeremy Bowen – I think I’ve covered this one on my posts! So, the space is yours – ready, take aim……


The BBC’s showcase political TV programme in Northern Ireland is called “Hearts and Minds” and it is broadcast on a Thursday night. As has been mentioned before here, I am on occasional contributor being the token right-winger and anti peace-processor. Last night it ran an item on the US election and both points of view were represented – Hillary and Obama’s!! Disgracefully, the programme could only find US students living in NI who were democrats, and so the entire discussion was about the Dem fortunes. The presenter, Noel Thompson, also approvingly quoted Dan Rather, in evident admiration. (Given Rather’s ignoble exit from his job, I would have thought it might be better to keep quiet about him) GOP candidate John McCain got one sentence. This is all part of the co-ordinated cheer-leading for the Democrats on behalf of the BBC and it without doubt unfair and unbalanced.

Meanwhile back in National BBC land, did you see the “Shami Chakrabarti show” aka Question Time? What a dismal spectacle this was – with a panel that was yet again loaded! We had the gormless Labour MP and Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Andy Burhham. (Left) We had the ubiquitous Shami Chakrabarti (Left), we had Lib-Dem Julia Goldsworthy (Left), we had Glaswegian entrepreneur (Left) and to balance, Chris Grayling, a Conservative MP and former BBC producer. The audience came from Liverpool (hard left). As ever, it was well chaired by Dimbleby – but the left wing view prevails on every issue. This programme is institutionally dysfunctional I’m afraid. The selection of panelists is bias incarnate. Can you imagine a QT programme where four of the five panelists were from a conservative background? Of course not – it would not happen. But having four out of five from a Leftist background seems so very reasonable, right?

Then to finish, Five Live – and the morning programme hosted by Nicky Campbell. I caught it just after 8am and it covered the Sharia Law news story by getting… the view of some Muslims on it. Anyone who tuned in would have heard some classic Islamic dissembling and some very meek and mild questioning from Nicky Campbell who was obviously reluctant to pursue exactly what the Muslim spokemen were claiming. Listening to the gentlemen from Peterborough mosque speak, why one would conclude Sharia law is a wise and kindly form of judgement. And naturally, he added that NO-ONE is suggesting that the criminal aspect of Sharia be implemented in the UK. Heaven forbid.

Just three snap shots of the BBC in 24 hours pumping out unbalanced opinion. And we pay a mandatory tax to facilitate this?


Listening to BBC Radio 5 live is always good for a laugh. Earlier this morning, I listened in the Breakfast programme with Nicky Campbell and Shelagh Fogarty. The item under discussion was in respect of a plan from some supporters of Liverpool FC to raise enough money to buy the troubled club from its American owners. The idea being contemplated is to see if enough fans would be interested in putting up £5000 each and thus buying 1 share each. Apparently Barcelona use this same method and it has kept them out of the hands of speculating capitalists! (Always bad in Beebview) What raised my eyebrows however was when Nicky Campbell asked the Sports correspondent what was to stop someone from investing more than £5000 – would this not entitle them to a greater level of share ownership for example? “No”, came the instant response, “it’s a good communist system” of one man one share. This was met with approval. Power to the people, eh comrades? I don’t know about you but Five Live is bias incarnate, do you ever listen to it and if so, would you agree?

“All of them”

Despite the fact that I (personally) consider Talk Sport to be an invention of the devil, the ‘Radio Bloke’ that everyone said Five Live was going to be, I like the cut of Jon Gaunt’s jib in this Guardian Media profile. He’s right about Victoria Derbyshire’s utility, too, though that again is a personal view.

Despite the fact that he built audiences wherever he went, Gaunt’s tendency to editorialise made him an uncomfortable fit at the BBC, which is governed by strict rules about impartiality. “I only fitted in at the BBC because I was successful,” he agrees. “They would have sacked me otherwise. Of course I should be on Radio 5.” In case I missed the point, he repeats: “I should be on Radio 5. I should be doing that show at 9 o’clock in the morning. [Host] Victoria Derbyshire’s useless. In the interests of impartiality, balance and Reithian values, they should have me on – clearly flag what sort of show it is, have guests on who oppose what I say – and that would be proper radio. Do you think Victoria Derbyshire and Nicky Campbell don’t have their political bias? They come with a soft-liberal, left-leaning view, all of them. And that’s what’s wrong with the BBC.

Talk Sport’s predecessor, Talk Radio, had a weekly politics phone-in show presented by rightie social conservative Peter Hitchens and the Labour MP Austin Mitchell, which neatly balanced out the open bias of the presenters. You can listen to Radio Five from 6 am to 4 pm each day without any presenter ever stepping beyond the “the gamut of views from A to B“.

(Stealth-edited at 7.34 am to remove a refence to Rupert Murdoch’s non-existent ownership of Talk Sport. Thanks Andrew)