Search Results for: Nicky Campbell


On the Big Question, with Nicky Campbell, the first question being asked is whether it is right to break the law to “save the planet”. In the audience were those from the London Climate Camp (all hideously white, I might add) who were there to insist that they have the right to do what they want to save us from global meltdown. One Swampy wannabe compared himself to Martin Luther King! There was a Human Rights lawyer in the audience to point out that it is appropriate to commit a crime if it prevents a greater crime. There was a lady from the Anglican Church who agreed that it may get to the point where criminal action is required to prevent climate change! There was a Rabbi on the panel who also supported Swampy and the gang breaking the law. There was an Imam from the Islamic Society of Britain who took issue on this and bizarrely, Nicky attacked him. (Not often the BBC take issue with Islamists but hey, when it comes to climate change there is a lefty moral dilemma) Mind you, the Imam did praise Obama’s approach to dealing with the issue. Nicky was pontificating that the Maldives may disappear if we do not take action. (Wonder if he holidays there) This programme is liberals talking to liberals and it is bias incarnate.


Sunday morning and a new open thread. Watching Nicky Campbell’s “Big Question” with a Muslim lecturer claiming that those who attend Christian courses convert to….Islam! Perhaps the BBC should become the Sharia Broadcasting Corporation such is the relentless advocacy of this dark ages pathology? Over to you, but as a lead question, do YOU feel that the BBC treats Islam different to how it creates Christianity/Judaism? If you agree, please provide evidence. If you don’t, perhaps you could explain how the BBC sustains impartiality?


Just watching Nicky Campbell’s wonderfully awful “Big Question” programme.

Here were the two main issues that were covered.

After 200 deaths, have we the moral duty to remain in Afghanistan.” The first guy Nicky interviewed was called Mohammed. (sic) The lead panellist on this, Rory Stewart, believed that we should be get out of Afghanistan. Listen to the debate and all you can hear is the dismal beat of surrender from the BBC and it’s selected audience, the same relentless beat that was heard during our time in Iraq. Ming Campbell was on to make it clear we cannot win the war against the Taliban. Good news for our troops out there, eh? Kaye Adams from garbage TV show “Loose Women” was also of the view we need to get out and should never have been there in the first place. (She’s obviously not bothered about “loose Afghan women” Listening to the debate, the conclusion is that the only real reason to be in Afghanistan is to uphold women’s rights. It seems that fighting Islamic terrorism is not really the issue and we need to chill out and be relaxed about the Taliban. Rory informed us Bin Laden was in Pakistan, not Afghanistan, though he did nor reveal his source for such a claim and Nicky Campbell did not question it, naturally.

The next issue for debate is “Does Evil exist.” An Iman was on to tell us that only Allah can determine evil and so he thinks we should not label people as evil. There was also a humanist on who was able to tell us it is wrong to label Tracey Connolly – the mother of Baby P as “evil”. Worthless was his preferred term. Another person on the panel, a Professor of course, suggested that she was a victim. There was a widespread consensus that all religion is evil. Naturally the Islamic scholar was there to put the moral argument for the application of the concept of evil. No Christians were to be found in this “representative” Edinburgh audience.

Just where DOES the BBC get these audiences from?


Wondered if you caught the debate on Nicky Campbell’s “Big Question” concerning whether one should be willing to die for your faith? It is was set up by liberal Nicky be comparing the faith imperative behind Taliban homicide-bombers with Christians butchered for their faith (by Muslims, but Nicky didn’t go there) So, no real difference between the value systems of Islam and Christianity – right? Meanwhile, another big question was “are multi million pounds ever justified”? Why do we have to justify any salaries, exactly? The anti capitalism meme runs deep. Lots of socialists in the audience to remind us how evil it is to reward people who achieve business objectives. A maximum wage concept was introduced by a prospective Labour parliamentary candidate. In normal BBC fashion, the lippy leftists get the lion-share of the time and those who oppose are shouted down.


Just watching Nicky Campbell’s “The Big Question”. Amused to see that the panel of experts contained Zulfi Bakhari – head of the Muslim public affairs committee. Remarkable how such a tiny part of the UK population has such constant representation on these kinds of programmes.

Great to see Nicky Campbell’s “The Big Questions” debating that momentous issue of our times, namely should Apes have rights? The usual vacuous drivel from Campbell although the choice of the panel was surprisingly pleasing, with Peter Hitchins and Douglas Murray on it. That said, the audience were the usual moonbats that the BBC specialises in assembling. There was a bit of a class warfare discussion on “social mobility” and the use of grammar schools in achieving this. Naturally most of the audience were howling against the return of the grammar schools. We then had a discussion on the great issue of the Apes and finally a debate on why “downsizing” is good for the soul. It’s liberal faux anti-consumerism to the core, of course but in a way I agree. Let’s start by downsizing the BBC. Nicky Campbell, you are the weakest link, goodbye!


Hope you’re all tuned in and watching Nicky Campbell’s “Big Question”. Coming up on the programme “Can Gays be cured?” – Peter Tatchell is on the panel so there should be loads of balance. Then “Is there life after death?” – Church of England synod member on to cover that one of and then finally “Is Prison a waste of time?” – I see Yasmin Alibi Brown from the Guardian on to cover that! So balanced.


Watching Nicky Campbell’s Big Question debate whether we should ban the burqa. (Short answer; Yes!) Campbell keeps referring to “The Prophet”. Which prophet is that? Does he refer to Christ as “The Saviour.” Naturally there is a Burqa clad babe in the front row. Yvonne Ridley on to help defend Burqa.


BBC’s “Big Question” – presented by B-BBC favourite Nicky Campbell now taking on the all important issue of whether the Monarchy needs to end with Her Majesty. I’m looking forward to the same programme fearlessly debating whether the bloated parasitic BBC needs to end. The BBC never misses a chance to bash the Monarchy and the panel is stacked with anti-monarchists.


I’m not a Roman Catholic but I am sure that any RC who is currently listening to the Nicky Campbell “Big Question” on BBC1 will be outraged at the deliberate manner in which the Church is being demonised following the revelations of abuse carried out by priests in Ireland. The child abuse in the Irish Republic is, of course, utterly appalling but let’s be clear about it – the BBC is jumping on this one in it’s ..shall we call it a crusade? … to marginalise all forms of the Christian faith. I look forward to Nicky Campbell running an item on Islam’s paedophile origins and it’s continued abuse of boys and girls. That should be a must watch programme.