Better hope I haven’t memo’d this….Better hope you don’t ‘lose’ the memo

      When Trump said…“James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”..Comey dashed off to see a friend and gave him a memo he said he had written about the meetings he’d had with Trump…written from memory after the meeting….the memo that Comey said was ‘evidence’ Trump ‘ordered’ him to stop an investigation….that incredibly important revelation on the … Continue reading


And here's our early first edition @EveningStandard – more editions to follow … — George Osborne (@George_Osborne) June 9, 2017   Not sure what Osborne is crowing about…he spent the election stabbing May in the back and it was his austerity policies what won Labour so many votes according to Corbyn….. "The choice facing the voters in this election is clear" writes former World Bank Chief Economist, @JosephEStiglitz … Continue reading

Mr Bombastic…ready to serve

‘Deluded!’ Jeremy Corbyn mocked for claiming election victory – ‘He thinks he’s WON’ The Labour leader shocked many by starting an interview with Sky News by saying: “We have been elected to…” He continued by outlining his plans for a Labour government and admitted he was ready to form a coalition with fellow Westminster parties. He then reiterated “it’s pretty clear” Labour won the election. Corbyn suggested that because labour … Continue reading

All about the Brexit?

    Labour didn’t campaign on Brexit going for the NHS, the economy, social justice, equality, and care issues….and opportunistically, and hilariously, anti-terrorism.  Corbyn rarely mentioned Brexit unless pushed to in an interview…..Labour’s key policies?   Brexit not mentioned in this list from the BBC…. Key policies Scrap student tuition fees Nationalisation of England’s nine water companies. Re-introduce the 50p rate of tax on the highest earners (above £123,000) Income tax … Continue reading

Silver Lining?

  Ex-Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg loses   Note Dimbleby claims Clegg and Libdems ‘paid the price’ for going into coalition with Tories…no….they paid the price because Clegg u-turned on his tuition fee promise…and now because they are useless whinging Remoaners. Sadly missed…but oh no…the rather sinister lying old goat…… Vince Cable’s back   You can’t keep a good man down.    

The BBC Coverup for Obama’s attempt to interfere in Clinton email investigation

  The BBC headlines its report on Comey’s testimony with this.. Comey: Trump White House ‘lied’ about the FBI Oh really…in what way? Ex-FBI chief James Comey told Congress that the Trump administration’s comments about him and the FBI were “lies plain and simple”. Mr Comey told a Senate committee they were wrong to denigrate the agency and its leadership. He told the panel that the White House “chose to … Continue reading

Spoof of BBC Bias

BBC accused of ‘disgraceful’ bias over spoof video showing Theresa May wielding a ‘bloodied knife’ – just five days after the London Bridge terror attack Yesterday, politicians and licence fee lambasted the BBC’s poor judgement. Conservative candidate Andrew Bridgen said: ‘It’s appallingly bad taste for the BBC to show this at any time, and particularly after the killings at London Bridge. To depict Theresa May as some mad knifeman, particularly … Continue reading