The Corbyn Con Trick
What Corbyn promises and what you get…gruel, rickets and a lack of trust in authority figures.
What Corbyn promises and what you get…gruel, rickets and a lack of trust in authority figures.
Just thought I’d pre-empt the BBC and save them the bother of stretching their imagination beyond the realms of the credible. A nice brew is the greatest invention ever Ask the British to name the most important inventions of all time and you can rely on them agreeing on one answer in particular. Taking its place in the top ten alongside such essentials as the wheel, the clock and … Continue reading
The full text of Former FBI Director James Comey‘s statement to the US Senate committee on intelligence. The BBC has long presented the case for the prosecution against Trump declaring him a Russian agent who has tried to force the ex-FBI director to stop his investigations in to Trump’s Russia links…thus ‘obstructing justice’…impeach him!!!! The BBC declared that the dodgy dossier on Trump was pretty much the genuine … Continue reading
We’ve looked at the BBC’s Newsnight ‘Kingmaker’ programme that paints a portrait of Corbyn as a principled and honourable man, a man who has never given support to terrorists, a man who has not sat back as anti-Semitism ran riot under his reign, a man whose economic policies are not fantastical nonsense that would bankrupt us, a man who has supported anti-terrorism legislation with enthusiasm, a man who … Continue reading
The BBC usually raises the case of ‘Pizzagate’ in the US to expose what it considers the dangers of fake news, naturally it is ‘right-wing’ fake news that concerns the BBC…the same BBC that has helped manufacture the incredibly dangerous myth that white police officers in the US are routinely shooting black men due to racism…this led to the murder of many police officers by blacks seeking ‘revenge’….the BBC … Continue reading
Great insight from our Laura… Elections matter because they determine all our futures based on the decisions made by millions of people in the privacy of the polling booth. Kuenssberg’s movable feast of a conclusion about who will win the election plumps reluctantly for the Tories but get how she speaks about Corbyn…the excited tone, enthusiastic about Corbyn breaking the mould of the dull, staid old politics….as always with … Continue reading
Touched by all the messages of support. Still standing! Will rejoin the fray soon. Vote Labour! — Diane Abbott (@HackneyAbbott) June 7, 2017 And look…here I am, back again….new hair …new skin colour…new eye colour…new political views…but the same old Diane…..
Letter by Emir Feisal to Felix Frankfurter, President of the Zionist Organisation of America 1919 We feel that the Arabs and Jews are cousins in race, having suffered similar oppressions at the hands of powers stronger than themselves, and by a happy coincidence have been able to take the first step towards the attainment of their national ideals together. The Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with … Continue reading
Here you go, a new Open Thread as we approach Election Day! Detail the bias here!
The last post mentioned a few of Corbyn’s past guilty ‘secrets’… seems the BBC wants them to remain a secret judging by this complete whitewash of his political career from Newsnight….produced by Stephen Bush…a left-winger from the New Statesman. The ‘in-depth’ film skirts rapidly around Corbyn’s support for the IRA proclaiming he was right to do so, it dodges completely his support for Islamist terrorists which in light of … Continue reading