Debate Debacle

  Just watching some of the debate….no wonder May wants to stand aside….it’s a mess…. interruptions, dodgy stats, usual emotive bluster and bluffing…Corbyn’s supporters out in force…Mishal Husain out of her depth.  Format is completely flawed, C4’s much better and allowed the leaders to give rounded answers that inform the viewer without a loudmouthed disruption from your opponent trying to shout you down….Paxo of course was useless…but that’s him not … Continue reading

Health, wealth and dealth [poetic licence]

  The BBC is going in hard on the Brexit doom and gloom with Tory May being the standard bearer for it and Corbyn the man who wants to keep us in by stealth. Everytime I switch onto the BBC on the radio there’s some doom and gloom about the NHS, agriculture or industry and Brexit….the NHS will collapse as the East Europeans flood back home and people will die, … Continue reading

Arsi Warsi

  The good Baroness Warsi is an Islamist…..she consorts with radicals and every word, every action, is directed towards increasing the influence and presence of Islam in Britain. Here she is [H/T Is the BBC biased?] complaining about Douglas Murray’s appearance on the BBC…   Amusingly her own Tweet could apply equally,  or just [as DM clearly isn’t racist or an extremist] to her.  Odd that. As for ‘group accountability’…well … Continue reading

One man and his baby photos

  Remember the massive abuse heaped upon May for going on the One Show?  Corbyn must be a brave man…coz he’s been there, done that too…   Of course it is highly unlikely he will get any abuse…from the BBC….the same BBC that heaped the abuse upon May despite the One Show being BBC. Unbelieveably it’s the top story on the Guardian right now…funny how a chat on the … Continue reading

Named and Shamed…The Beautys

  The BBC’s James Lansdale has decided to keep his fake news story on Twitter: A short clip that sums up this G7 summit: look who has chosen not to hear a translation of his Italian host's speech #G6 — James Landale (@BBCJLandale) May 27, 2017   Not gone unnoticed…

Corbyn’s Stormtroopers on the march

If the BBC saw the above they would surely be outraged and fill the airwaves with tales of Far-Right hate speech as they did after Brexit….question is would they if it was done by one, or many, of Corbyn’s stormtrooper supporters? Barnett asked Corbyn today if he knew what the cost of his childcare policy would be…he didn’t know….apparently this was akin to the Jewish Barnett bombing Muslim children in … Continue reading


  Nothing to write home about on the Paxman interviews with May and Corbyn….only thing of note was that Paxman was rubbish and illustrates why he hung up his boots at Newsnight…should not come out of retirement really. He asked May a daft question at the start of her interview and then kept on with it for an age….had she changed her mind on Brexit?  Complete waste of time as … Continue reading

The Manchester Effect

  Looks like the police are taking some action against Muslim extremists who all too often get away with it….of course it’s not just the police who look down on the white, working class like Tommy Robinson…the BBC does as well….he has the same views as many more well spoken anti-Sharia campaigners, such as Peter Tatchell, but gets nowhere near the respect….even Polly Toynbee is a supporter of ‘One Law … Continue reading