Yeah…pretty much sums up the Liberal mindset….bleating childish ignorance
Wonder if she has any views on Brexit. Oh…here’s the youthful Diane Abbott…
Wonder if she has any views on Brexit. Oh…here’s the youthful Diane Abbott…
Nick Robinson hears from the former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith about politicians and decision-making on security; discusses the political power of the press with the editor of the London Evening Standard, George Osborne; and talks to Mark Damazer (former Radio 4 Controller) and Stewart Wood (former adviser to Ed Miliband) about the week’s big campaign interviews. Treachery, treachery…what to make of a man who not only sells out his … Continue reading
“It certainly appears to be the case that the British only sit up and take notice when they are bombed into it” Corbyn gave his speech today re-opening the election campaign with a promise to change British foreign policy at the ‘request’ of some ‘non-Muslim’ Muslim terrorists and linking it to home grown terrorism. Corbyn has done an enormous u-turn after decades of cosying up to terrorists, along with McDonnell, … Continue reading
The BBC’s Emma Barnett to Tory James Cleverly on the subject of police cuts and the blame for terrorist attacks… ‘I want you to accept that cuts to the police led to terrorism.’ Barnett also tried to promote the Labour lie that soldiers on the streets were a result of cuts to Bobbies on the beat…failing to understand that the soldiers were there, not to replace beat bobbies, but to … Continue reading
Here you go, a new Open Thread to see us off into the weekend! Detail their rancid bias here please!
I don’t know if you watched BBC Question Time last night. This was the panel. It had one key message. The death of our children doesn’t matter. The death of their parents doesn’t matter. The hurt feelings of Muslims REALLY matters. A new low for the abysmal BBC.
The BBC can’t help itself….it just keeps on rolling with the anti-Western, anti-British narrative that serves up the endless stream of recruits to the Jihadi cause. Jeremy Bowen was at it recently, blaming ‘duplicitous British’ actions after WWI for causing all the problems in the Middle East, and by extension the world, today…and of course the ‘catastrophic’ Iraq War gets a mention. Humphrys blamed the intervention in Libya for … Continue reading
If arrests are being made every day, if plots, radicalisation and attempts to head off to Syria are prevented every day, if bombs went off during Labour’s time in office…how is it ‘Prevent’ has failed and recent police cuts are to blame for the Manchester bomb? How can a man who fought Gaddafi, his family given sanctuary in Britain, a Britain that helped get rid of Gaddafi, turn on … Continue reading
The Wall Street Journal tells us that Salman Abedi thought Muslims in Britain were ill-treated and that he became increasingly religious… Abedi’s sister, Jomana Abedi, said her brother was kind and loving and that she was surprised by what he did this week. She said she thought he was driven by what he saw as injustices. “I think he saw children—Muslim children—dying everywhere, and wanted revenge. He saw the … Continue reading
The New York Times was one of the rags that launched a highly critical attack on Trump claiming [probably falsely] that he had disclosed top secret intelligence from another country without permission thus putting operations at risk as well as further co-operation. The NYT then publishes photos of the Manchester bombing without permission which have been leaked to it…and …the BBC reports on the NYT’s little faux pas… The … Continue reading