Beautiful Facts

  The BBC scoffed and sneered yesterday when Trump stated that he and his administration were the subject of a witch-hunt…trouble is, as we all know, Trump is right…the Media are almost 100% against him…including the impartial BBC. A study from Harvard University puts meat on the barebones….and it makes for interesting reading. Which media organisation is one of the most balanced?  Fox News.  How does the BBC fair?  Of … Continue reading

The Red Dawn Chorus

  Interesting to hear one of my concerns about the BBC’s manipulation of the news agenda confirmed today as the BBC interviewed a Tory supporter who said he would vote Tory as they’d provide that ‘strong and stable’ government…he then became embarrassed and apologised for using the phrase..before adding though that that is precisely what we do need. The fact that he was embarrassed to use the phrase shows how … Continue reading

Scrambled, curate’s or rotten egg?

  What standard has the BBC’s election coverage reached?  Hard to really tell accurately as no one can watch it 24/7…of the bits I have caught some has been good, some questionable either for competence or bias, some is outright bias.  However now that the Tory manifesto has been released into the wild we can at least get a feeling for the coverage overall….and it seems to be pretty much … Continue reading


  The BBC has belatedly jumped on the bandwagon and has moved to claim the story about the rape and abuse of so many white girls in Rochdale and Rotherham as its own…after having ignored, downplayed and misreported it for so long.  It has produced a docudrama on events in Rochdale detailing what happened to some girls there and how it was allowed to go on for so long….the Telegraph … Continue reading

Who is doing Russia’s mischief?

  Is Trump working for Russia or is it the media organisations like the Washington Post, amongst others? US politics is in chaos, the democratic system under attack internally, talk of impeaching the President, and an economy sent reeling. Just who is damaging America…just who is it that is causing the chaos that Putin could only ever have dreamt of in his wildest dreams?  Just who is it that has … Continue reading

Left-Wing Media playing a dangerous game

Can Donald Trump Be Trusted With State Secrets? He has the legal right to blurt out classified information, but his ignorance, vanity and foolishness endanger the nation. New York Times. The real question is…can the New York Times, the Washington Post and the BBC be trusted not to blurt out classified information in their foolish ignorance, vanity and arrogance?   An irony that the traitor, Bradley Manning, has been released … Continue reading

BBC backpeddling

  Check out the BBC video…it claims Trump ‘inexplicably’ told the Russians the source of the intelligence….even the Washington Post has not claimed that….claiming only that it was the nature of the intel that could have revealed sources and methods…but offers no proof of course as to what was said…. “Our story says that the nature of the information provided would have allowed the Russians to ‘reverse engineer’ to discover … Continue reading

The BBC’s Brexit Doom-mongering Lies

  How is it that the BBC opts to paint this as a negative for Brexit negotiations whilst everyone else, the Remain backing FT included, interpret it as a positive for Britain? Listening to the radio in the car and I hear from the BBC that a recent ECJ ruling concerning an EU-Singapore trade deal means that any deal between the UK and the EU will need ratification by all … Continue reading

Reporting Rumour as Fact…and not bothering with facts at all

  The BBC went out of its way to hunt down Leave voters who may be having doubts, all part of the Remain spin campaign to suggest Brexit was ‘stolen’ by people who didn’t undertsand what they were voting for and when they found out regretted it….except that’s baloney…the truth is it is Remain voters who have turned and expect Brexit to be implemented in due course as efficiently as … Continue reading