I’ve noticed a regular theme with Labour MPs allowed to canter around BBC studios. Take little Owen Smith, who was on BBC Question Time last night. He stated that “Trump is a proven racist and misogynist”. He isn’t alone in repeating this libel as if it were a fact. In truth I doubt Trump is remotely bothered about what this insect thinks but if I appeared on the BBC and … Continue reading

Creative Writhing

  Funny old world as the BBC twists and turns and contorts itself in a desperate attempt to maintain its grip on the news agenda. Fake news is big news these days and the BBC is at the forefront of  peddling it whilst at the same time presenting itself as the defender of truth and accuracy…as James Purnell so helpfully informs us… When there is so much information and misinformation, … Continue reading

The BBC’s Dirty Little Secret

    Mehdi Hasan admitted that the Muslim community’s ‘dirty little secret’ was anti-Semitism, the BBC’s dirty little secret is it’s anti-England racism.  Naturally it isn’t actually much of a secret.  Its constant attempts to undermine ‘Britain’ is part of the long march to trample over English history intended to diminish or demonise England’s past achievements so that people start to feel guilt or even disgust at being English.  All … Continue reading


It’s so transparent, isn’t it? I’m talking about the BBC’s desperation to try and prop up Comrade Corbyn. Labour is melting down around Brexit, with feverish talk of rebellion and resignations, and the BBC prefers to run on the crunch issue of….a Council tax rise or lack of! This non event is being given maximum publicity by the Comrades even as Labour burns. Delightful

More BBC Trump Tripe

The Today show managed a whole segment without mentioning Trump by name [08:24], though he loomed large over the discussion….the unnamed boogeyman disrupting the civilised party who must be exorcised. A discussion about a female SOE operative in WWII made a massive leap of association by connecting her heroics in her fight against the Nazi’s fascism to the battle against the new fascist world order…Trumpism. The world needs role models … Continue reading

Hungary for the Truth

  Remarkable….the BBC has become the seeker of Truth, a warrior cutting down falsehood and lies in order to protect us from the evil doers. Once, not so long ago, the much fêted Victoria Derbyshire would sit in mute silence as obvious Muslim radicals used her programme to spread their propaganda, Derbyshire herself often backing what they said and indeed on one occasion, Phil Shiner-like, told us that British troops … Continue reading

‘Since the referendum’…

  Remember that ‘cabinet’ memo, you know the one that said we’re all doomed because of Brexit and which said May was not in control?  Remember how the BBC splashed it over their news for days, insisting that the ‘cabinet’ memo was very important…telling us…‘the document does matter because it underlines what we have reported and others have written about many times.’? Of course it didn’t matter one jot…it wasn’t … Continue reading