Seen this delight? The BBC hates the fact that this country is STILL at least a nominally Christian country and it is out to use our TV license tax to do something about it.  The BBC will reportedly increase its coverage of more religions and could broadcast Muslim Friday prayers after critics moaned coverage is biased towards Christianity. Lord Hall of Birkenhead, head of the taxpayer-funded corporation, is reportedly inviting religious … Continue reading


President Elect Donald Trump’s decision to appoint Stephen Shannon to the position of Chief Strategist has triggered the snowflakes in the BBC. Mr Bannon stepped aside as executive chairman of Breitbart – a combative conservative site with an anti-establishment agenda that critics accuse of xenophobia and misogyny – to act as Mr Trump’s campaign chief. The BBC are in full despair. Having done all they could to demonise Trump they … Continue reading

Wall to wall hysteria and lies

US border patrol agent Michael Bernacke guns his SUV down the wide desert-sand road that lines the US-Mexican border through urban San Luis, Ariz. To his right stands a steel wall, 20 feet high and reinforced by cement-filled steel piping. To his left another tall fence of steel mesh. Ten yards beyond, a shorter cyclone fence is topped with jagged concertina wire. Visible to the north, through the gauze of … Continue reading


  Marr says, and I interpret and give voice to his intended meaning, that, ‘as a news service‘ [lol], the BBC would be dishonouring all those who fought the Nazis to not quiz Marine Le Penn in light of the next big threat to Western security…ie the rise of Trump…and of course by implication Brexit and Le Pen herself…all lumped together and branded a ‘threat to Western security’. Rather think … Continue reading


    The BBC is relentless.  Marine Le Pen, from what the BBC describes as the ‘Far  Right’ National Front, was on Marr this morning [a 13 minute interview] and the one and only quote that BBC radio news took from her was that ‘UKIP is just like the National Front’. Listening to the interview and it is clear that this is only in relation to how UKIP and the … Continue reading

Foam flecked BBC ‘journalism’

  The BBC has long smeared UKIP with the ‘Far Right’ tag and even made allusions to Nazism and of course is blatantly involved in the campaign to undermine Brexit with claims it is unleashing a tidal wave of racism, hate and fear across the UK…so much so that BBC journalists fear for the future of their children in Britain. Now they have the template established for how to deal … Continue reading

Your ideas intrigue me…not

If you’re a working journalist and you believe that Donald J. Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes, how the heck are you supposed to cover him? Because if you believe all of those things, you have to throw out the textbook American … Continue reading