An eagle eyed B-BBC observes; “The BBC has long since dispensed with the gender specific term actress, yet today we have this: Refusing to use the term actress created all kinds of funny situations, including a headline that stated that Francois Holland was having an affair with an actor (who turned out to be an actress). But suddenly Alexis Arquette (who he/she?)…”


A biased BBC reader writes! Story 1 Fireman Sam episode pulled amid Koran row (27 July, 2016)   An episode of Fireman Sam in which one character appears to tread on a page from the Koran has been withdrawn. A scene in the children’s programme shows a fireman slipping on a pile of papers – and as they fly into the air a page from the Koran is “briefly depicted”, … Continue reading


Well, at long last the BBC has been forced to cover a topic which up until now it has declared to be simply an obsession of “right wing extremists and conspiracy theorists”. I refer to Hillary Clinton’s health. Her collapse in New York yesterday was captured on camera and so could not be denied (the Clinton’s camp preferred modus operandi) This morning we awake to the news that despite being … Continue reading


In true form, BBC Radio 4 Today starts the week with a gentle interview of Rabbi Julia Neuberger who is part of a group actively campaigning for the UK to let in “tens, if not hundreds of thousands of “refugees’ This desire to more closely emulate Germany and flood the UK with North African Muslims is a core BBC belief so when they bring on a fellow soulmate such as … Continue reading


Hilarious stuff from Corbyn’s Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry earlier today. Her stunning ignorance of her political brief  is profoundly exposed by Dermot Murnaghan and she responds by accusing him of “sexism” – a claim the BBC repeats in this story. “The shadow foreign secretary has accused a TV interviewer of “sexism” after he asked her to name the French foreign minister. Emily Thornberry criticised Sky News presenter Dermot Murnaghan for … Continue reading

Labour’s Red Guard

  Labour’s ‘friend’ of the IRA and shadow chancellor told us that he wanted ‘straight-talking and honest politics’….so they have suspended someone who quite correctly characterised the tight-knit group manipulating Corbyn’s rise to power (LOL) as ‘storm-troopers’. The Sturmabteilung (SA; German pronunciation: [ˈʃtʊɐ̯mʔapˌtaɪlʊŋ] ( listen); literally Storm Department) functioned as the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party (NSDAP). It played a significant role in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power in … Continue reading

Northern Twit

        The BBC gave Melvyn Bragg his head and allowed him to go free range for two weeks spouting tripe about t’North in a highly personal, highly political one-sided rant. Why?  Just why did the BBC allow Bragg to proclaim independence for t’North? Could it just possibly be that the Great Unwashed voted for Brexit and the BBC is doing its utmost to undermine that by cheerleading … Continue reading