“You do well to weep like a woman for what you failed to defend like a man.”

    Orphaned baby is rescued from Aleppo rubble – leaving BBC presenter Kate Silverton in tears as she presents news   Heartwarming and touching isn’t it?  A BBC news presenter cries on air as a baby is pulled from the rubble in Aleppo. Trouble is that baby wouldn’t have had to be pulled from the rubble if it weren’t for people like Silverton who mount massive anti-war campaigns whenever … Continue reading


The BBC likes nothing better than any propagandist story that urges the UK to take more of the denizens of the Calais Jungle. Such reports are always given the kid gloves treatment as is the case with this one. Calais camp: Unicef urges UK to transfer refugee children At no point does the BBC ask why the UK would want to give “sanctuary” to those already afforded such by France. … Continue reading


Andrew Neil is my favourite BBC political presenter. He is usually fair and even handed and he is one of the “talent” that deserves his salary. So that made last night’s BBC THIS WEEK opening item on the US Presidential race all the more disappointing. Neil invited the openly partisan “financial guru” Alvin Hall  to provide the commentary and the gist was that Trump is ..yawns — appealing to angry … Continue reading


They move so effortlessly from Labour into the BBC.  Former Labour culture secretary James Purnell has been chosen as the BBC’s new director of radio in a ‘highly unusual’ appointment say Conservative MPs. Replacing the incumbent Helen Boaden, Purnell is set to be unveiled as the next radio chief on Friday. So we can look forward to the already horrifically biased BBC radio deepening its bias under the gaze of the … Continue reading

Sky Must Die

  If you have been listening to the BBC’s coverage of the latest football scandal you may have noticed a constant theme that gets slipped into the discussion…that of ‘TV money’, not actually naming Sky of course, corrupting the beautiful game. Is it just my imagination or is there an underlying line that the BBC is pushing…such as an attack on Sky? Perhaps we could check out what the BBC’s … Continue reading


The BBC is running stories sympathetic to transexuals on a virtually daily basis. “When lifelong Republican Jennifer Williams arrived at the party’s National Convention in Cleveland this summer, she felt nervous. Although she was excited to be an honorary delegate for New Jersey, she was worried about how others would respond to her. She had attended many political events before this, including both of President George W Bush’s inaugurations, but … Continue reading

Suit you sir

  Guido is listing the runners and riders he thinks could replace Shameless Milne as Labour’s Director of Communications.  Would have thought the obvious choice would be Nick Robinson, already offered such a role by Labour before and who is doing a fine job suppressing criticism of Corbyn on the BBC, or of course someone as equally shameless and off the wall as Milne, James O’Brien, now also doing a … Continue reading

The race-baiting BBC

    The BBC reports that Serena Williams ‘won’t stay silent’ about Blacks being shot by police…and we get a very exploitative video of a young girl talking about the killings…channelling only what misinformation her parents have fed her of course. She is probably unaware that the police officer who shot Keith Scott was himself black or that Scott had an illegal gun or that he abused his wife….then again … Continue reading