An eagle eyed B-BBC reader writes… “Not sure if you caught the BBC News at Ten last night but the lead story was one of the most bizarre I have seen on the Beeb. I’ve watched it back a second time this morning and still can’t get my head around what it is trying to say. There must be an angle in there somewhere, mainly because of the BBC’s inclusion of … Continue reading


The BBC has been to the fore in seeking to ensure that the Burkini is NOT banned in France, despite the fact the overwhelming majority of French citizens support such a ban. The again, the BBC is very selective about the voice of the people when it says things they don’t like. A few weeks ago we read about a “brawl on a Corsican beach” between “people of North African … Continue reading


One of the favourite ploys of the pro-endless immigration brigade, of which the BBC is a paid up member, is to exploit our natural human sympathy for children in peril and then use this to advance their agenda. This was most apparent in the use of images of the drowned Syrian boy, Alan Kurdi, last year, when the gates of Europe were thrown open to millions of muslim opportunists on … Continue reading

No Khan do

  What to make of Sara Khan, anti-extremist campaigner, Asian and Muslim and a BBC favourite?  How different the BBC treats this anti-Islamist campaigner to how they treat Tommy Robinson. Khan speaks a lot of sense, she gives a balanced view of the Prevent policy at a time when it is under heavy attack from the ‘Islamists’ who get the unquestioning support of the BBC which naturally is opposed to … Continue reading


Sometimes the BBC surprises even me! I was on BBC Radio London this morning talking to Vanessa Feltz about the Keith Vaz story. At one point in the interview, Vanessa postulated that Vaz’s support in Parliament for Poppers was akin to an MP who suffered from a heart defect advocating more funding for cardiac research. WHAT? I feel that the BBC sympathise with the odious Vaz and are determined to … Continue reading


Well then, if the allegations printed and supported by video evidence in the Mirror are true, then Labour MP Keith Vaz has many questions to answer, including some to the Police. The BBC response on Today this morning was predictable. They reduce it to the simple matter of whether he should step down from being Chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee. One would also hardly know that Vaz was … Continue reading

Vaz’s warm embrace for immigrants

    No wonder Keith Vaz was so keen on importing so many East Europeans…….     And of course Romanians and Bulgarians are coming here in ever increasing numbers as predicted by Migration Watch…and denied by Vaz and the BBC. Still, nice to see enterprising Polish immigrants contributing to the diversity and richness of the nation and helpfully keeping muppets like Vazs occupied when he otherwise might be … Continue reading