Facts, Facts, And BBC Facts.

    This should have been up this morning but I guess there were a few gremlins in the system……   The BBC blitzed the Leave campaign’s suggestion that the NHS would benefit from money now given to the EU being handed instead directly to the NHS without the EU taking its cut and the EU deciding how it should be spent.  Here’s a couple of examples of the BBC’s … Continue reading

Backed Off?

Sluff April 17, 2016 at 6:53 pm (Edit) Hacked off. The ultimate in cynical ploys. On the back of some pretty dodgy press activity and a small number of high profile cases, a bunch of celebrities see the big chance to bury their personal behaviour while continuing to cash in on their image. Normally if a product is shown not to be what it is claimed to be, it is … Continue reading

William The Conqueror wanted a European Union

        “be[ing] a Nazi province” was preferable to becoming a British dominion. Philippe Pétain, a leader of the pro-armistice group, called union “fusion with a corpse”.   Craig at Is the BBC Biased? reports on a David Keighley News-Watch piece  on Nick Robinson’s claim that Churchill was the father of the European Union  which give us a lot more detail about what went on in 1940….David Keighley … Continue reading

A Jukes A Joke an all that…

    The Hacked Off gang are up in arms…they don’t like it up ’em as the Telegraph and the Mail expose them. Byline and its Peter Jukes [very well embedded at the BBC also] are upset….. Byline ‏@Byline_Media 33m33 minutes ago .@buchanan17 @SJHemus The Telegraph is completely incorrect about investors and there’s no funding from Hacked off.     Peter Jukes ‏@peterjukes Remarkable EVERY sentence of that Gilligan piece … Continue reading

Snow Trial

    Don’t you find it odd that the BBC should ignore the very striking words of one of its once, very senior, executives, Danny Cohen, who says ‘Jews voting for Corbyn’s Labour would be like a Muslim backing Trump’ Cohen told The Times: ‘If you are Jewish how can you vote for them? How could you? For me it would like being a Muslim and voting for Donald Trump, … Continue reading

One for Panorama

  Why is the BBC not ‘fact checking’ the claims about Whittingdale from the likes of Byline and Hacked Off, and let’s not forget Private Eye of course?  Why are they not checking on the motivations of Byline and Hacked Off and if there are any connections between them? Or indeed asking what the BBC itself knew in 2014. Judging by some fact checking by others it would seem there … Continue reading

Who pays the piper calls the tune

    Have I not got news for you….Did Ian Hislop cover up for the BBC to keep the HIGNFY pay-cheques rolling in…along with all the other work he does for the BBC or what?   Hislop appears as normal on HIGNFY and the first story is the obvious…Whittingdale…which story Ian claims his magazine broke.  Which, it didn’t.  Byline broke the story ‘officially’ [No doubt encouraged to do so by … Continue reading

Hopey Dopey Popey

  The Pope’s compassion is plain to see…all the more so as the BBC has made it headline news on its frontpage…. You are not alone, Pope tells migrants   Amusingly though the BBC effectively summed it all up, and  the BBC’s own lack of answers, with this final thought on the Pope’s narrative…. The Pope is coming with a strong moral message – but no solutions. That’s the trouble….open … Continue reading


Jordan Human Rights Human Rights Concerns Amnesty International continues to be concerned about torture and ill-treatment in detention in Jordan, as well as the link between torture, unfair trials, and the death penalty. Amnesty International has particular concerns about the application of the death penalty in Jordan because there is a pattern of death sentences, and sometimes executions, occurring as a result of unfair trials where confessions extracted under torture … Continue reading

Obtuse news

    The gloves seem to have come off now the EU campaign is rolling officially.  For sure the BBC reports the Leave campaign’s side of the story but it is all too often with a sneer, a mocking tone and a snide comment slipped in for effect. Nick Robinson laid into the Brexit side the other day and rounded off with a comment that back in 1975 the voters … Continue reading