Too close for comfort?

    What do you get when you mix a man who wrote songs for Elvis, £3m, and a mysterious set of Chinese-owned offshore companies? The answer: A company called Gate Ventures which is in a joint venture with Ensygnia…which has close business contacts with the BBC. Ensygnia’s customers include Visa Europe, PlayJam, O2, Waitrose, and BBC Worldwide.  Ensygnia is the start-up in residence at BBC Worldwide and is collaborating … Continue reading

Corbyn’s Dishonesty

  The BBC reports… Labour says PM ‘losing trust’ over offshore fund row Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said the PM had “misled the public” and “lost the trust of the British people”. He said Mr Cameron’s actions had showed there was “one rule for the wealthy and another for the rest of us”.   Who made offshore funds more ‘user-friendly’ for Brits?…….wealthy Brits presumably…one rule for…..   12:01AM GMT 04 … Continue reading

Pension potboiler

  The BBC is after David Cameron….his father had a business that was based offshore…shock horror. Simon Jenkins in the Guardian says this… If all of us sold any of our savings traded offshore we would need to sit up all night scanning our pension funds. As the financial pundit James Quarmby told the BBC this morning, millions benefit from offshore funds – and if they do not know, they … Continue reading

The Obligation of Jihad…By a ‘British Muslim Leader’     Sue at Is the BBC biased? spotted this revelation from the BBC….it’s from 2015 but somehow never goes out of date….. Thousands have now mocked a British Muslim leader’s comments by using the satirical slogan “Mossad Stole My Shoe” – but the man behind the hashtag says it was intended to expose anti-Semitic attitudes in Muslim communities. It all began with a Facebook post by Asghar … Continue reading

‘Jeremy Corbyn almost always voted against measures to reduce tax avoidance’

Just some things of interest to chew on that show Labour’s hypocrisy and how complicated offshore banking and investment is…especially as the UK is one of the world’s biggest tax havens itself…no small thanks to Gordon Brown. The BBC seems totally uninterested in raising awkward questions for Labour and looks to be targeting Cameron….they must think they have the EU referendum in the bag and can risk smearing and undermining … Continue reading

The new politics

  Don’t ask me questions…now push off!!     Will the BBC report this little spat?  You can be sure it would be headline grabbing news if it had been Cameron. The Huffington Post has given the story a look.  Others will no doubt follow.          

Gay Abandon

  Not sure why when you Google ‘celebrity injunction’ up pops a totally unrelated story from Guido. Looking at the comments though you see that some are totally unimpressed with the BBC’s interview on Today with a man who gave drugs to his boyfriend… Cassandrina The BBC reached new depths of hypocrisy and bias this morning when its “flagship” radio Today Programme interviewed a homosexual 35 year old UK barrister … Continue reading


Busy start to the day for the Comrades in the Today programme on Radio 4. They had TWO items on the Dutch referendum on whether to support EU expansionism into Ukraine. As you know, the result was emphatically NO to further EU expansionism with 61% of those who voted ticking that box. At NO point during either Today discussion was the SCALE or indeed the % mentioned. The BBC line was … Continue reading