What the BBC doesn’t want you to know

  Your daughters, your wives next?  Lord Hall Hall, Mark Easton, Evan Davis, Hugh Sykes and all those BBC journalists who grandstand about immigration and ‘it’s the right thing to do’ owe one very big apology to the women of Europe whom they have put at risk with their relentless and nonsensical cheerleading of mass immigration and open borders. Cologne need not have happened. Sweden, Austria, France, Finland, Norway, and … Continue reading

Just Good Friends

      Nick Robinson, the man who was thought a likely candidate to make a good PR monkey for the Labour Party, [perhaps Laura Kuenssberg wasn’t available] and who wrote to his BBC colleagues to tell them to lay off Corbyn [as if they were ‘laying on’ him to start with] gave his local MP, one Jeremy Corbyn, a lovely little interview this morning on the Today show…nothing too … Continue reading

Tommy Robinson…political prisoner

Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence. Socrates was put to death for impiety and immorality in teaching denial of god. Jesus put to death for being a blasphemer. Solzhenitsyn jailed in the Siberian gulags for questioning the party line. To open a discussion in the world about something which deeply concerns everyone, and of which it was previously ignorant, … Continue reading

Shameless Milne Knows Where The Welcome Mat Is

  I missed this little gem from November but Fraser Nelson in the Spectator points it out… The Labour Party’s newly-appointed Director of Communications Seumas Milne has been asking the Political Editor of BBC News Laura Kuenssberg for advice on how to do his job. Milne asked Kuenssberg, who is the most senior political journalist at the BBC for advice on everything from the upcoming by-election in Oldham to broading Jeremy Corbyn’s … Continue reading

Bias or ruthless journalistic scoop?

    The Independent says that the resignation of Labour’s Stephen Doughty live on the BBC was a done deal….. In a blog post for the BBC’s Journalism Academy – which has since been deleted – the output editor for the programme, Andrew Alexander, explained how Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg had “sealed the deal” for Mr Doughty to exclusively break his resignation live on air. The hard left are squealing ‘fix’ … Continue reading

Oh No Not Again!

    Had to hunt this down on the BBC website…not on the front page, not on the world page…hidden away inside the Europe page… Failed Paris attacker lived in German refugee shelter Wonder why with all that’s going on across Europe just now the BBC seeks to hide this story away….yet another ‘refugee’ turns out to be an ISIS supporter….this just wasn’t supposed to happen…it was supposed to be … Continue reading

Pretty miffed about the blood money

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy0cO_UYILM     The BBC has been relentlessly attacking Saudi Arabia for some time now whilst, as always, telling us what a wonderful, enlightened and moderate state Iran is…or would be if it weren’t for the Great Satan which sets out to surround poor little Iran with enemies necessitating an Iranian hardline response. Any thought that perhaps the BBC’s take on Saudi Arabia is coloured by its security correspondent’s grudge … Continue reading

Rats in a sack

    Brown threatened to destroy Murdoch when The Sun saw the light…what will Corbyn do to the BBC if he gains power as the comrades in arms fall out?…. Labour complains to BBC over Stephen Doughty resignation Labour has made an official complaint to the BBC after a shadow minister resigned live on one of its programmes. MP Stephen Doughty quit the party’s foreign affairs brief live on BBC … Continue reading

Too Much BBC Causes Cancer

      The BBC has been hitting us hard all day with the politically motivated anti-drink ‘science’ (Where do we get that normally?) of risk, alcohol and cancer.  Quite aggressively negative interviews with those who criticise and more positive friendly ones with those who feed us this guff. All to be taken with a dose of salt….as long as you keep it within your government approved daily recommended amount … Continue reading