I think many readers of this site may agree with me that the BBC Question Time that was broadcast a few days AFTER 9/11 was perhaps one of the most shameful examples ever of BBC bias. As what remained of the bodies were still lying in the ruins of the Twin Towers, the howls of anger AGAINST America from the BBC “selected” audience virtually reduced that US ambassador to Britain, … Continue reading

Cold, Hard Facts

Antarctic ice is increasing, which, as with the ‘pause’, is a bit of a problem for the BBC’s climate alarmists. Their solution to the ‘pause’ was to ignore the fact that no one has explained what has caused the pause and instead have chosen to claim that it is definitely caused by the ocean suddenly absorbing more heat at a faster rate than it has ever done before….why it should suddenly do … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby hosts this weeks pantomime from London. On the panel: Conservative business minister Anna Soubry MP, former Editor of Le Monde Natalie Nougayrede, Daily Mail columnist Sir Max Hastings, Labour’s shameless Andy Burnham MP and last and very much least, even with Andy Burnham on the show, Al Jazeera presenter, propagandist and infidel baiter Mehdi Hasan. Promises to be interesting with the decidedly unapologetic Hasan and Ms Nougayrede bearing in mind last Fridays horrific events in Paris.

Kick off tomorrow (Thursday) at 22.35

Chat here

Register here if necessary.


Beyond satire… “Lenny Henry talks to black British film director Isaac Julien about his work as an out-gay film-maker who has from the beginning of his career confronted issues of discrimination, police brutality, and homophobia within the African Caribbean community” Yup. That bad.

Manufacturing Consensus

    Roger Harrabin has spun a few comments by professor Richard Tol into a huge confection of pro-climate change pap to sugarcoat the usual bitter pill that Harrabin tries to ram down our throats on climate. Harrabin starts with this rather dramatic headline…Society ‘to be hit by climate change’  What he is less inclined to emphasise is that what Tol is talking about are the economic effects of climate … Continue reading

From Hero To Zero

    The BBC has surprised us all…….a story about a Muslim who isn’t a hero…The myth of Zouheir, a ‘hero Muslim security guard’ in Paris The BBC tells us that this is ‘A compelling story about a heroic Muslim security guard stopping a suicide bomber from entering the Stade de France on Friday, saving perhaps hundreds of lives, is making the rounds on social media. But it’s not true.’ … Continue reading

Harrabin’s Horror Story

  Roger Harrabin.  What to make of him?  Liar, fraud, dishonest, untrustworthy, propagandist, in the pay of the climate lobby?  You decide. Harrabin has just broadcast the first of his alarmist tracts on climate change designed to soften the listener up to accept, if not demand, action on climate change from politicians at the Paris climate talks.  The tone of the programme was every bit as insidious, malignant and dishonest … Continue reading


Well, no real surprise. The BBC have adopted their default mode and sought to distance Islam from the acts of Islamic terror that defaced the City of Lights on Friday evening. Instead we get lots of nice images of International landmarks to show how the “international community” is showing solidarity. I’m surprised the BBC have not been able to find a pic of a MOSQUE draped in the French colours. … Continue reading