Seen this? “The BBC licence fee is “regressive” and hits the “poorest” hardest, the Culture Secretary has said in his clearest indication since taking office he wants to reform the payment.  John Whittingdale told MPs that by charging all viewers the same annual fee those families on lower incomes are forced to pay more to watch BBC programmes. It is the first time Mr Whittingdale has revealed his views on the licence … Continue reading


I have to admit that even though he nears the end of his SECOND term in the White House, Obama has surprised me by bringing about regime change. In Zurich. I’m talking about FIFA, of course, and I am sure most people are glad to see the corruptocrats finally being exposed and held to account. Most people, of course, does not include the BBC. Here is their primary concern… Fifa … Continue reading


Well, Miliband got to speak in the Commons today. Just over a month ago, the BBC was feverishly pushing the idea that he would now be PM, hooked up to the SNP, and delivering the leftist policies so central to the BBC outlook. Sadly for them, it didn’t work out so all we get is this very sympathetic piece from the Comrades to their fallen Comrade.


I did an interview on the topic of BBC bias for the Sunday Guardian, a major newspaper in India which is not a left wing rag – unlike its UK daily namesake. Here is one line from it… Vance says ”Politicians are scared of the sheer monopolistic power of the BBC, it is not just an anachronism, it is menace”. I will link the entire article when published. No punches … Continue reading


I saw this headline on the BBC today. Islamic State conflict: 10,000 militants killed in nine months – US Islamic State is a TERRORIST organisation. It seeks to impose its radical Islamist agenda by killing and maiming anyone that disagrees with it. It has burnt people alive. It decapitates. It machines guns. It terrorises to achieve its end. So WHY does the morally bankrupt BBC not call it for what … Continue reading


Let me start by saying that like so many other people I was saddened to read of the death of former Lib Dem leader Charles Kennedy at such an early age. The loss to his family and friends will be immense. However, does anyone else find the BBC coverage of this excessive? Time after time in the past TWO days, I have turned on the various BBC channels to hear … Continue reading

James Harding’s Resignation Speech

      “One of the things I really like about the BBC is that it’s alive to its critics. It listens. And, as importantly, we are self-critical.”   James Harding, Director of News and Current Affairs   James Harding has made a resignation speech, or rather if the contents of the speech are a true reflection of what he actually thinks then he should perhaps consider it a resignation … Continue reading


The BBC is very selective in how it treats Christians. If they are arguing for “gay marriage’ – the BBC sees them as heroes. And now, if they are demanding that God be called “she” as much as “he’ then the BBC rallies around the cause. The fact that Christ starts the prayer he taught his disciples as “Our Father who art in heaven…” seems a slight detail. I like … Continue reading