‘Trust Is A Huge Issue!’ Says Ed Miliband

A glimpse of the future……Ed Miliband issues his new set of pledges that he promises to implement in government     Ed Miliband on the Today programme yesterday told us that ‘Trust is a huge issue’…so much so he set out his promises to the nation literally carved in stone…and has constantly attacked David Cameron as someone who can’t be trusted to fulfill his election pledges. Such a massive emphasis … Continue reading


As polling day approaches, it strikes me that the BBC has dropped any pretence of balance. It wants Miliband into 10 Downing Street and the propaganda machine is pumping out as much Pro Ed material as possible. It has sought to blame down the #Milistone farce from yesterday – even though The Guardian itself expressed disbelief in the limestone folly – and instead has led the news today with the … Continue reading

Hell No!!! I Won’t Answer That!

    Fair do’s to Humphrys, he tried his best to challenge Miliband on Labour borrowing….Miliband absolutely refused to admit that Labour borrowed too much, despite, as Humphrys stated, that Miliband must be ‘the last person standing who believes that to be the case’…..except of course Robert Peston who backs Miliband.   Miliband also tried to pass the buck for the lack of regulation of the banks…admitting such a lack led … Continue reading

‘We Don’t Know The Motivation’

      Of those two images the BBC knows which is the ‘extremist’ one…..Naughtie has just described the exhibition as an ‘anti-Islamic event’….actually Jim it’s about freedom of speech…the right to say something without being killed. Today told us that two people who shot at and hit a security guard at an exhibition of Muhammed images were killed by police officers…the BBC’s response….it was a ‘provocative’ exhibition run by … Continue reading

Sky Trumps BBC

    Sky has trumped the BBC and Peston is peeved…. Robert Peston @Peston  ·  May 1 Curse you @SkyNews, you made me smile https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KyISprZphtM&feature=youtu.be …            

Stoned? He Must Have Been!

Some idle amusement on the bank holiday for you….   Good idea of the week….   Is this the real idea…..Red Ed rebuilds the Berlin Wall?…     Perhaps he should try Hadrians wall. Better idea of the week….. what the SNP are announcing they intend to set in stone once in government on both sides of the border….The Miliband surrender….  

View From The Bubble

  A bit ironic this report from the BBC, The WW1 poet kids are taught to dislike, in which we are told of the prejudices and cultural values that teachers impose upon their pupils, not teaching them facts but attitudes, using the ‘facts’ as propaganda to sell the pupils a particular narrative.  The teachers approach WWI as an event in history that was unremittingly appalling and anyone who supported the … Continue reading


New month, new Open Thread. So, what was your view of BBC’s Question Time and Ask Nigel Farage programmes last evening? I get the impression this morning that the comrades seem a bit disappointed that Miliband gave the appearance of being less than enthusiastic for a pact with the SNP. Thoughts on this and any other issue of bias welcome here!