How Did You Miss IT????!!!

      Perfect example of how the BBC leaps upon race issues with glee…before checking what’s what…or as Breitbart says ‘Because of course the BBC can’t tell the difference between an outlandish, obviously fake social-justice obsessed parody account and a normal member of the public.’.…. Star Wars is ‘racist and homophobic’: BBC blunder as Twitter hoaxer is invited on air   Godfrey Elfwick @GodfreyElfwick Demisexual genderqueer Muslim atheist. Literal good … Continue reading

BBC Puts Labour Scaremongering Up In Headlines

    The BBC brings us this… Fewer nurses forecast for NHS – Labour But is it true?  And if not why is the BBC putting up demonstrably false claims from Labour as headline news? The BBC is scaremongering about the NHS by peddling Labour’s propaganda without question in an obvious and disgraceful attempt to smear the Tories….the morning news has been pumping out stories of the Tories’ ‘secret plan’ … Continue reading

Heat Or Eat? Possibly Neither In The Brave New World.

  The BBC’s Roger Harrabin gives the impression of working with the Guardian newspaper to intimidate businesses and other institutions into ridding themselves of their fossil fuel investments. The Guardian’s editor, Alan Rusbridger, demands that Scientists must speak up on fossil-fuel divestment in a recent article in Nature which attacked the Wellcome Trust and the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation for not offloading their shares in fossil fuel businesses saying … Continue reading


Here is a guest post by B-BBC commentator Nibor! “Some societies in the world venerate their old  And some don’t . The BBC I would say is in the latter category judging by their news and analysis programmes and especially their ” comedies ” . I don’t think its because the over 75s don’t pay the telly tax , it’s more serious than that . They say the past is … Continue reading


Elections bring the bias out of the BBC. This General Election has certainly showed the BBC in its true colour – Red. Each day now we see the same thing. The Today programme on Radio 4 sets the agenda which is then ruthlessly followed the rest of the day and the narrative is clear. Miliband has proven himself as a capable leader; Labour can be trusted on the economy because … Continue reading


The BBC’s Peston has been pumping out article after article that strangely enough seem to favour the Labour Party…his latest effort doesn’t buck the trend… Tories’ curious message on work Reading it you get the impression that Peston is desperately looking for something to say that is negative about the Tory manifesto.  He is tortuously constructing a case against the Tory policy to take the lowest paid out of tax … Continue reading

Hack Attack

    Whilst as I said the BBC’s coverage of the Tory manifesto, that I saw, hasn’t been a bloodbath there have been a couple of moments when they let themselves down. I was disappointed that John Humphrys, from a grounded, working class background and supposedly an experienced and professional journalist with integrity, should allow himself to become the frontman for the Labour Party peddling cheap sensationalist left wing smears … Continue reading