Royal Perogative

  The BBC  has been leading on this all day… Tony Blair says EU vote plan would cause economic chaos But nothing about this…. Markets spooked by threat of Labour-SNP coalition, economists warn The prospect of a coalition being formed between Labour and the Scottish National Party after May’s election has frightened financial markets, economists have warned.   But back to Blair and Miliband on Europe. Last week Miliband told … Continue reading

Old News Is New News

    This is another one of those stories that the BBC has disinterred from the archives but presents as new News just before the election… Warning over Islamic radicalisation in England’s prisons Staff shortages are making it harder to tackle Islamic radicalisation in England’s prisons, the former head of the National Counter Terrorism Security Office has warned. Chris Phillips said shortages meant extremists were not properly monitored, enabling them … Continue reading

Smoke In Your Eyes

  Here’s a bizarre offering from the BBC bigging up the SNP leader in this very pro-SNP piece…. Election 2015: Can Nicola Sturgeon win over the UK?   Curiously after the wall to wall coverage the BBC gave to the leader’s debate last week the BBC is very coy about what happened in the one in Scotland where this happened… Sturgeon booed as she hints at second independence referendum Nicola … Continue reading

The SNP’s Dirty Tricks

    Sturgeon is complaining about political dirty tricks…but of course the SNP wrote the manual on how to use them….claiming that the leak of the memo is a dirty trick is a dirty trick in itself as she makes wild claims about who is to blame and the reasons why…far less credible claims than the memo itself….and all about diverting attention from the contents that are, as Norman Smith … Continue reading

Allah Is Not Great

  ‘What the Islamic State and the 1915 Ottoman Turks have in common is a cruelty based on ideology – even theology – rather than race hatred, although that is not far away.’     Now most people probably don’t agree with Robert Fisk’s take on things but he has bitten the bullet and gone against the grain of his usual fare….   The Christian tragedy in the Middle East … Continue reading

Photo Chops

      David Cameron  has been photographed feeding a lamb….an orphaned lamb…sweet, as Jeremy Clarkson would say.     The BBC has decided there is something decidedly of the ‘Dark Arts’ about all this and sent in intrepid reporter, John Humphrys, to investigate the important issues surrounding this breaking news. Apparently this is ‘the new reality’ of politics with politicians kissing babies and doing photo ops…never been done before … Continue reading

Ooh La La La La La Land.

      ‘But he also told her that the story chimes with what he has been told by senior SNP figures – that it suits their wider purpose to have a Tory Prime Minister because it rallies support for independence.’   The Telegraph released a leaked memo that said the SNP’s leader wanted Cameron for PM….to howls of denial all round. The memo had a fair bit in it and ended … Continue reading

Baby Boom Doom

  There is going to be a teacher shortage…the problem is a result of government failure to recruit more teachers in light of a baby boom, as the BBC put it on the radio. Others might categorize the problem as having too many pupils due to the flood of immigrants coming to this country rather than too few teachers….just as the ‘housing problem’ is not one of too few houses … Continue reading