Search Results for: head of religion

A little of what does you good


The BBC brings us the odd interview with Brexit supporters though far more with Remainers, but more insidious is the relentless undercurrent of pro-EU propaganda that is slipped into programming under the guise of other subjects.  Guests interviewed on say their latest book or record or some non-directly EU related subject will often volunteer, or failing that be asked to talk about, their opinion on the EU and/or Brexit.  They may not mention Brexit but tell us how wonderful the EU is, how great it is to be able to travel so freely and have so much cultural interchange, knowing we will get the message.  BBC presenters always love this and even when Brexit is damned in no uncertain terms they never bother to intervene and qualify what is being said.  The presenters themselves very often use the same tricks slipping in sly references to the EU that make it appear as if we just can’t live without it and life would be infinitely worse without it.

Roger Harrabin is one such person.  Having corrupted the BBC’s climate change programming turning it into propaganda he has turned his dubious talents towards the EU.

This morning on the Today show (08:52) we were told that no-one understands how EU legislation has brought down prices of products, increased efficiency and increased innovation…as if none of that could have happened in Britain if it had stood alone…or in co-operation with other sovereign states…such as the US.  Oddly he didn’t mention Grenfell Tower which had to be clad to meet EU regulations on climate change, to reduce CO2 emissions, increase thermal efficiency and lower costs.

A few days earlier he was banging the drum for one of his green Guardian mates, Monbiot, and making a case for ‘rewilding’ Britain…essentially the Highland Clearances all over again as George and his liberal cosmopolitian elites want to clear the hill farmers and their sheep from the Scottish and Welsh hills in order to have a rural playground for themselves.  The land should be put back to some idyllic golden age using ‘EU’ subsidies.

Farmers are getting too many subsidies in money that ‘comes from the EU’…curious how that money ‘comes from the EU’ but when the Leave camp said we would get the infamous £350m back from the EU the BBC set about destroying that argument telling us it wasn’t EU money as it was money that came back to us anyway being spent on projects in the UK…hmmm…like farm subsidies?  So it’s not EU money…or is it?  Depends of course what the BBC is trying to sell us.

Following the plug for rewilding we had a bit of alarmism that farming would collapse, farmers out of jobs and the countryside and environment destroyed if we Brexited.

We even had a programme about the rise of the beard in current fashion…now how uncontroversial could that be?  The BBC however can always find an angle…men who grow beards are looking back to a safe past in current times of trouble and uncertainty [code for Brexit…and ‘Trump’]…they even managed to lever in ‘Islam’ into the discussion…not that Muslims suddenly growing beards was a sign of anything.  They managed to find a Muslim who said he was just too lazy to shave or just liked a beard…very little to do with religion.  Now that’s just untrue….why does the BBC not mention that after 9/11 Muslims suddenly became more devout and as part of that began growing out their beards as well as dressing the apart…including women in headscarves and veils?

Even in death you can be a soldier for the EU as Martin Roth, the former head of London’s Victoria & Albert museum, was recruited, posthumously, for the cause, as we were told by Today that he was very upset at the rising ‘nationalism’ and was keen on cultural collaboration overcoming geopolitical concerns.  Oddly one of those cultural collaborations of the V&A is with China…hardly the EU….just how on earth did the V&A manage to organise such a thing outside the safe confines of the EU?  And of course there is nothing nationalist about China.

How will we survive let alone thrive out in the cold?



The Tyranny of the Left


Niall Ferguson writes in the Sunday Times that Trump, bad as he is, is not the tyrant America should fear.  So who is the real tyrant?

The modern American left…[it] thirsts to get rid of one of the most fundamental protections that the constitution enshrines: free speech.

He goes on to list the Left’s often violent attempts to silence those whose opinions they don’t want to hear and don’t want anyone else to hear.  Ferguson then illustrates the convoluted thinking and warped rationalisation to excuse such crimes…a New York Universty professor writing in the NYT [of course] tells us that..

The idea of freedom of speech does not mean a blanket permission to say anything anybody thinks….freedom of expression is not an unchanging absolute…it requires the vigilant and continuing examination of its parameters.

The good professor thought that if anyone had their feelings hurt by anything said then that cannot be allowed…apparently we must balance the right to free speech with the obligation to be all inclusive….if free speech, however truthful, means a negative view of certain communities with the result that that community feels that it cannot fully express its own culture and beliefs then we must keep quiet and not criticise those cultures and beliefs even if they are in direct contravention of the legal and cultural practices of the nation this community has embedded itself within.

Ferguson says ‘If the criteria for censorship is that nobody’s feelings can be hurt, then we are finished as a society’.

He finishes with this…

Mark my words, while I can still publish them with impunity: the real tyrants, when they come, will be for diversity (except of opinion) and against hate speech (except their own).

I’ve got news for him…the real tyranny is already here…and it’s the BBC, the BBC that does not concern itself one little jot with this massive threat to free speech but instead fills the airwaves with far fetched fantasies about the rise of the Fourth Reich.

Want to speak freely about Islam, immigration, climate change or the EU?  Not on the BBC.

The BBC is keen on shutting down and denouncing those who utter hate speech and yet this is the BBC which calls Nigel Farage a Nazi and labels UKIP voters as Far Right and racists, the BBC which labels Leave voters as violent racist little englanders….or mad as Rod Liddle reveals...

A senior BBC apparatchik said to me: ‘What you have to understand, Rod, is that these people are all mad.’

The BBC which dismisses all white people as racist, all white men as ‘male, pale and stale’….needing to be replaced by black or brown faces.  The BBC is one of the biggest, most divisive and dangerous purveyors of hate speech in the country….Vince Cable aside it would seem.

It’s not just the left-wing media or the academics who work hard to police our thoughts, it is the police themselves…here defining what they consider ‘Islamophobia’ to be….a rather open, catch-all definition:

An Islamaphobic Incident is “Any incident that is perceived by the victim or any other person to be due to a persons religion (of Islam)”.

An Islamaphobic Crime is any Islamaphobic Incident that constitutes a criminal offence.

And here is the ultimate definition they probably work to as a final reference…..extraordinarily wide ranging and wrong……it comes in a report done in conjunction with the Met. Police…..



Essentially say anything about Islam and you’re heading to the slammer regardless of its truth…for instance the first definition is one that is central to Islam itself…Islam is one single religion [Hence the separate Shias and Ahmadis are not considered Muslim], the Koran is unchangeable and timeless…Islam cannot be ‘reformed’…Tariq Ramadan is a fraud pulling the wool over gullible liberal eyes who are all too eager to believe.  And yet say that and you will apparently get your collar felt.  As for the rest….seems a pretty good description of Islam rather than Islamophobia.

Be afraid, very afraid.  They’re coming for you.






Semantics and Semitics


‘SOME people like Jews and some do not; but no thoughtful man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world.’

Winston Churchill



A columnist, Kevin Myers, in the Irish Times has been sacked for ‘anti-semitism’ and the BBC’s Emma Barnett cornered him today on her show[10:40ish] as he claimed that Jews were disproportionately successful due to their admirable drive to be paid what they are worth and that they have a focus on success, an ambition to get on.

It is just a truth that the Jews are remarkably successful for their numbers…Israel blooms in the desert whilst all around are mired in poverty, failure and instability, Christianity and Islam have taken over the world…both ‘perversions’ of the Jewish faith….as Churchill said….

We owe to the Jews in the Christian revelation a system of ethics which, even if it were entirely separated from the supernatural, would be incomparably the most precious possession of mankind, worth in fact the fruits of all other wisdom and learning put together. On that system and by that faith there has been built out of the wreck of the Roman Empire the whole of our existing civilization.

Communism also had a good roll of the dice…again so many of the foremost proponents in the early days were Jews if more ‘internationalists’ than religiously minded ones…so much so that the American Communist Party tried to insist that anti-Communism was in fact the same as anti-Semitism.  No-one can deny that Jews have had an enormous influence on world affairs.  Saying they are good at getting value for money is hardly anti-Semitic…saying Jewish bankers rule the world and leech upon it is…saying there is a Jewish cabal, a secret lobby that runs the world is.  Praising Jews for being successful isn’t…even if you are very clumsy in the way you say it.

Barnett is herself Jewish so you have to question the wisdom of her doing an interview accusing someone of being anti-semitic, all the more so when you consider that she is not the best interviewer, her style being intent on point scoring having already decided a person is ‘guilty’ of the charge she will put against them and shaping the interview to ‘prove’ she’s right.  As Myers himself might say she is not aiming for clarity but moral superiority.  Her style is aggressive, lacks any nuance and understanding of difficult and complex issues and she consistently fails to listen to the answer her guests give her ploughing on as she does determined to prove a non-existent point.  She singularly fails to understand the points made by her guests.  And in this interview, inquisition, kangaroo court, she ably demonstrated all those failings.

The Times of Israel suggests the BBC is wrong to point the finger….

The BBC wilfully misreported what Myers wrote,  saying  ‘Kevin Myers suggested BBC presenters Claudia Winkleman and Vanessa Feltz earned high salaries because they were Jewish’. No he did not write that!

Here is what Myers did write (my emboldening):

‘Only one woman is among the top 10 best-paid BBC presenters. Now, why is this? Is it because men are more charismatic performers? Because they work harder? Because they are more driven? Possibly a bit of each. The human resources department — what used to be called “personnel” until people came to be considered as a metabolising, respiring form of mineral ore — will probably tell you that men usually work harder, get sick less frequently and seldom get pregnant.

 But most of all, men tend to be more ambitious: they have that greyback testosterone-powered, hierarchy-climbing id that feminised and egalitarian-obsessed legislatures are increasingly trying to legislate against.  Indeed, only weaponsgrade ambition could have got that deeply irritating jackanapes-on-steroids Jeremy Vine a berserk £700,000-£750,000 (€782,000-€838,000) a year. Plus, he must have one hell of an agent.

So have the BBC’s top women found a revolutionary new kind of negotiator that likes to start high and chisel downwards? Is this amazing unter-agent dedicated to the concept of seeking ever lower salaries for his/her clients, so earning a smaller commission for him/herself? And if such unter-agents actually exist, who is idiotic enough to employ them? The BBC’s female presenters, apparently. I note that two of the best-paid women presenters in the BBC — Claudia Winkleman and Vanessa Feltz, with whose, no doubt, sterling work I am tragically unacquainted — are Jewish. Good for them. Jews are not generally noted for their insistence on selling their talent for the lowest possible price, which is the most useful measure there is of inveterate, lost-with-all-hands stupidity.’

You might note that Myer’s real ‘crime’ might be sexism…but Barnett didn’t even broach that subject…and no wonder as the BBC has been caught red-handed being outrageously sexist paying women far, far less than the men…it would have been the most blatant hypocrisy to attack him for this.  You may think it is just as much a cheek of the BBC to tackle Myers on the subject of anti-Semitism when it has been the BBC that has done so much to ferment that in the world, not just in its massively anti-Israel reporting but also in its programming…The very high profile ‘The Honourable Woman’ being astonishingly anti-Jewish and anti-Israel and Jeremy Bowen continued to blame the Jews for the problems in the Middle East blaming ‘Zionism’ along with Western foreign policy for every ill….and just how exacting was the BBC investigation of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party?….extremely slow and reluctant to examine that issue.

Some may think Myers is actually being ‘persecuted’ for something else he wrote after the Manchester bombing…being anti-Islamic and anti-EU….

Nazis Hid Their Crimes; Islamists Exult in Theirs

A suicide bomber attacking a concert for little girls is a little earlier in the curve of depravity than I’d expected. But a nurse being cut to pieces as she minded the injured on London Bridge — at this point in the descent into the abyss, perfectly predictable. The Nazis hid their crimes. These people exult in theirs, knowing that the path to a moral nadir is paved with the public glorification of the most revolting violence. It is also paved with passivity, excuses and equivalence from the host communities.

It’s probably futile saying this, so powerful is the “anti-racism”, “anti- Islamophobe” mob of prating, Christianity-hating liberals, but I believe that we have no historic choice but to seriously restrict the numbers of Muslims moving to Ireland. Furthermore, facial covering should be rigorously outlawed in all public transport, taxis, schools, colleges, banks and EVERY government building. If the enforcement of such measures means a departure from the EU with its toxic and unreal human rights edicts, so be it.


But…is Myers anti-Semitic?  Is he guilty of ‘casual racism’ as Barnett claimed he was as she casually labelled him a racist hate monger.  You might note that after the interview she talked to someone else more on her wavelength…what did he say?  He told us that ‘the British are a very tolerant people’.  I’m sorry what?  Isn’t that just a sweeping generalisation, a stereotype, casual racism?  Well meaning but still propagating a racist myth…as we all know, courtesy of the BBC, that the British are actually nasty racists…#duetobrexit.  Myers can’t give a clumsy compliment to the Jewish population but someone who is ‘onboard’ the PC bandwagon can make similarly sweeping statements about ‘the British’?

How about African runners…an inborn talent of ‘Altitude Natives’ or something else?…

BBC Sport – East African runners: What makes them so dominant?

Put “East African running” into a search engine and you’ll get thousands of results exploring the question of what makes these long distance runners so good.

Everyone is searching for the secret explanation so what does the research evidence point to?

Some people say that since these runners and their forebears live and train at altitude, they’re bound to be good. “Altitude natives”, through long-term exposure combined with endurance training, have increased red blood cells which is one neat explanation of their excellence in endurance events.

Scientists have suggested that it is difficult to break the ongoing East African running stereotype; some runners of other races believe that they cannot compete with the East Africans whilst those from the region believe that they are better runners.

Of these explanations the influence of biology is hotly debated but overall the work ethic needed to succeed at the top level takes place in a social and economic milieu that, for me, is a major influence.

Hmmmm…work ethic is the key… that not what Myers says about Jews?  Why is he demonised whilst a BBC columnist isn’t?

Myers told Barnett that what he intended was to point out that Jews make the most of their talents in a way that perhaps others may not, certainly disproportionate to their numbers….an admirable characteristic he said.  Barnett suggested he was slurring Jews by claiming the the Jews had a ‘special power’ to ‘extract money from people’…a trope Hitler used.

This was so far from what Myers actually said…for a start he wasn’t claiming some mythical, God-given ‘special power’ for Jews…just the ability to focus and drive on to achieve what they wanted or needed to do to survive and thrive.

Barnett was insulted by this ‘admiration’ and told us that her pet hate was people who apologise for spreading hatred but then move on to explain it.  Clearly she had no intention of listening to and understanding what Myers said.  She then reeled off a list of things he had apparently said in the interview but misquoted him and misinterpreted, deliberately, what he actually said and meant.

Barnett jumped to conclusions, put words in Myers’ mouth, refused to listen and was intent on crucifying him with the label ‘anti-Semite’ around his neck.

One example is her claim that Myers was a Holocaust denier….and thus, because he apparently denied 6 million Jews were killed by Hitler, he is anti-Semitic…this previous history was proffered as proof of his anti-Semitism…confirmation of what people say about his latest article.

Barnett clearly hadn’t read the article about the Holocaust.  Myers told us he didn’t write the headline…the article was in the Independent and thus must have been their editor’s decision….I managed to find a copy in the Belfast Telegraph, the original article having been scrubbed guiltily from existence on the Independent’s site:

There was no Holocaust: Kevin Myers

Myers is in fact talking about censorship and freedom of speech, the lack of.  How is it that he can say that the Jews were killed in a murderous genocide but if he says this was not technically a ‘Holocaust’ he will be locked up in some countries in Europe?

I’m a holocaust denier; but I also believe that the Nazis planned the extermination of the Jewish people, as far as their evil hands could reach.

What? I admit that there was murder and genocide (or Genocide, as my spell-check wants me to call it) but almost in the same breath, insist that there was no holocaust? How is this possible?  Well, if you turn historical events into current political dogmas, (believed even by my computer) you are thereby creating a sort of secular, godless religion, which becomes mandatory for all who wish to participate in public life. Yet dogmas, by definition, are so simplistic and crude that they are usually not merely wrong, but are also probably so.

This programme [killing Jews] was begun informally by Nazi armies in 1941, and only took organised form after the Wannsee conference in January 1942. Thus was born one of the most satanic operations in world history, in which millions of Jews were murdered. To be sure, you can use the term holocaust to describe these events, but only as a metaphor.
However, to turn that metaphor into a political dogma, a denial of which can result in imprisonment, is to create a religio-penal code of which Torquemada would have approved.
Across Europe, there are countless Islamic madrasahs, in which imams regularly preach hatred for Jews, and where the holocaust is routinely denied. Which member-state of the EU will pursue such conveyors of hate, or seek the extradition of an imam who says that the holocaust was a Zionist hoax? None of them. We know this. For the EU has tolerated the creation of an informal historiographical apartheid. So, on the one hand, a single, eccentric (and possibly deranged) Christian bishop may be hounded for his demented historical beliefs: but on the other, there is a deafening silence over the widespread and virulent distortion of the ‘holocaust’ by Islamic preachers.
If Bishop Williamson has an agenda, it is so bonkers as to rank alongside that of The Lunar Cheese Society.
Yet he, and other Christian cranks like him, could even be imprisoned for their stated beliefs, as other ‘men of God’, working to an infinitely more sinister and far more politically inspired agenda, are simultaneously ignored.
This disparity is now effectively an EU policy.
You can reasonably call such double-standards many things, but the words ‘rational’, ‘wise’ or ‘consistent’ are not among them. ‘Suicidal’ and ‘insane’, however, certainly are.

Interesting how Myers alone is in the dock…why not the editors of the Times or the Independent that ran these articles?

And you may remember how the BBC has so frequently told us we need immigrants because the British workers are so lazy and feckless…we need the hard working East Europeans to save us….what difference is that to what Myers said?…..

Migrant farm workers needed to replace ‘lazy’ Britons


Finally one might consider what the Irish Jewish Representative Council said:

Branding Kevin Myers as either an anti-Semite or a Holocaust denier is an absolute distortion of the facts. More than any other Irish journalist he has written columns about details of the Holocaust over the last three decades that would otherwise not have been known by a substantial Irish audience. The knee-jerk responses from those outside Ireland appear to care little for facts and pass on (along with some media outlets) falsehoods about his previous writings without verification. This has been exacerbated by a thoroughly misleading headline being sent around the world that is wholly unrepresentative of the article to which it refers.

An abysmal interview by Barnett that was badly researched, highly partisan having already decided Myers was guilty and overall badly conducted as is the way with so many of Barnett’s interviews intent as they are not on providing clarity but moral superiority and point scoring.


Myers also wrote, in the Independent originally [again erased from the record], about the pointless and dangerous role aid plays in Africa…for which he was pilloried…

Self-serving generosity has been one of the curses of Africa. It has sustained political systems which would otherwise have collapsed.
It prolonged the Eritrean-Ethiopian war by nearly a decade. It is inspiring Bill Gates’ programme to rid the continent of malaria, when, in the almost complete absence of personal self-discipline, that disease is one of the most efficacious forms of population-control now operating.
If his programme is successful, tens of millions of children who would otherwise have died in infancy will survive to adulthood, he boasts. Oh good: then what?I know. Let them all come here. Yes, that’s an idea.

Was he wrong?  So many ‘respectable’ people think along the same lines……such as the BBC?…

Aid ‘is not solution’ for Africa

The aid business is an industry with its own dynamic.

Much of it is spent in the donor countries in the form of consultancies and goods.

For the recipient it creates dependency, undermines self-reliance and ultimately breeds resentment.

There is no short cut to development. Only Africans themselves can bring change to Africa.

States have to raise taxes and spend them productively in order for their countries to develop.

The Guardian….

Aid helps the rich at the expense of the poor

What we should be talking about is Africa and humanitarian development aid. Africa has been a target, and a victim, of foreign aid in a way China, India and south-east Asia never were. Aid to Africa has not worked over the last 50 years.

Almost everyone I have spoken to recently in Africa feels aid has failed because it enriches the big men at the cost of ordinary people. Foreign aid atrophies, and weakens, the state in Africa, and the only people who grow stronger are the donors: governments and NGOs. It damages the prospects for ordinary people to better their lives, and turns ordinary Africans into victims.

Africans are hard-working people who like to have an enterprise culture. They are natural capitalists and do not need to be patronised by NGOs, who often have left-wing agendas. They need a hand up, not a handout.

From the Africans themselves…

Africa: We don’t want aid. Please keep it for your local poor!

International AID is currently doing more harm to Africa than good. It became the main tool used by foreign governments and organizations to corrupt the African elite, and get them to behave so irrationally toward their own populations and the basic interest of their countries.

Aside corruption and the criminality, International Aid is the root of the 5 Stars colonization disease that cripple the African elite which dislikes the responsibility and the self sacrifice that comes with being in control of a nation destiny. As far as they enjoyed the status offered by their positions, they never liked the responsibilities demanded by the jobs, therefore they use international aid programs as substitute to their responsibilities.



Muslim gang jailed for attacking Whites and Christians…BBC not interested


The BBC has been very concerned about Finsbury Park Muslims who are now living in fear of white vans, the BBC is also concerned that we are letting down the Muslim population as racism and ignorance of their culture drives them to become radicalised…nowt to do with them, their religion or their culture and the community-wide narratives about Jews, Western foreign policy and ‘Muslims under attack’, narratives also spread by the BBC…most recently by Jeremy Bowen…the narrative that does the heavy lifting for the Jihadi recruiters….who needs Facebook, Youtube and Twitter when you have the national broadcaster promoting your cause?

What the BBC doesn’t seem to want to highlight is the jailing of a Muslim gang that attacked Whites and Christians in Liverpool….it’s not even on the BBC’s Liverpool page….

From the Liverpool Echo:

Muslim gang rampaged through Liverpool attacking strangers because they were white “non-Muslims”

A gang of Muslim men rampaged through Liverpool city centre attacking strangers because they were white “non-Muslims”.

One witness feared Amin Mohmed, Mohammed Patel and Faruq Patel were ISIS terrorists.

The drunken yobs targeted three unknown men before Mohmed, 24, and Mohammed, 20, set upon Gary Bohanna when he revealed he was Christian.

Laughing Faruq, 19, who was not convicted of a racial or religious motive, then filmed Mohmed punching St Helens councillor Paul Lynch to the ground, as his terrified girlfriend tried to protect him.

Liverpool Crown Court heard counter-terrorism officers raided the three men’s homes in Bolton after the shocking incident on March 20 last year.

The judge, Recorder Louise Brandon, said: “This was a disgraceful and sustained campaign of violence carried out on the streets of this city.”

From Bolton News:

Mohmed, aged 24 and of Perendale Rise in Bolton has been sentenced to 42 weeks in prison, Mohammed Patel, aged 20 and of Eastbank Street in Bolton has been sentenced to 42 weeks in a young offenders institution and Faruq Patel, aged 19, and of Crumpsall Street in Bolton, has been sentenced to 18 weeks in a young offenders institution.

Detective Inspector, Mark Drew of Merseyside Police, said: “These were a horrendous and unprovoked assaults on people who were simply going about their business in the city centre.

“I am sure the local community would agree that this type of behaviour has no place in Merseyside and I believe the sentences imposed by the court today reflect how serious this matter has been treated.

“I also hope that this will send a message out that Merseyside Police is committed to maintaining the rights of all our communities to be treated with fairness, dignity and respect and that any offences targeting people because of their race, disability, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity will not be tolerated.

“I would continue to urge victims of hate crime to report offences to the police so that we can take prompt action.


No, the story is still not on the BBC website…however there is this on the frontpage:

Dog eats wedding cake on morning of couple’s big day


The Problem

That the strangle-hold which the middle-class liberal elite have over our culture and society — without having anything close to hegemony — will be tightened still further, and their [right-wingers] views marginalised or even criminalised. And the excuse given will be they are trying to stop us being blown up, or stabbed to death on London Bridge. That’s my worry too — that in order to placate the sensitivities of the adherents of a recently imported culture, the beliefs of indigenous people will be proscribed. When there is not the remotest comparison between them.

Rod Liddle today in the Spectator


The problem with the BBC is that many people who should know better think there is no problem with the BBC…and then there are those, like Tory MPs, who don’t have the courage to put it to the sword even as it does everything it can to destroy them and their party.

Here’s an almost completely delusional take on the BBC from Stephen Daisley in the Spectator as he recognises failing grandeur but can’t bring himself to send the BBC to the vet thinking the old guard dog is still the faithful and fit watchdog rather than the corpulent, bloated, greedy, self-interested and slightly rabid mutt that it has become:

In defence of the BBC: a force for unity in a divided Britain

The BBC is our other national religion and like the NHS it inspires a devotional intensity that can be a little creepy.

By any sensible assessment, the Beeb invites a lukewarm response. What it does well, it does better than any broadcaster in the world. Its news and current affairs output is eclectic, comprehensive and informative.

Its news and current affairs programmes are untrustworthy, partisan and shaped to promote the liberal intelligentsia’s world view not facts or news.

At moments of national triumph or catastrophe, it is the reassuring voice of British resolve and self-deprecating celebration.

A voice of national resolve?  The BBC that would sell us out to the EU rather see an independent and energised Britain breaking free of its EU shackles, the BBC that when bombs go off promotes the bomber’s message, the BBC that always talks Britain down.

And yes, it annoys. In BBCland, immigration is Congolese restaurants and cheap nannies, not bulging classrooms and community tensions. The LGBT debate is no debate at all; anyone who dissents is a bigot and a Jesus freak. Refugees are all genuine and everyone who lives outside London is probably racist. Islam is a religion of peace and Brexiteers incipient domestic terrorists. Its voice may no longer toll in crisp RP tones but it is still predominantly middle class, graduate, and southern. It is the voice of a monolith that demands money with menaces from the poor and non-conforming. It is gratingly aloof, unresponsive to its coerced customers, and hostile to all criticism except the theatrical and self-justifying auto-flagellation in which it occasionally engages.

All very serious charges that anyone with a degree of common sense and some backbone would realise made the BBC more ‘an enemy of the people’ than their friend and protector.

But when you consider the merit of maintaining a public service broadcaster in 2017 you appreciate that not only is the BBC still worthwhile, it is more necessary than ever. Crucially, it’s a force for unity in a Britain divided by identity and fractured by devolution. A national news broadcast confirms our shared concerns and priorities….It is a silent rejoinder to the Prime Minister’s philosophy, a platform where we can be citizens of the world and citizens of somewhere at the same time.

A crucial force for unity?  LOL.  The BBC that sets the rich against the poor, the BBC that sets young against old, the BBC that works to smash the United Kingdom due to  the Left’s hate of ‘Britain’ and what they see as its dangerous power and influence in the world and of course by dividing Britain it leaves it open for the EU to move in and to rule over us, the BBC that works hard to foster the hate and division between Remainers and Leavers, a BBC that encourages open borders and mass immigration having no concern for the destruction of society that would entail and the ‘tribal’ ghettos of the different communities that arise and end in violent conflict.  Yep, working for unity…that’s the BBC alright.

The rise of fake news and the ascendancy of Trump and Corbyn make the BBC all the more needed. Liberal societies can endure many trials but not the absence of universal facts. Without a commonly-agreed set of facts and a referee to uphold them Trump winning the popular vote and Corbyn advancing peace in Ulster become alternative truths — plausible, perhaps preferable.

The BBC is fake news.  This site can ony possibly list a minute proportion of the highly political and partisan material that comes out of the BBC….there is a vast torrent of ‘fake news’ flowing forth from the BBC everyday all day.  And for the BBC to appoint itself as the ‘referee’ of what can be termed ‘fake news’ or not is beyond parody….like the Catholic Church in charge of child abuse investigations.

Daisley ends with this:

In the end, the BBC is neither straightforwardly Left nor Right. It is a taxpayer-funded national educator staffed by the London intelligentsia — a social democrat’s reverie. It is also a conservative institution, entrenching tradition, maintaining continuity and lending reverential pomp to the monarchy, the church, and Parliament. Our times are afflicted at once by popular cynicism and idealism run amok. The BBC, itself an alloy of the two, is a bulwark against both.

Hmmm…the BBC a conservative institution?…..the BBC that is anti-Royalty, anti-Christianity and anti-democracy [in that it wants a one party state…run by Labour]…and anti ‘popular cynicism’?  Would that ‘popular cynicism’ be a vote against the EU?  Not cynicism but an informed, reasoned and appropriate response to being railroaded by the liberal intelligentsia into remaining under the tyranny of the undemocratic EU…and as for a bulwark against ‘idealism’…this is the BBC that supports Corbyn and his violent Marxist running mates as they seek to impose their crazed economic, social and political dogmas upon us…their lies, hypocrisy and violence going unchecked by the BBC.

The BBC is a force for disunity, for violent inter-communal conflict, for political chicanery unchecked, for destruction of nation states and national identity, for what will be the end of an organised and stable State…the end of the NHS, the end of free schooling, the end of peace and trust as communities divide, the end of the welfare state system as the whole world tries to ‘sign on’ when the BBC continues to invite them to our increasingly overcrowded shores.

The BBC is in denial about the consequences of its policies [the consequences that are playing out before us as we watch as Merkel’s ‘humane and compassionate’ policy on migration destroys Germany and with it the whole of Europe]

Shame some commentators on the BBC also seem in denial even as they admit the huge problems.  Daisley thinks that because the SNP’s Tartan Brownshirts, the Muslim Jihadists and the Corbyn street thugs, all attack the BBC the BBC must be ‘impartial’ and be reporting accurately on these groups…this shows a complete lack of undertsanding, one of the fact that the BBC actually supports these groups but that these groups don’t care…their intent is to make absolutely sure you are too afraid to say anything negative or critical of them and they will use any means to enforce that.  Hitler, who better to ask, tells us the truth about these ‘mad-dog exercises’ of intimidation and bullying…

Before two years had passed, the theory as well as the technical methods of Social Democracy were clear to me.
I understood the infamous spiritual terror which this movement exerts, particularly on the bourgeoisie, which is neither morally nor mentally equal to such attacks; at a given sign it unleashes a veritable barrage of lies and slanders against whatever adversary seems most dangerous, until the nerves of the attacked persons break down and, just to have peace again, they sacrifice the hated individual.
However, the fools obtain no peace.
The game begins again and is repeated over and over until fear of the mad dog results in suggestive paralysis.


And as Douglas Murray says in the Spectator:

‘European values’ won’t last long without national borders

In an email to Bloomberg, Soros says that his foundation is trying to ‘uphold European values’ while Orban is trying to ‘undermine those values’.  Making it clearer, Soros writes of Orban:

‘His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle.  Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.’ 

Putting aside Soros’s depiction of the hundreds of thousands of people coming into Europe as ‘refugees’ rather than – more accurately in most cases – ‘economic migrants’, perhaps in the next round the Hungarian Prime Minister can point out to Mr Soros that without national borders those ‘European values’ he seems so keen on will be blown away like so much sand.






Urban Bungle


Craig at Is the BBC biased? [lol] points out this sceptical Tweet by Mark Urban concerning the Blair Bluff…Mark Urban clearly hasn’t got the corporate memo about keeping up the anti-Brexit barrage of lies, misinformation and scaremongering….on the carpet Monday morning…..


In fact there is evidence of the opposite [and we already know Merkel has said freedom of movement is sacrosanct] as Merkel doubles up on her love of the EU…

German Chancellor Angela Merkel told voters on Saturday that Britain’s decision to leave the European Union and France’s election of President Emmanuel Macron had changed her view on the bloc, adding it was worth fighting for a stronger Europe.

Many people in the past had taken the EU and its advantages for granted — such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom to travel, said Merkel who grew up in communist East Germany.

“You don’t have all this in many parts of the world. And that’s why it is worth fighting for this Europe,” Merkel said.

“That’s why one of our election placards is saying: If Europe is stronger, then Germany will be stronger. This is directly related.”

Maybe she is ignoring reality…a stronger Germany is the last thing other EU countries might want…and the BBC also seems to ignore reality as it doesn’t seem to make much if anything of this…

Eurozone faces doom no matter how hard France and Germany try to save it, warns top investment bank

The eurozone is likely to break up no matter how hard France and Germany try to save it, one of the world’s biggest investment banks is warning.

A senior employee at Bank of America Merrill Lynch says the single currency bloc has been gradually falling apart ever since it was formed almost 20 years ago.

Although several countries including Greece and Portugal received emergency bailouts during the financial crisis, richer countries like Germany have failed to redistribute wealth on a permanent basis to poorer countries in the eurozone.


Shame the BBC mainstream is still pushing out the Blair lie….Listening in the car the news bulletin headlined with the news that Blair said the EU would compromise on freedom of movement.  Now that’s just a lie.

Trust the BBC?  Never!  The BBC is one of those sources that you have to double check and cross-reference with at least one other news or information source…and usually you would be right to do so.

Speaking of  the BBC’s barrage of lies, misinformation and scaremongering…remember fanatical Remainer James Chapman and the ruckus he created with his claims about the ECJ and Euratom which all came from an interview the BBC set up between him and a Times [anti-Brexit] journalist which they ran with for days as proof of how complex, impossible, dangerous and disastrous Brexit would be?

Listening to R4 yesterday [buried at 07:20] and apparently it was all a mistake….no panic, no problem, people won’t being dying in the streets of cancer because we can’t get certain medicines #duetobrexit…turns out Euratom has nothing to do with this and that the only slight problem might be that the medicine will have to be checked through customs….so all the sacremongering about Euratom, death and Brexit was all a huge lie.  One the BBC [and of course Osborne in the Standard] ran with for days as headline news…only now after it has squeezed all it can out of the black propaganda does it admit it was all a lie.





The problem with the BBC


Anti-white, anti-British, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-Tory, anti-open discussion and closed borders, anti-Trump, anti-Hindu, anti-Israel, anti-the right leaning press, anti-anyone who has any thought that does not conform to the BBC’s world view.

Just what is the problem with the BBC?

One symbol of that problem might be the fact that the BBC rushed out to employ James O’Brien, a man who doesn’t let the facts stand in the way of his bigotry and prejudices, a man who on closing in on someone who has views he holds in disdain treats them with contempt, demonisings them in short order…however get someone on whom he likes or is afraid to challenge due to colour or religion, even if he wanted to, and he shrivels up into a sad little husk….brave to tackle those he knows will get him lots of brownee points from his mates on the left but too afraid to criticise those whom he knows will have a social media army waiting to tear him apart if he should say a word out of line.

Douglas Murray in the Spectator examines O’Brien’s latest incompetence and bigotry….remind me again why the BBC employs him?…..

James O’Brien spreading ‘fake news’ via the BBC is a must-watch

The row about ‘fake news’ and the ‘crooked media’ appears to be ongoing.  And every time the BBC and other mainstream media mention it they present themselves solely as the victims of such phenomena.  So let us turn to just one edition of the BBC’s Newsnight.

On Wednesday of this week the programme was presented by James O’Brien.  Now in the first place Mr O’Brien is a strange choice to present this programme.  Not just because his awkward, cut-out, Lego man gait makes it obvious why he has made his career in radio, but because he is the sort of hyper-partisan figure who, if they came from the opposite political side, would never be hired by the BBC.

But back to Wednesday’s Newsnight. Just after a ‘Viewsnight’ slot given to Tariq Ramadan – dauphin of the Muslim Brotherhood – it was back to the studio for a discussion about President Trump with two guests down the line from Washington.

Here is how O’Brien introduced them: ‘Anne Gearan from the Washington Post and Asra Nomani who has written for outlets such as Breitbart and The Hill.’  To say that the way in which O’Brien introduced the latter was acidic is to understate matters.  Even on the Cathy Newman scale of ‘ostentatiously introducing someone as though they are a bad smell’ O’Brien excelled.  ‘Here’ – he was clearly saying – ‘is a really reputable woman.  And here, by comparison is a lowly, nuts-oid blogger lady who we can all interrupt and laugh at.’

Unfortunately for O’Brien, Nomani used her opening moments to politely correct the BBC’s introduction of her.  An introduction that had indeed been fake and crooked.  For as Nomani informed O’Brien, she is not just some broad who has ‘written for outlets such as Breitbart [lemony face] and The Hill [expectorate]’.  On the contrary, as she had to waste her opening moments explaining, not only has she never ‘written for Breitbart’, the more pertinent fact about her life is that she spent fifteen years at the Wall Street Journal.

So why did Newsnight’s James O’Brien – in a discussion about ‘fake news’ – spread false information about Nomani before he had even begun his first question?  Why did it not concern him that any fair-minded viewer might easily come away with the impression that O’Brien knew nothing about his guest and that he or someone else from the Newsnight team had simply spent the period before transmission lazily searching Google for the most hostile intro they could put together?  Might precisely this type of media ‘bias’ be one of the things that fuels the perception that the mainstream media are intent on bringing down everyone and everything associated not just with Trump but with any of the arguments he makes?

[Murray explains a lot more about Nomani’s background and then goes on…]

As I say – James O’Brien doesn’t know any of this, or doesn’t care about any of this.  He saw a woman he felt he could belittle and diminish as though she were calling in to one of his daytime phone-in shows.  O’Brien and Newsnight don’t need to ask why people are losing trust in mainstream media.  Programmes like theirs on Wednesday night – and their treatment of one guest in particular – are the reason.

Trouble is how many people actually know the BBC is lying to them nearly all the time?  Guido has recently been listing the left-wing activists that the BBC has brought on as just normal concerned citizens on various subjects….but how many people realise that the BBC has been a willing ‘trojan horse’ for Corbyn providing a platform for his activists to spread their propaganda?  The BBC has a long history of doing this but then again when it has two senior journalists openly shilling for Corbyn and telling their fellow colleagues not to print negative stories about him then what can we expect?  This of course applies not just to Corbyn but to Brexit as well when the BBC presents critics of Brexit as independent and impartial commentators when we know they are hardcore Remain campaigners…such as James Chapman….or even, remarkably George Osborne himself…never mind Ken Clarke, Patten and Heseltine who all seem to have new careers on the BBC.  And it goes without saying the same applies to Islam when known Islamists are constant ‘community spokesmen’ on the BBC and Tariq Ramadan, whose grandfather set up the extremist Muslim Brotherhood, is called a moderate, reforming Muslim…indeed as Murray points out he was on Newsnight last night.  Ramadan is an islamist…about time the BBC recognised him for what he is instead of giving credibility and authority to everything he says.  Then again they wouldn’t care…..if he was white he’d be a ‘Nazi’ but luckily for him he is not white…the BBC will always look the other way.







The Great Replacement


“Every now and then, every time we have a conference, every time we invite a speaker, they [the media] always come with the same accusations: This speaker supports the death penalty for homosexuals, this speaker supports the death penalty for this crime or this crime or that he is homophobic, that he subjugates women, etcetera. I always try to tell them that it is not that speaker that we are inviting who has these ‘extreme radical views,’ as you say. These are general views that every Muslim actually has.
Every Muslim believes in these things. Just because they are not telling you about it, or just because they are not out there in the media, doesn’t mean that they don’t believe in them.”


The BBC has always opposed telling the truth about Muslim immigration into Europe and the effects it is having upon society, indeed the BBC has deliberately acted to close down such discussions just as it countered the ‘Muslim Demographics’ video on Youtube with its own video as it didn’t like the conclusions that the Muslim Demographics video aired….that Muslims will take over Europe.

The Muslim Brotherhood has long predicted that France will become Muslim, they suggest within a generation, but they can wait.  Our own BBC goto Muslim expert, Mo Ansar predicts something similar…


Even the EU is prediciting massive and overwhelming immigration, the majority of whom will be Muslim….

Europe is ‘underestimating’ scale of migrant crisis and could be flooded by millions of Africans in ‘biblical exodus’ unless urgent action is taken says top official

The number of migrants crossing into Europe from Africa will be in the millions within five years unless urgent action is taken, a senior EU official has warned.

Antonio Tajani, president of the European Parliament, has said the scale and severity of the migrant crisis is being underestimated and must be tackled urgently.

In an interview with Il Messagero newspaper, Mr Tajani said there would be an exodus ‘of biblical proportions that would be impossible to stop if we don’t confront the problem now’.

And now we have an Archbishop in France predicting a Muslim takeover by ‘demographics’…

‘Muslim believers say ‘one day this will all be ours’ and call it the Great Replacement’: French Archbishop says higher Muslim birth rate is changing the country

The Archbishop of Strasbourg has said Muslims in his country are aware their high birth rate will soon lead to a ‘Great Replacement’ of the French population….. ‘Muslim believers know very well that their birth rate is such that today, they call it … the Great Replacement, they tell you in a very calm, very positive way that, “one day all this, it will be ours”‘

Do you see the BBC reporting either of these statements or discussing them seriously other than to condemn the speakers as deluded or racists?

Why is the BBC promoting a religion that is clearly not a religion of peace but is in fact one based upon conquest and colonisation, its worshipped leader, Muhammed, was a warlord who happily slaughtered whole tribes personally cutting off heads and proclaimiing that his god will reward his followers with land, women, loot and riches if they fight for him in order to spread a religion that is anti-Semitic,, anti-Christian, misogynist, homophobic and highly oppressive and racist….the death penalty is frequently used for gays and those who wish to leave the religion.  Why would anyone in their right mind promote such an ideology as progressive and liberal?  Islam has nothing in common with Christianity other than a few stories it plagiarised in order to make Christians think it had something for them when Muhammed was looking for recruits.

As David Goodhart said:

The gulf between conservative Islam and secular liberal Britain is larger than with any comparable large group….for those of us who value an open, liberal society it is time to explain why it is superior to the alternatives.

He told us that…

Some claim that if people understood Islam more everything would be fine, they would be more tolerant, I think quite the contrary….the more they understand about it the more alien they would find it…authoritarian, collectivist, patriarchal, misogynist…..all sorts of things that Britain might have been 100 years ago but isn’t now.


Charles Moore:

Nothing has changed in 25 years to ease my concerns about Islam

It seemed to me that most Muslim leaders saw their role not in integrating Muslims in Britain, but in asserting difference and increasing their muscle. Many favoured sharia law trumping British law. They would not support Muslim membership of the Armed Forces if those forces were deployed against Muslim countries. They wanted it to be illegal to attack Islam, let alone denigrate its prophet; and they waged constant “lawfare” to try to silence their critics. They tended, I thought, to see the advance of their cause as a zero-sum game in which the authorities had to cede more ground (sometimes it is literally a matter of territory) to Muslims.

Boris Johnson:

To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia – fear of Islam – seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. Judged purely on its scripture – to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques – it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers. As the killer of Theo Van Gogh told his victim’s mother this week in a Dutch courtroom, he could not care for her, could not sympathise, because she was not a Muslim.

The trouble with this disgusting arrogance and condescension is that it is widely supported in Koranic texts, and we look in vain for the enlightened Islamic teachers and preachers who will begin the process of reform. What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam’s medieval ass?

It is time that we started to insist that the Muslim Council of Great Britain, and all the preachers in all the mosques, extremist or moderate, began to acculturate themselves more closely to what we think of as British values. We can’t force it on them, but we should begin to demand change in a way that is both friendly and outspoken.


Want to fight Brexit? Have fewer immigrants


[Thanks to Guest Who for the Tweet above]

The BBC et al always demand that we take in more and more immigrants…more are better for the economy, for diversity, for cheap plumbers and nannies for BBC grandees.  The BBC is a bit of an extremist when it comes to immigration as it campaigns for open borders and limitless immigration into the UK without regard to the real, rather than the imagined, effects that this will have upon the economy, society and the environment.

Ironically the Guardian, which also loves immigration, is headlining with this…

Want to fight climate change? Have fewer children

So fewer people is better for the environment.  Why then does the BBC et al keep on insisting we cram this country to the gunnels with more and more people, so many of them who don’t share our values and beliefs and, as we already see, are prepared to take up force to make their own culture the dominant one?

Crowded cities, crowded roads, landscapes that turn from green into concrete, schools packed, the NHS in crisis, housing shortages and massive prices, water shortages, pollution rising, energy use up, workers on the dole or on low wages, productivity down, violence, crime and drugs up.

What’s not to like about mass, uncontrolled immigration?

The environment is not just the green stuff…you should be able to walk the streets in safety and live your life as you always have done as a citizen of a free, liberal, democratic western state.  Can you now?

Also note the huge hypocirsy as the right-on Guardian attacks golden boy Macron for his comments on birth control…

Brand new Macron, same old colonialism

The French president’s casual slur against Francophone Africans over birth control bodes ill for a progressive French presidency. Plus ça chang.

France’s newly elected president, Emmanuel Macron, when asked in a press conference at the G20 summit in Hamburg why there was no Marshall plan for Africa, explained that Africa had “civilisational” problems. He added that part of the challenge facing the continent was the countries that “still have seven to eight children per woman”.

The condemnation online was swift and relentless.

As people have noted the Guardian has posted a picture of 3 very white babies and pointed the finger at the West for population overload…never mind the population in the West has been declining…hence the Guardian and BBC have been urging us to import a ready made population from African and Muslim countries.  The BBC and the Guardian cannot be trusted in the slightest to give us the real news when race and religion are involved, even as the war drums beat and there is blood on the streets they still try to silence those who see what is coming as what many call the invasion of Europe continues.


The BBC and Guardian…as read by Jihadis everywhere


The Guardian produced a cartoon image of the van used by the Finsbury Park attacker blaming the Sun and  the Mail for ‘radicalising’ the driver…

Image result for guardian daily mail van


Just the usual anti-Mail and Sun slurs that we come to expect….not just from the Guardian but the BBC also which never lets a day go by without some snide passing comment about the Mail and of course blaming the tone of the Right-Wing Press for stirring up hate and division.

The BBC and the Guardian have over the years mounted a sustained and violent media campaign against British troops, the security services, anti-terror legislation, the police, the government and of course against all those who would speak up against the Jihadi Islamist threat…including many Muslims.  They have done more to help radicalise Muslims and justify terrorism in the name of Islam, done to ‘protect’ Muslims and an Islam under attack from the West, than any other MSM or unofficial media sources…..the stamp of approval from two such ‘respected’ and credible news organisations must have been invauable to the Jihadi cause as the Muslim community saw their prejudices and conspiracy theories confirmed by these two news sources.  Trouble is the BBC narrative is entirely false, its history a lie, a very dangerous lie.  Even now it is still pumping out the Jihadi narrative of the West using, exploiting and destroying the Muslim world…The BBC’s latest history of the Middle East was a complete travesty, lie upon lie upon lie. And these lies have consequences….in places like Manchester, London Bridge, Westminster, 7/7, 9/11…not to mention in the Muslim world itself…where as is often said Muslims are the main victims.  But the consequences are far broader and more abstract than terrorist bombs and murders as the Media, politicians, authorities, education centres, legal system, workplaces and society as a whole appeases the Muslim community and adopts its Islamic practices in order to make Muslims feel part of society…Islamic State and its terrorists blow up their bombs in order to force Islam upon us…our answer…more Islam….we do exactly what the terrorists want…when we don’t, we get threats from ‘community leaders’ that Muslims will be angered, some will be radicalised and there may be bombs…instead of arresting these community leaders we give them money, positions in our political parties and favoured status…any wonder why many have no interest in stopping the terrorism whilst at the same time ‘condemning’ it?

Remember this letter ‘blackmailing’ the government to change foreign policy…Sadiq Khan was one of those who signed it…you know, Khan who thought those who helped the government in its anti-terror programme were ‘Uncle Toms’…the man  who is now Mayor of London…..

British Muslim groups have written to the prime minister calling for “urgent” changes to UK foreign policy.

In an open letter they say British policy is putting civilians at increased risk in the UK and abroad.

‘It is our view that current British government policy risks putting civilians at increased risk both in the UK and abroad.

To combat terror the government has focused extensively on domestic legislation. While some of this will have an impact, the government must not ignore the role of its foreign policy.
We urge the Prime Minister to redouble his efforts to tackle terror and extremism and change our foreign policy to show the world that we value the lives of civilians wherever they live and whatever their religion.  

Such a move would make us all safer.’

The Mail hit back with a full page editorial today slamming the Guardian as the real Fascists and manufacturers of hate and fake news…all accusations that could so readily be made about the BBC…

‘Fake news’, ‘fascist left’, ‘purveyors of hate’ – Daily Mail declares all-out war on The Guardian

The Daily Mail has launched its most savage ever editorial attack on long-time critic The Guardian accusing it of “fake news” and being a “purveyor of hatred”.

The excoriating attack appears to be a declaration of all-out war against its left-wing rival. It follows various pieces of Guardian coverage including one which compared the Daily Mail to an “open sewer” and a letter which said it was an “organ of hate speech”.

Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre appears to have been spurred into action by a Guardian cartoon which depicted the van which attacked mosque worshippers at Finsbury Park with the words: “Read Sun and the Daily Mail” on the side of it

In a comment piece headed: “Fake news, the fascist Left and the REAL purveyors of hatred” it said today: “..this week the Guardian published a cartoon so sick and disgusting – so deranged and offensive to the four million decent, humane and responsible people who read us – that we owe it to every one of them to lay to rest this malicious smear.”

It added: “The Guardian was telling its followers that the Daily Mail and its readers are vicious bigots with the blood of innocent, peace-loving Muslims on their hands.

“If this had been an isolated example of the Left’s bilious malice, we might have let it pass with nothing more than a shudder of revulsion…

“But this is far from a one-off insult to our readers, who – as should go without saying – were as horrified and appalled as the rest of the country by the Finsbury Park attack.”

It noted that earlier this month Guardian online columnist Sophie Heawood tweeted: “Genuinely excited for a future in which the Daily Mail readers are all dead.”

It also singled out Guardian writer Owen Jones who described the Daily Mail as an “open sewer” in March and complained about a Guardian readers’ letter which yesterday described the Mail as “the main organ of hate speech in Britain”.

It said: “For the Guardian’s editor to publish such deluded, defamatory nonsense – which in itself is a naked incitement to violence – speaks volumes about the hatred that drives this ‘voice of liberalism’.”

The Mail said it wouldn’t matter if The Guardian’s “infantile lies” were confined to the pages of a “little-read dying paper”.

“But in this age of social media, they are spread and amplified through the great distorting echo-chamber of the internet, where the mob really does rule…”

It said: “For the record – not that this matters to the fake news the Guardian creates about the Mail – this paper has always been against UKIP, so much so that Nigel Farage blamed as for his lack of electoral success.”

It also noted that Mail was against the wars in Iraq and Libya, was the first paper to condemn Guantanamo Bay and has consistently opposed UK involvement in torture.

It also noted that its campaign to bring the Stephen Lawrence murderers to justice “did more to improve race relations in this country than anything the Guardian has ever achieved”.

The leader accuses The Guardian of “criminally stupid business decisions” which have lost it hundreds of millions and says “in the name of sanctimony, what, when you handle your own affairs so badly, gives you the right to sit in judgment on other papers?”

And it says: “Your jaded product is addicted to subsidy and steeped in public sector mentality.”

It concludes: “The truth is that the Guardian and the fascist Left are the real purveyors of hate in this country.”

It also notes that Mail Online is a “totally separate entity” from the daily paper with “very different world view”.

Hitting back at a Guardian story that claimed controversial columnist Katie Hopkins wrote for the daily paper, the Daily Mail said: “That was a lie.

“The Guardian and its writer know that Ms Hopkins has nothing to do with the Daily Mail, but works for Mail Online – a totally separate entity that has its own publisher, its own readership, different content and a very different world view.

“The Guardian knows this because the Mail has told it countless times, but, hey, why let a little lie get in the way of a good smear?”

A Guardian spokesperson said: “Guardian journalism is based on principles of quality, trust, integrity and facts.”