The BBC’s Magna Charter

Curiously we’ve had two articles today, one from AA Gill and one from Janet Daley, both questioning the BBC’s right, self-appointed or otherwise, to use the news, current affairs and entertainment programmes as vehicles to manipulate the audience’s opinions and behaviour. Gill’s words have already been looked at here…but I reproduce them below for comparison…. Gill targets Danny Cohen as ‘a man of committed, right-on, social interventionist, politically precise principles.’ … Continue reading

Celebrating Diversity

  Trevor Phillips, in the Sunday Times (paywalled), tells us of the ‘stark warning of the passions that were being roused, even in this mild-mannered nation, by Britain’s growing ethnic and cultural frictions’. He tells us that he came to the conclusion that ‘whilst beautiful in theory, in practise multiculturalism had become a racket, in which self-styled community leaders bargained for control over local authority funds that would prop up … Continue reading

DeKlein And Fall

  Naomi Klein is female, left wing, anti-capitalist and now it seems, fully onboard the climate change bandwagon enlightening us all with her scientific expertise and sense of moral outrage….what’s not to like for the BBC? Indeed the BBC has leapt aboard the Naomi Klein bandwagon on the grand occassion of her latest publication being released into the wild (all monies going to a good cause no doubt). Klein is … Continue reading

The Good, The Bad And The Relative News

  A month ago the BBC was proclaiming that the Iranian Islamic revolution was a good thing for women….the BBC is rather too keen on promoting Iran’s interests for some reason….the BBC sees its job as an effort to combat and counter those who characterise Iran as a malevolent force in the world which aims to destroy Israel, arms and funds a variety of militias and terrorist groups and has … Continue reading


I was just having a look at the BBC Scotland news portal and noticed that the decision by SNP leader Nichola Sturgeon to stay away from the Afghanistan Memorial service in St Paul’s yesterday does not merit a mention. Thank god for the Daily Mail then. Given the number of brave Scottish soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice in Afghanistan fighting the savages in the Taliban, it does seem to me … Continue reading


It’s relentless.  The first of four missing London schoolgirls who have travelled to Syria has been named as Sharmeena Begum.  The 15-year-old, from Bethnal Green, is thought to have left the UK in December to join Islamic State (IS) militants. A picture of Sharmeena was given to the Daily Mail by her father, Mohammad Uddin. Three of her friends from Bethnal Green Academy, Amira Abase, 15, Shamima Begum, 15, Kadiza Sultana, 16, … Continue reading


Can I politely ask readers to try and not swear or engage in banal ad hominem on this site? It only brings the many great points made here into disrepute and allows our critics to have a go at the site? I am VERY keen on maintaining your right to free expression but please, think twice before you vent and go nuclear and so provide our opponents with free material … Continue reading

Petition to sack Jezza reaches 1000 in 10 months!

    Sack Jeremy Clarkson… working for truth and justice, a fairer society and a BBC that consists entirely of left wingy mush… Jeremy Clarkson has proved himself to be a deplorable man. His employment with the BBC is funded through licence fees paid by the general public. We the undersigned do not believe that a warning is sufficient recourse given Mr Clarkson’s previous discriminatory comments and given the public … Continue reading