Start the week 31 January 2022

Lord Grade is in line to be the new Chair of OFCOM . Good news? Surely he knows the group think of the BBC – which is shared by those ex BBC types who hide in OFCOM … and _ elsewhere-for those who like anniversaries – this day is the anniversary of the UK leaving the EU- so be sure the BBC will celebrate that ….

Start the Week 24 January 2022

Get ready – this may be the week when the BBC explodes over number 10 parties / gatherings as The Gray Report ( redacted )is published . it will be on the screens and radio and social media . Everywhere . Don’t worry about Ukraine- that’s nothing – or gas prices – it’s the Number 10 garden that matters …

Weekend 22 January 2022

Well- the increase in TV Licence Tax will be stopped at the current level for the next 2 years . At the same time there will be a ‘ discussion ‘ about the funding model for the BBC in the run up to the next charter review in 2027 . Wouldnt it be great if the publicly funded BBC ends then ?